space shrine

Chapter 236 A man with ulterior motives~

Chapter 236 A man with ulterior motives~
The two bodyguards felt that they were making a lot of money on duty today!Let them witness a good show with their own eyes!The big boss who is usually very polite to women and keeps a big distance, actually took the initiative to tease the woman around him, and tried every means to make her happy. This discovery made them extremely surprised.

Can't help but look back in the rear mirror of the car, ah!The president is staring at them!He quickly looked away, and turned on the sound insulation device tactfully and calmly.The salary of this job is very good, but you can't lose it just because you like to listen to gossip.

And one of them is a driver and the other is a bodyguard. They cannot watch comedy during their duties, otherwise they will easily lower their vigilance!
Knowing that he was being tricked, Qin Feng turned his head sullenly. Sure enough, Han Shengyi, whose head was resting next to her, had his handsome face lying between the arms on the back of the chair, his shoulders were shaking constantly, and he covered his face with one hand, trying hard Don't let yourself laugh out loud.

His hair brushed her cheek inadvertently, Qin Feng tried his best to move away from this intimate gesture, and continued to glar at the man who was playing tricks on him.

Qin Feng's resentful gaze made Han Shengyi raise his head uncontrollably. He was rendered more dazzling by the gorgeous smile, and he managed to hold back the smile. After wiping his face twice, he finally returned to normal.

"Sorry, sorry! In fact, the reason why the man didn't die was entirely because the firefighters below were ready, and the police went up to arrest those people! There are no spider spirits!" He said seriously, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Qin Feng was depressed, she didn't know how to deal with the man who was joking with her, so she could only stare at him with her lips tightly pressed and unhappy.

"Ahem, don't be angry! I won't tease you anymore. Here, look, the gallery over there called 'Paul I' is very famous in our country H, and it has collected masterpieces by famous artists from all over the world. Let me take you to see it. I heard that there was once a couple of painters who killed each other in order to get into a display space in the gallery! Alas, in the end, both sides lost and got nothing!"

The man looked puzzled, shook his head and sighed while looking out the window.

Qin Feng looked at his expression carefully, and half-believingly glanced at the slowly passing building outside the window, "Really?" The doubtful eyes and the delicate brows raised into a figure-eight shape made Han Shengyi feel like laughing. Filled with incomprehensible gentle throbbing.

He has already put the fact that she is an expert in the world behind him, and at this moment he only sees a simple and unsophisticated woman!Ordinary appearance, calm temperament, matched with the elegant clothes on her body, she exudes a peaceful affinity, making people involuntarily approach her, and erase the frustration between her brows.

The man with ulterior motives nodded affirmatively to her, and then solemnly introduced her to local buildings with legendary stories, "And that..."

There are so many allusions, which made Qin Feng very puzzled. Could it be that the buildings in country H were built according to legends?Not to mention, it's pretty creative!

The sense of distance between the two has disappeared at some point, the two heads are very close, one speaks charmingly and vividly in H language, the other listens attentively and looks in amazement, and also expresses a few words in Huaxia language by the way Testimonials...

A man and a woman, two voices and languages ​​with different timbres, the man's voice implied a ray of tenderness, the woman's response was straightforward and innocent, and she had no doubts about what the man said.

While the woman was paying attention to the scenery outside the window, the man's beautiful shining eyes swept over her head. From her side face, she could still see the faintly gloomy eyebrows and eyes, her fair neck with scars... and The faint scent of fragrance on his body made him feel in a trance.

When the woman turned her head, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by bright eyes and a hearty smile, and he continued to introduce her like an ordinary friend.After distracting her attention, he looked at her again... Sensitively aware of her resistance to his approach, he instinctively withdrew his enthusiasm for her.

Like a young middle school student meeting someone he likes for the first time, trying to make her happy, but not daring to let her know!As if as long as she was happy, he could be happier than her!
The driver in the front seat, because their great president wanted to tell his woman a story, so the car drove slowly and wisely.It takes two hours to return to the holy city from this city, and it is better to take the high speed.The problem is that they haven't reached the highway yet, and they are still driving at a slow speed in the urban area.

After listening to a long series of stories, when Qin Feng frowned and complained about so many tragic tragedies, he found that the handsome guy Han was propping his head up with a half-smile, looking at her with fixed eyes.

"What's the matter?" When Qin Feng saw it, he put his hands on his face subconsciously. Could it be that he was still red?She twisted her face away uncomfortably.

Han Shengyi pinched her chin with two fingers to prevent her from turning away, and stroked the scar on her chin with the other three fingers. His charming thin lips parted slightly, "Does it still hurt?"

Qin Feng shook his head quickly, "It doesn't hurt! These scars will heal soon, don't worry." With a twist of his jaw, he freed his weak fingers.

She has almost no resistance to the person she likes, especially if the other person is a handsome guy!But she has never been so close to a man!So his ambiguous actions put her under a lot of pressure in an instant, and her scalp tingled for a while, the hair roots on the top of her head must have stood up!

When a man pinches his chin, just watch it on TV.After experiencing it personally, she felt that she was very weak!She doesn't like the posture of her little woman!She has always been strong and independent, a woman who can walk side by side with men of the same class!
As for the high class... She moved away slightly again, unknowingly they got too close.

Han Sheng didn't mind her actions, and just stared at her with a smile.Being able to relive the joy of many years ago made his mood always sunny and full of joy.

Qin Feng was extremely uncomfortable being looked at by his scorching eyes, and looked out the car window, and found that the car was driving towards a resplendent and incomparably luxurious hotel.

"Where are we going? Shouldn't we be going back? You have a social event here?" Qin Feng asked, this kind of occasion is not suitable for her.

Han Shengyi glanced outside the car, "You haven't eaten all day, the vegetarian dishes here are good, let's go eat some."

"Eat? Is it just for this?" Qin Feng asked in surprise, feeling a little moved.

Seeing him nodding, she smiled lightly, "Then go back! I don't like eating outside." The noisy crowd can always make her feel irritable!She couldn't help but think of a certain scene... A glint of darkness inadvertently flashed in her eyes.

Han Shengyi, who had a panoramic view of her expression, frowned slightly, moved his fingers slightly, and said nothing.He whispered something to the walkie-talkie next to him, go back!

Then the car turned around and continued to drive towards the road, this time the speed picked up.

"Are you really my fan? Qin Feng?" At this time, Han Shengyi used a very suspicious tone to break the depressive atmosphere in the car's silence.

Qin Feng raised his head and looked at him blankly, not understanding why he suddenly raised this question.

"what do you like about me?"

"Appearance!" Qin Feng snapped his fingers and snapped out an answer, the darkness in his eyes slowly disappeared.

Han Sheng's eyes were full of disappointment, "I think so too!" He stared at her unwillingly, "Don't you ever care about my acting skills? You usually just stare at the posters on the road and are fascinated by me? Doesn't it mean that if you like someone, you will like it?" Is it all about him? Why don't you read my work?" That's the crystallization of his blood and sweat!Die-hard fans too!Doodle sticks don't even count.

"How do you know I haven't read your work?" Qin Feng was surprised, she was sure she hadn't said it.

"The stories about the building just now are all about my TV dramas and movies! How many of my works have you seen? You are a huge fan! A fan who doesn't care about idols! I am so disappointed!" Han Shengyi teased Looking at her carefully, a smile danced between his brows and eyes.

"Oh, you're talking about me! I'm a member of the Appearance Association! And I've seen one of your works~!" Qin Feng tried to distinguish for himself.

"Which one?" Han Shengyi felt a little uncomfortable.

"Falling in love with the vixen!" Qin Feng said seriously.She loves ghost stories, and now she's one of them herself.

"Oh my god! What do you think of that..." Han Shengyi stroked his forehead and closed his eyes, his mood plummeted to the bottom, and his brows frowned, "That's my most failed work!"

Most of his male and female fans are attracted by that drama!As a result, he was called the most beautiful puppet in the world!Shame!shame!That character is obviously a male vixen!The attire is the ancient costume of China, why is it called a mother? !unacceptable!

So in the past few years, he has been directing the fighting scene, trying to wash away the strong response brought by that scene.

Although he became more famous for that play, he would rather not have done it!She actually saw it!shameful!
"Failure? No way! I think that movie is your best one! Your other works are too dark. Life is always dark. If I don't watch something bright, I will die! That movie of yours is too dark. I watched it again and again, until too many things happened in recent years, so I stopped watching it." Qin Feng said happily.

When Han Sheng heard it, his depressed mood and the gloom on his face instantly disappeared, as if his whole body was surrounded by a bright light cluster, and he felt light...

"Really? Have you watched it all the time? Is it that good?" For the first time, I felt that the drama was so important!

"Of course! Deya (the name of the male vixen) has a handsome appearance, elegant and unique temperament, and a slender figure. And the smile he showed when he looked at the heroine was as soft as a spring breeze blowing across the lake, flashing blind It blows into the titanium alloy eyes of us bystanders, and blows into the iron-cast hearts of people..."

This was followed by a long string of compliments that were rare in the world, which made the best actor next to him very happy.

"In a word! I like Deya's affection and dedication! And I have been looking for my other half with him as my goal!" Speaking of this, the woman who was still indulging in the beautiful longing brought to her by the TV series just now suddenly turned pale. collapsed, "So I was left behind! It turns out that men with that kind of temperament can only be found on TV!"

She doesn't demand the other person's appearance, but it's still hard to find!Even if there is, she is too late, there is already a little bird-like woman standing beside the other party!
Alas, Qin Feng let out a long sigh, and stared listlessly out of the window in a daze.She is already 38 this year?If it is an ordinary person, it should be full of wrinkles by now, right?The pessimistic mood made her think of death.

Hearing that Han Shengyi secretly laughed in his heart, it's good!But there was a solemn oh on his face, and then he said: "It sounds like I caused you to be left behind. To express my apology, you can stay in my house until the injury recovers! Stay as long as you like!"

This is his purpose today!Since meeting her, he found that she had separated a large distance between the two of them, which made him very unhappy.

Having said so much, it was just to make the relationship between the two of them familiar.In order to find out why she left, and to allow her to live in his home to recover from her injuries, she must dispel the idea of ​​leaving without saying goodbye in the future!
It’s better to be in another city this time, even if it’s crossing the border, it’s not too difficult, if it’s an alien planet next time, he’ll have a headache!Today's aviation technology is not sound enough ... alas, nerve-wracking!

(End of this chapter)

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