space shrine

Chapter 238 Hatred Transfer

Chapter 238 Hatred Transfer
He was absent-minded for a while, and touched the door slightly, and the slight noise alarmed the woman in the study.She raised her head and was stunned when she found Han Shengyi, then smiled, "Shengyi? You're back!"

With a shallow smile, a soft and soothing atmosphere rose up in the quiet room, and it hit him head-on, as if being pulled by countless pairs of gentle little pairs, the man standing at the door walked involuntarily.Coming to her side, he bent down and kissed her doubtful forehead lightly.

"Well, I'm back!" The warm scene that had been imagined countless times appeared in front of his eyes, and Han Shengyi couldn't help doing the action he had always wanted to do, and then dragged a chair and sat down beside her.

But seeing her stunned face, Han Shengyi immediately came back to his senses, only then did he realize that his actions were too unreasonable!

"Ah!~" Han Shengyi cried out in distress, rubbing his face with his hands desperately, "I'm sorry, I can't tell the difference, I thought I was on the set." He tried his best to fix it~!

This phenomenon has been heard before, and Qin Feng immediately accepted his explanation.I used to read gossip magazines when I was bored. Those artists had to devote themselves fully to the filming, and it was still difficult to get out of the role after the filming was over.

It seems that Han Shengyi is also in this situation now!She looked at him with pity.I heard that there are some actors who are too involved in shooting horror films, which leads to psychological problems. I hope he will not encounter such a thing.

"Are you okay? Did you eat? You look tired." Qin Feng said with concern.

Han Sheng, who pretended to be annoyed and rubbed his face, beat her up with one hand. This woman is too easy to deceive, right? !It's not his style to work against his own good, though.

He raised his head with a tired face, "I haven't had time to eat yet, let's eat together?"

"But I just ate." Her diet is very regular.

Han Shengyi was slightly disappointed, and smiled reluctantly at her, "Oh, Xiao Bin also said that he had eaten. You are right, this house is a bit bigger..." His whole body was surrounded by loneliness, emptiness and cold depression, Listlessly planning to go out to a restaurant for dinner.

Feeling the woman behind him standing up, she walked over slowly and walked side by side with him, "Then I'll eat some too, I'll eat too little tonight, I'll be hungry in the middle of the night." Poor man~!The other party had the upper hand in her special place in her heart, so she decided to have some food with him.

"Okay, I'm very happy that you can accompany me." Han Shengyi showed a happy expression on his tired face!To match her speed, he slowed down and walked side by side with her.When he came to the door, he naturally stepped aside and let her go first.His movements are elegant and indifferent, showing his gentlemanly demeanor and charm.

Qin Feng was not hypocritical, he raised his face and smiled at him, his light figure drifting past.She didn't notice the surprise and tenderness that couldn't be concealed flashed in the eyes of the man behind her.

The two walked out of the study together, and then went to the restaurant.There were still only the two of them in the restaurant. Under Han Shengyi's ingenious guidance, the two of them seemed to have endless conversations, and whispers of laughter kept coming from the restaurant.

Let Xiao Bin, who was about to enter the training room, stop, quietly looked at the dining room, and had a clear view of the harmonious coexistence of the two people inside.

Naturally, Xiao Bin would not run in blindly to act as a light bulb for the gods and ghosts. In fact, since Qin Feng was brought back by Han Sheng, as long as the two of them were together, he never appeared.Go to Han Shengyi alone for official business, and go to Qin Feng alone for learning art.

When those two were together, if he dared to show up, he would be courting death!Han Shengyi's eyes that deducted his salary, made him work overtime to death, and transferred him to the Sahara Desert to raise goldfish made his whole body shudder.

"Hmph, before we met, the two of us were always inseparable. Once we met, we looked like conjoined twins, and pretended that nothing happened! Really! No matter what happened, we would gossip... ..."

For the warm and sweet scene in the restaurant, Xiao Bin absolutely refused to admit that his heart was full of envy, jealousy and hatred, he just put on a face of contempt and helplessness, then shook his head talking to himself, turned and left.

Before leaving, he called out Yu Shuang who had been guarding the door of the restaurant.Ever since this woman knew that she would not be punished for Qin Feng's disappearance, she felt less air-conditioned and more popular.

"Shuang, how is Master recently? Has there been any special behavior?" Outside the holy city, Xiao Bin asked Yu Shuang with a solemn expression.

Yu Shuang shook her head, "I didn't find anything wrong, she was very quiet, except eating and sleeping and reading, and walking around in the holy city, there was nothing unusual."

"Then she and my brother, uh, to what extent have they developed?" Once he came back, he only ate and practiced, so he didn't have the opportunity to secretly observe the performance of the two of them.Brother usually refuses to tell him, but when he asks, he just smiles.

He is definitely not gossip Oh, that matter is very important!real!It is about brother's lifelong happiness and the future stability and stability of the holy city. This kind of thing must be asked.

Yu Shuang glanced at the excited eyes of her boss, which were full of gossip, a smile flashed across her heart, and she lowered her head quietly and said, "It's the same as usual, just like tonight." Pure friendship chat .

As she expected, the superior looked disappointed, "What's the matter? Brother's speed is too slow, right? Don't attack my master before his spiritual power recovers, and wait for her to recover? It's too stupid! By then Definitely won't get a single hair out of her."

Don't think he can't see it, Han Shengyi is more affectionate than Master.In terms of feelings, whoever uses love first will suffer the worst!
These two people had a very close relationship with him, and it was not what he wanted to see either party being hurt.However, Master's situation is worrying...

"My master often walks around alone?" He looked like a wandering spirit, and his face was still very bad, and his eyes were cold and terrifying.Once he met her after practicing in the middle of the night, and almost beheaded her as a ghost!
At that time, she didn't even glance at him, she only told Mao Qiu to teach him a lesson, and left without expression.

This is also the cause of his uneasiness!The master, who is as gentle as a spring breeze on the surface, seems to have a demon——

"Well, although the president disturbs her from time to time, after all, she can't stay here often, so most of the time she is always alone, and she doesn't want to talk to others, either reading or in a daze." Yu Shuang answered honestly.

"Then have you noticed that her attitude towards my brother is much better than before?" Xiao Bin asked unwillingly.Brother is a character who fascinates all beings, regardless of his appearance, personality, character, etc., he is irresistible, and Master is obviously the same, but why can't the gloom in her eyes disappear?Is it related to her injury this time?
"As usual." Yu Shuang reported truthfully.

Xiao Bin walked back and forth impatiently, what should I do?Heart disease still needs heart medicine, but he didn't even have the courage to ask her, what to seek for a doctor?
Han Shengyi also said, let him leave it alone and continue to pretend that he doesn't know anything.But how can this make him feel at ease?In case something happened, it would be his two equally important people who would be injured!Can he ignore it?
Suddenly seeing Yu Shuang who hesitated to speak, Xiao Bin said impatiently, "If you have something to say, don't hide it."

"If you really can't find the root cause, you can try to transfer hatred."

"The transfer of hatred?" Xiao Bin was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, "You mean, do another thing that makes her hate it even more?" He will die!With her powerful ability, he dares to guarantee with his head that he will never see the sun the next day!
"It can also be her favorite thing! You can hate as much as you love. Hate cannot cover up the love behind it, but love can eliminate hate!"

yeah?Yes!Xiao Bin's eyes suddenly brightened, and he felt that the darkness in front of him began to appear bright.

"It just so happens that she and brother are in love with each other, so let brother take the lead! He will definitely do it." No wonder he told himself to ignore it, it turned out that he had this idea early in the morning!
Xiao Bin's face is full of relief, can he sit back and relax?Can you?In order to practice the ability to block teleportation, he didn't even have the time to stand outside the training room to catch his breath recently.

But Yu Shuang looked at him with pity, and regretfully said, "I'm afraid it's not working yet!"

The bubble of fantasy was ruthlessly burst, and Xiao Bin suddenly collapsed, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Alas, preventing rats, wolves and perverts is not so tiring!Master's teleportation is currently his biggest headache.

Since being brought back by Han Sheng for the first time, Qin Feng actually went out three times after that, only taking the cat with him.When the security personnel were about to collapse and the ability team members were on their backs, she came back from the door, following the accomplice cat at her feet.

That kind of leisurely posture, as if she just came back from walking the cat outside.

Faced with all kinds of chaos caused by her, she said slightly stunned, "I told Sheng Yi, go out for a walk and come back."

The director of security asked with a miserable face, "Because of my age, can you tell me where did you get out?" Regardless of whether she had reported to someone, he just wanted to know Where are the loopholes in the system.

Qin Feng looked at a man who was only in his 40s but a lot of age who suddenly appeared, and said, "It's too slow to go out from my room by car." This time she went to several nearby cities If possible, it would be nice to be able to harm the world by the way.

Unfortunately, her luck did not improve because she was struck by lightning.I don't know if it's because of the broad daylight, or the fierce eyes of the cat in my arms (the hairball is wronged, it closes its eyes the whole time~), facing a single woman who is weak and easy to push down like her, I haven't met a single woman who is right for her. She has evil intentions!This phenomenon is very unscientific!
However, because she was in a good mood, she never thought about going to those remote and dark places, and sometimes she would make a detour.

There is still hatred in my heart, but it seems not so strong!Yep, hate is tiring!Qin Feng thought casually.I didn't try to avoid it, and I didn't pay much attention to it.

After the security director got this answer, he was clamped by the supernatural team members from left to right!Because he lost his mind and yelled, "Check around the room and make sure to block the exit!"

"..." Everyone was silent, thinking together in their hearts, this person has finally been driven crazy!
Later, it was Xiaobin who came out and explained, so that he could reluctantly accept the weird movement of teleportation.At the same time, Xiaobin earnestly persuaded her master to let her keep a low profile when going out and going out, and it is safest to go out by car!

So Qin Feng reduced going out, she thought, going out is useless, with her current state, she can't harm the world!

However, recently, under the influence of the director of security's belief in not believing in evil, Xiaobin also began to study the shortcomings of teleportation, hoping to find a habit that can effectively prevent Master from going out without authorization, and can also keep track of her whereabouts at any time.

Because he could see that the person he guarded, Han Shengyi, was sinking deeply in the swamp of emotions, and he was stepping deeper and deeper!In case she disappears without a trace again, even if his aunt comes, he may not be able to suppress Han Shengyi's rampage.

 Continue with various cards today~~ After learning from the pain, I decided that there will only be one update today!Everyone waited.terribly sorry……

(End of this chapter)

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