space shrine

Chapter 239 Horror Dream~

Chapter 239 Horror Dream~

Alas, Xiao Bin felt that he was going to be exhausted physically and mentally!Is it right or wrong to bring these two together?But it is too late to say this now, one party has already fallen into it.

And his indifferent master, although he often showed his fascination with Han Shengyi, but all bystanders could see that in this swamp, Han Shengyi devoted himself wholeheartedly, and she was still sitting on the shore watching him laughing. , there is no meaning to invest in it at all.

And when she turned around, an inexplicable gloom immediately occupied her whole body.The thin figure sitting alone and quietly, the slightly cold eyes, and the half-smile expression on his face make people shudder.

Xiaobin once warned Han Shengyi, and Han Shengyi also said he would pay attention.It can be seen that he couldn't help running home eagerly, the gentle eyes when he saw her, and the smile on his face every time he mentioned her, it has proved that he can't get out at all.

Therefore, he can only start from the master.

He is not trying to deal with her, but to prevent problems before they happen.The high-end skill of teleportation cannot be cracked, but after he inquired about it, Qin Feng told him that there is a way to temporarily block teleportation, but the user must have strong spiritual power and deep cultivation.

Don't think about three-legged cats like Xiao Bin for the time being, so as not to spoil your brain, Qin Feng said lightly at that time.

It caused Xiao Bin's face to turn black again and again, no matter what, as long as there is perseverance, the iron pillar will be ground into a needle!He tortured Qin Feng to teach him, and then Qin Feng taught him generously.

At that time, she also said to him with a half-smile, "Very good. Learn whatever you want, and work hard! You will succeed."

He got the master's praise and walked away naturally. What he didn't see was that Qin Feng behind him raised his eyebrows slightly at his back, and said softly, "Want to catch me? You are still tender. Eat the inside out Brat!"

She is the only one here who knows how to teleport, and even Xiaobin hasn't learned it yet.If you are so eager to learn the blockade method, there is no other use for it except to deal with her.

However, she will not discourage the apprentice's eagerness to learn, so let him go about it!She can preach, so naturally she is not afraid of him learning.

In the Holy City, Han Sheng had a meal and chatted with Qin Feng for a while, then he went back to his study and continued to work.He brought back the company's affairs, too much!So he hates going back to the company, there are so many things that he doesn't even have time to hang himself, and he has to work overtime when he comes back.

He is sure that the company's gang is punishing him, otherwise how can the big boss of the company be so hard-working?If Qin Feng hadn't been here, he would have continued to serve the people in the company until he died.

Qin Feng went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea, and put chrysanthemums, red dates, wolfberry and longan in it.She originally wanted to make her favorite jasmine tea, but after thinking about it, she decided to make this tea, which has the effect of refreshing the mind, clearing the liver and improving eyesight.Chrysanthemum can also make people relax, suitable for people who work late at night.

It felt like I was back in the hut, and no one interfered with what I was doing.So recently she has resumed her old habit of making food for herself, except for dinner.

In the study, a cup of coffee was placed beside Han Shengyi's table, and a small tray was placed beside Qin Feng's desk. On the tray was a pot of scented scented tea, and there were two glasses beside it.She uses one for herself and leaves the other empty.

As soon as Han Sheng smelled the scent of flowers, he couldn't help but look up at her, and immediately noticed the extra cup, his heart moved, "Pour me a cup?"

Qin Feng looked up at him, "Okay." He poured scented tea into the empty cup casually.If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move, and if you don't like drinking, I will never force it. This is her attitude!

With a smile on the corner of Han Shengyi's mouth, he watched this scene calmly.

There is no sugar in the scented tea, it is all due to the sweetness of the three red dates and a few longan. The fragrance of chrysanthemum is very strong and it smells very comfortable.He took a couple of sips, then kept drinking it.As for the cold cup of coffee next to it, Qin Feng who was going to the kitchen took it out and poured it.

The two of them drank a small pot of scented tea, and soon finished it unconsciously.Qin Feng is responsible for adding water, who told her to be the most idle.

The study was very quiet. After an unknown amount of time, Qin Feng was tired from reading, so he raised his eyes to look at Han Shengyi who was opposite him.

It is said that a man who is serious and dedicated to work is the most attractive!Han Shengyi is naturally a leader, and the white home clothes make him look taller and more handsome.

He, who always had a playful smile on her face, rested his elbows on the table with a cold expression, half-covered his lips and chin with his slender fingers, and kept moving the mouse with one hand.Occasionally flip through the document in front of you, pick up a pen and write a few lines on the document, and then return your attention to the computer.

She had never seen Han Shengyi with such an expression. Although he lost his usual smile, he fascinated her even more.She simply put down the book, lay on the table and stared at him without blinking.

Sensing her gaze, a smile flashed across the eyes of the man who was concentrating on his work while staring at the computer, and his thin lips covered by his hands slightly raised.After clicking a few times on the computer, he turned his head, and the curves of his handsome facial features were extremely soft, sweeping away the indifference just now.

"Is it good-looking? Are you fascinated by me?"

"I've been fascinated by you for a long time." Qin Feng, whose chin was still resting on the table, said, "But you look even better at work!" Following the voice, her jet-black head shook, which seriously interfered with her desire for beauty. Without looking at him, he simply put his hands on the table and put his chin on the table.Well, the line of sight is much more stable!
"You should pay more attention to my heart, not my appearance!" He smiled at her with his long and narrow eyes slightly curved.

"Hee hee..." Qin Feng didn't answer, the consequences of taking up this topic are very dangerous, she should continue to look at her appearance, so that it can last.After thinking about it, the woman who was very satisfied with her little idea snickered in her heart, pursed her lips tightly, and narrowed her brows and eyes like a crescent moon.It's like a cat that has succeeded in stealing, hiding aside and having fun secretly.

Han Sheng, who was staring at her, darkened a little, and suddenly stood up and walked towards her. His slender body bent down across the desk, and on top of Qin Feng's raised head in astonishment, he stroked her black hair and kissed her. for a moment.

"Hey, it's late, go back to sleep! You're seriously disturbing my work here." He said to her in an unusually gentle tone, staring at her with deep and distant eyes, like a bottomless lake It's tempting to indulge in it.

When the alarm sounded, Qin Feng stood up in a panic, "Oh good! I'm sorry, then I'm going to sleep." After speaking, he pushed away the chair and rushed towards the door like a gust of wind, even forgetting to clean up the tea set on the table.

Han Shengyi's smile became stronger, and he stared at her leaving back until he disappeared at the door and returned to the computer to continue his tedious work tonight.

He knew that in this emotional battle zone, he was not the only one singing a one-man show!That woman just refuses to face it, but sooner or later she will make her face up to his existence...

Around three o'clock in the morning, the night was clear, and the cold moonlight swayed down, covering the sleeping earth with a thin layer of white gauze.

A ghostly figure floated out of a room.

Qin Feng tied his long hair casually and wore an ankle-length white dress. He left the holy city and wandered around the manor.Yu Shuang followed closely behind her, but still said nothing.Neither stopped her nor let her walk around alone.

In the security office on duty in the dark, all the staff on duty are on standby, each pair of eyes is staring at the monitoring system like a searchlight.Watching the woman swim out of the holy city as if she was stepping on a pulley, and float on the empty and spacious avenue of the manor.

There was a woman chasing her behind her. According to the security personnel in front of her in a low voice, her footsteps were very light and she didn't make any sound, as if she was afraid of disturbing the woman floating in front of her.

"Boss, is she sleepwalking? Otherwise, why didn't Xiaoshuang stop her? Should we help?" One of the team members cautiously asked the team leader who was also staring.

The team leader turned his head and glared at him, "Where are your eyes, kid? Didn't you see that?" His eyes signaled everyone to look behind.

Behind Yu Shuang, there were two figures, one tall and one short, closely following him, equally silent.

"Did you see it?! Keep your eyes open in the future, so as not to run into anything!" The team leader said earnestly to a group of subordinates around him.In their line of work, recklessness is the most taboo, in case they spoil some good things of the master's family!At the least, the wages will be deducted and the grade will be lowered, and at the worst, they will die!If you encounter a crazy host who is doing bad things.

Everyone was emotional for a while, and then they were full of curiosity and envy for the strange movement of the woman in the front.

"Leader, why don't we mention it to the higher authorities? Let Ms. Qin teach us? Now that we're better at it, can't we serve you better? The security system can also be more robust." One of the young guys said.

"Yes, yes! Team leader, please mention it! I really want to learn~!"

The crowd agreed.

The respected group leader who was really old didn't say a word, he just took a sip of a cup of tea, and Fang sighed heavily, "Oh, you are still young. I don't understand, there are some high-profile and unscrupulous people, if it weren't for you She thinks we can be trusted because she doesn't take us seriously and can deal with it at any time!"

Who doesn't want to learn skills?But look at who the other party is.Didn't you see that the two closest to her are cautious?The reason why an expert is an expert is that there are always some unfathomable abilities and temperaments.If you recklessly go to study, it is very likely that you will die...

Qin Feng drifted to an avenue in the manor that was convenient for trucks to come in and pull crops. The trees on both sides were lush and shady, and the air was very fresh, so she changed to walking slowly.

The moonlight was as cool as water, and the slight chill seeped into her clothes, making her feel more comfortable.

I had a dream again tonight, the dream was very messy...very scary!

There was the scene of working part-time in the past, the happiness of Xizicheng, the straightforward Zhao Baihe, and the complicated Qian Linglong... Then I dreamed of my family, who were anxiously looking for her, and finally found her, and at that time she turned out to be a group of people. The mother of the child!
horrible!The child's father turned out to be Han Shengyi!Lived as husband and wife with him in a dream for many years...

Seeing her parents suddenly, she was very happy and sad at first, but she didn't expect to be hugged by him and kiss her in front of her parents and relatives!I wanted him to let go of me, but he bit my tongue and kept pestering me.It made her feel ashamed and angry, but she couldn't get rid of him.Wake up with the last effort!

 That's all for today... I'm sorry recently!First it was Calvin, and because of Zhuye’s love of job-hopping, he was busy looking for a job and trying out a job recently. He was feeling irritable and couldn’t keep up with his energy, so in the future, it will be changed every day for a period of time. ... I swear to the lights, if the condition is much better, there must be a second update! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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