space shrine

Chapter 237 Be Coaxed Chapter Here Comes

Chapter 237 Coaxed Back

"Huh?" The topic he suddenly changed was stunned for a moment, and then the smart woman realized that he was not asking for an explanation for her reluctance this morning.

"Why did you leave? Don't tell us anything." Han Sheng asked her directly when he saw that she understood.

"Isn't this afraid of trouble for you? To you, I am also a stranger." Qin Feng said frankly.

"Stranger? Is that how you see it? Who is Xiao Bin to you? Who is I to you?" Han Shengyi was a little unhappy.

"Although Xiaobin is my apprentice, as a master, it's fine if I don't think about him. Wouldn't it be too much to bother him? And you are just my idol, let alone..."

Han Shengyi raised his eyebrows slightly, "What kind of logic is that? Isn't it natural for apprentices to respect their master? Also, I don't mind my manager bringing his family to stay! This is the treatment he deserves. In order to protect me, He paid a lot!"

"Besides, do you think the relationship between us is just an idol-fan relationship?" Han Shengyi looked at her intently, not letting go of the slightest change on her face.

"Uh... isn't it?" The alarm bell in Qin Feng's heart immediately sounded, and his whole body put on a guarded look, looking at him cautiously.Isn't he bent?Or is it straight? !But these are not important.

The important thing is that in her heart, Han Shengyi has always been a superior existence.Even though she is so close at this moment, deep down in her heart, she still puts him on the altar in the sky, which will always be unattainable.

Having a little love for him can raise your mood, but it is not appropriate to get in touch with him deeply, otherwise she will be responsible for any bad consequences in the future, and people will say that she is a toad who wants to eat swan meat!She didn't want to make that kind of low-level mistake.

In the final analysis, Qin Feng is actually a timid woman with a serious sense of inferiority due to frequent encounters with unkind people.To her, friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.If you have a deep friendship, that is the beginning of demise.

This was true of her former friends, and so was Qian Linglong.Even Zhao Baihe, Qin Feng dare not look for her now, fearing that she is another Qian Linglong.

Looking at this woman who has always been gentle, elegant and approachable in front of him, she immediately put up spikes all over her body at him because of what she said, and her eyes flashed with guard, like a cat that is always alert with its paws. Son, Han Shengyi couldn't help but feel angry and funny.

"Of course not! How can we count it as friends? Can I do something like stand by and watch a friend in distress? You don't understand me too much!" He squinted at her, eyes as dark as midnight There was a hint of cunning in his eyes, and the corners of some of his eyes looked like a smile but not a smile, which made people flustered.

"Oh? Is that so?" Qin Feng was still wary of his words, and she honestly showed her disbelief.

"What else?" Han Shengyi suddenly approached her, put one hand on the back of the chair behind her, bent her, and pulled her into his arms that had been waiting for a long time. He murmured in his ear, "Or, you don't want to just be friends?"

"Fart! Just be friends! Friends are very good!" Qin Feng's ears felt hot, and he immediately pushed his hand, hoping to push him away from his strong chest.

"Aren't you leaving in the future?" The motionless man looked down at her with a smile and continued to ask.

"Don't go!" Pushing hard, the hand that was pressing on the opponent's chest muscle was a little weak from the heat.

TLLD!Drink spiritual milk, spiritual spring and spiritual juice when you go back, and restore your spiritual power as soon as possible!Dare to slap him flying again!
"I warn you, if you come closer, you won't even be friends!" It's unbearable!Qin Feng yelled with brows upright, his face was hot.

Han Shengyi, who had finally achieved his goal, had eyes full of smiles, his lips curled up in a charming arc, and his muscular body leaned aside once again following her push and push.The casual posture is elegant and leisurely, naturally exuding the nobility of a king, and it is completely different from the rogue-like appearance just now.

Casting a glance at him, the woman who was sitting on the other side trying to regain her composure, as calm as an orchid in an empty valley, sighed helplessly, she was indeed very soft-hearted!

The three cars drove into the manor one by one, and then entered the holy city.

The security personnel, who were hiding in the dark and were preparing to apologize like the island nation, stared at the car under the monitor without blinking, watched the door open, a cat jumped out, the president came out, and the ability group The team leader came out, and then... the chairman stood by the car door, gently led a woman in a skirt, and walked out slowly——

"Go, re-check the surveillance this morning! How did she slip out? Such an obvious target, you didn't see any of them? Are you just eating?!"

The director of the security of the manor pointed at the dejected subordinates in the secret monitoring room and cursed, and directed everyone to continue to find the reason why the other party left quietly.

If there is a next time, he can do seppuku too!I am ashamed of my ancestors!The other party is still a severely injured person who can't move quickly!How embarrassing is he!He didn't dare to claim the lucrative salary this month~!no face...

Besides, after Qin Feng was coaxed and coaxed back to the holy city by Han Shengyi, the dinner table in the afternoon was already filled with delicious vegetarian dishes waiting for her to come back.

It was still Yu Shuang who was serving her the bowls and chopsticks, and she stood aside with indifference on the outside but panic in her heart.

Her guardian mission failed!I don't know what kind of punishment awaits her.His heart was trembling, but his body was standing beside Qin Feng as straight as a green pine, waiting for him.

The several vegetarian dishes on the table are full of color, fragrance and taste. There are marinated vegetarian chicken, vegetarian fried mushrooms, Luo Hanzhai and other well-known Chinese vegetarian dishes. There is also a cup of rare vegetarian bird's nest and a very attractive-looking vegetarian borscht. .

"..." Facing the big table of dishes, Qin Feng stood by the table silently, and seeing Yu Shuang standing behind him, he said, "Shuang, take any two dishes into my room."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and wanted to go back to the room.Yu Shuang just wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Han Shengyi.

He grabbed Qin Feng and asked in amazement, "Why do you want to go back to the room?" Did someone show her face?This is the truth about her leaving?Displeased eyes began to scan the staff standing in the hall.

Everyone immediately stood upright, with their heads lowered, not daring to take a breath.

But Qin Feng smiled slightly, "This place is too big, there are too many people, it's uncomfortable to eat. I still prefer to go back to my room to eat by myself, it's quiet enough."

"That's right!" Han Shengyi waved to the people standing around after hearing this.In a blink of an eye, only Xiao Bin and Yu Shuang were left in the huge living room.

Qin Feng was silent again, looked at the spacious living room, and then at the handsome guy Han behind him who was helping her pull the chair with a smile, and sat down helplessly.

At this time, Xiao Bin couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward to ask Qin Feng, "Master, why did you leave? Isn't it good to live here?" Enough, you two, how long are you going to ignore him?

Qin Feng was taken aback, then remembered the trouble he had caused him, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I just don't want to trouble you!"

"I'm your apprentice! How can you say it's troublesome? Could it be that," Xiao Bin squinted at her rudely, "Actually, you still don't want to admit me?" His tone was very hurt.She has a criminal record!This possibility is extremely high.

"How could it be?" Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh, "If you don't admit it, I will leave during my coma!" Don't think that she can mess around when she is asleep!Confused spiritual consciousness is more lethal to the attacks of strangers approaching her.

In this way, the matter of Qin Feng leaving for the first time came to an end.After returning that day, her weak body allowed her to sleep for a whole day.

And after that day, Han Shengyi, who was determined not to come back, came back here to report as soon as he finished his work.Of course, he didn't dare to make it so obvious, saying that he came back to cultivate his self-cultivation, but in fact he didn't want that cat-sensitive woman to raise her sharp spikes and claws at him again, so he only dared to create a scene of chance encounters.

The relationship of ordinary friends made her feel very at ease. When facing him, she had a natural attitude and relaxed conversation.When they met in the study room by chance, the two chatted all over the world, citing scriptures and talking endlessly. He was often amused by her inadvertently ignorant expression, and was also attracted by her unique insights into things.

Since she is weak and doesn't like to go out, she loves to stay in his spacious study.

Although Han Shengyi gave her a card and asked her to buy whatever she liked when she went out, and said it was Xiaobin's salary card, it didn't arouse her interest in shopping at all.There is nothing lacking for living here, what the hell does she need money for?This is how she answered Han Shengyi.

Facing her contemptuous expression, Han Shengyi was depressed for a long time alone.That's his card!How many women want it but can't get it, but what is the disgust on her face?Could it be that this is the so-called lofty integrity of an outsider?

She has a strong desire for knowledge, and she has a thorough understanding of many classic books from the sidelines, but her previous status has limited her knowledge of the present world.Sometimes I don't understand the meaning of what he said, or I don't understand what he said.Although he was happy to explain it to her, he found her distressed by it.

Every time after he left, she looked through the books and searched on the Internet. After finding the answer, she would sit at the desk with satisfaction, her hand resting on her chin, with a contented and cheerful expression on her face, sitting there alone. Enjoy yourself.

This is what he saw inadvertently.He has to admit that he has a bad heart. After discovering this interesting scene, he often talks about topics she doesn't understand, then pretends to leave, and then stands quietly by the door, watching her eagerly looking for books or lying on the computer with a smile. looking for an answer.

That kind of demeanor made him repeatedly have a desire to hold her in his arms, and then kiss her face with a cheerful smile.But he dare not!He was afraid of scaring her and making him depressed to death!Once, because the impulse was so strong, he dared not come back to see her until he calmed down completely for a week.

Today is another day when he returns to the company to deal with tedious business affairs.Buried for a day by mountains of documents, Han Shengyi felt that he was finally able to come back alive, and felt that he urgently needed comfort.

Hearing that she was hiding in the study room again, she quietly came to the door of the study room again, and sure enough, she saw that slender figure sitting quietly in the old seat, and she looked very peaceful and peaceful as she read the books seriously.

 Sorry~!Today is slow ~ all kinds of cards!So late!Because I didn't expect it, it's too late to remind!Next time Chapter 2 has not been uploaded after ten o'clock, so everyone will wait... If there is only one chapter, Zhuye will remind you!Please bear with me!Thank you~

(End of this chapter)

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