space shrine

Chapter 245 High-profile happiness~

Chapter 245 High-profile happiness~
"Bingo! You're right, it's a really stupid woman! I originally wanted to challenge her before December this year, and planned to snatch the title of the world's number one female killer to spend Christmas. It's a pity that she didn't live up to her expectations and died. It was too early, and my wish was ruined."

Che Yuanni curled her pink mouth, dissatisfied with the other party's short life.

"She's dead, isn't there someone to take over? Why don't you challenge her directly?"

"Now this? Forget it, she almost died when she was on a mission last time, but I killed that target! What's the first, it's embarrassing to say it! Don't go~!" Che Yuanni looked contemptuous.

Hey, this little brat is pulling~!Qin Feng thought it was funny, and said, "How did the female killer die? You can prove your ability by killing her enemy!"

Che Yuanni changed her greed for delicious food, and shook her head listlessly, "She once took on a mission to kill my boss' brother! So my boss went to bet on her boss! That idiot is too loyal to her. The boss of the family was not on guard at all, and was given anesthesia as a bet! Then her boss lost the bet and gave her to our boss."

"Then she had a tragedy. My boss ordered someone to beat her up. I heard that her internal organs were shattered, and then her tendons in her arms and legs were cut off. She was thrown into a stinking garbage dump. I heard that her body The blood that came out attracted several wild dogs, who were eaten, what a pitiful end!"

Che Yuanni felt sorry for her, and it was precisely because of this that she strengthened her desire to seek opportunities to escape from the control of others.Fortunately, she seemed to have a chance!

She subconsciously looked up at Qin Feng, and found that the other party was eating the pizza in his hand calmly, which was really normal!However, her abilities are unbelievable!So, I should be able to achieve my wish, right?

Sensing her gaze, Qin Feng lowered his head, "Oh? Well, it's very miserable! But your boss is also considered authentic, and he didn't do what women hate the most." However, the garbage dump sounds very familiar!Could it be Yu Shuang?Qin Feng frowned slightly. He heard that she was brought back from that place by Xiao Bin.

When Che Yuanni heard it, she knew what it was about.She giggled twice, lowered her head and ate.

Qin Feng squinted at her, "What? Did you move your hands and feet?"

"Although I'm still young, I don't know much about those things," Che Yuanni said decisively, as if she didn't know anything, "But when she was brought back to the interrogation room, she stayed there for more than an hour. I went in Look, I accidentally poured some water under her that inflamed the skin. Then I heard that she had a heart disease and didn't have a long life, and she was thrown out after a while."

"Oh, that's how it is!" Qin Feng suddenly realized, and immediately seized the opportunity to give health education to the boy, "So women must not mess with others, especially children! If you get sick, you have to spend money on treatment, and you will lose money and hurt your body! No worth."

Is that the point?no?Che Yuanni rolled her eyes, and continued to eat her own pizza cone.

"No wonder you don't dare to challenge, presumably your boss is even stronger?"

"No way! He doesn't know any kung fu. He has people recruit children from all over the world to secretly train them to become killers, and then serve him. Tell me, I have no taste to challenge this person? If someone knows, Not only will he not be number one, but he will also be ridiculed for the rest of his life! But his four generals are all very powerful, as long as he has money, he can hire anyone."

Che Yuanni elaborated on this matter in great detail, and felt extremely regretful for missing the opportunity to fight for the title of world's number one woman~.

"Forget it, no matter who is number one, they won't be able to beat you anyway from now on."

Che Yuanni was silent for a while, then suddenly asked seriously, "In the world of comprehension, where is your rank, master?"

Qin Feng lowered his eyes and glanced at the villain, "I don't know either, will you check it out for me when you have time?"

"Oh." Che Yuanni was a little disappointed, and wanted to find out how capable her master was.Although she can't challenge the master, it doesn't prevent her from challenging someone who is stronger than the master!As long as she defeats someone who is stronger than her, then she must be stronger than Master!Then it will be out of her control.

Although this woman didn't give any orders to herself or ask her to do anything, but who wants to live under the breath of others for a long time?Anyway, Che Yuanni didn't want to!One day, her freedom will be her own decision!
Che Yuanni's cheeks were round and bulging, like a little squirrel gnawing on a cone, but a complex light flashed on her drooping eyelids.

"Ah, the Haagen-Dazs ice cream in that store is delicious~ I used to eat it often! Master, do you want it? I'll buy it." Che Yuanni occasionally saw a familiar signboard of a specialty dessert shop, and suddenly As soon as it was bright, he called out to Qin Feng.

"Oh? Good! Thank you."

Looking at the little girl who rushed to line up, Qin Feng smiled slightly.Maybe it's because of the companionship, even though the other party is only a child, somehow he has always been in a good mood.It made her not interested in killing people at all recently. Instead, she wandered around with Xiao Ni and lived a very relaxed life.

However, this little girl didn't know what was going on, her breath was strong and weak, messy and unstable, this is a big taboo for monks!It is easy to discover her intentions and ideas.However, she is still a child, and she has just come into contact with monk spells, so there is still a lot of room for improvement.

As for what idea she was making, Qin Feng didn't care at all, forgive her for not daring to use her own brain.As long as she is willing to practice obediently, she can do whatever she wants to others.

Because there is a little friend by my side, and the little friend is rich!Qin Feng shamelessly ate and drank with his little apprentice. The five-star hotel he stayed at night was just two people sharing a room.

It was Xiaoni who proposed staying in a hotel, saying that colleagues or hostile colleagues would be brought to her door to practice.If no one comes, she can still sleep comfortably and peacefully. She is still young, and it is easy to grow up when she spends the days of eating and sleeping with Qin Feng!she said so.

Well, the rich are the biggest!Qin Feng, who has an empty pocket, has no opinion at all.

Not to mention, Xiao Nizi has quite a few enemies. Since she left the beach, many people have come to her door, and all of them are not bad.With Che Yuanni's skill, her peers who could only barely draw a tie in the past can easily defeat each other now.Those who were better than her in the past have also become her defeated opponents.

It didn't take long for Che Yuanni to lose interest in these ordinary people.

"Master, I want to challenge the monks!" Che Yuanni said to Qin Feng seriously.

"Okay, but you have to find the monks yourself." She had already passed the passionate age, and in her eyes, the aura of the monks around her was no different from that of ordinary people, so she never cared.

"I have already felt that there is a monk's breath not far from there." Che Yuanni immediately pointed to a direction and said to Qin Feng.

"Whatever you want!" Qin Feng, who was sitting on the sofa, was flipping through the magazines, with a calm tone.

With her approval, Che Yuanni blew out the door like a gust of wind.

"Meow~!" Fuqiu jumped onto the back of her sofa and called out to her.

"You want to go out too? Be careful, don't eat indiscriminately." Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and let it move freely.

The cat leapt forward and jumped out of the window directly. The small figure turned into a wisp of smoke, floated in the air a few times, and soon disappeared without a trace.

After being flipped through the magazine by the remaining woman, he suddenly felt a little restless.After flipping through a few pages at random, she couldn't calm down, she snapped the cover of the magazine, thought for a while, put on a pink and green plaid shawl, and went out alone.

It is now November and the weather is getting cooler.As the weather changed, Qin Feng followed the trend and put on autumn and winter clothes.An off-white round-neck wide sweater, a green woolen dress, a pair of high-heeled short boots, and a hooded hat on her head, let her change her look instantly!From an elegant and flimsy weird woman, she has become a tall, stylish, ordinary woman with a gentle and pleasant temperament.

This dress was chosen by Che Yuanni, who said that Qin Feng's clothes are too thin and too fairy-like (Qin Feng glanced at her, don't think I can't hear you mocking me~)!Walking in the world like that, it's okay in summer, but in winter, people will think that she has been abused by someone.

If you don't want to attract attention, you have to learn to follow the trend, so that you can blend well into the crowd without being noticed.To put it bluntly, do you have to add some difficulty to those who chased and killed them~!
Anyway, it wasn't her money that was spent, so Qin Feng let her buy a bunch of them and put them in the ring.Of course, those who see have a share.Xiao Nizi also got a ring, and she was so excited that she couldn't sleep for several days, ambushing the killer colleagues who came after hearing the news, so she soon got tired of playing.

Qin Feng wandered aimlessly. Halloween has just passed, and there are still festive decorations such as jack-o-lanterns left in some public places. On the road, you can occasionally see a few ghost-like figures in white sheets floating past.

Seeing them reminded Qin Feng that on the eve of Halloween, she and Xiao Ni went out for a night tour, but they were stopped by a group of white ghosts and people dressed as dirty witches by a small lake, and they surrounded the two in a mischievous manner. Watch them dance wildly.

At first, Qin Feng thought it was quite fresh, but they just jumped around a few times, and she soon got bored.Xiaoni is small in stature, and it is very easy to get out.But Qin Feng is an adult, it is a bit difficult to break through, the one who is blocked is her, an elegant and elegant oriental woman!

Since he didn't feel that the other party was malicious, Qin Feng didn't intend to use violence.Amidst the wild laughter of the crowd, Che Yuanni and Che Yuanni jumped out of the encirclement, landed in the middle of the calm lake, and stood firmly on the lake.

This time, like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan, it exploded!
"Oh~! Huaxia Qinggong! Powerful! Encore Encore...!" The group of demons boiled, and they gathered around the lake and waved their flags and cheered and shouted at Qin Feng and the two.

At first, I didn't have much feeling for Western festivals, but at that moment, it seemed that she also melted into the lively atmosphere. Under the eager and crazy eyes of everyone, the two turned and drifted away, leaving more and louder cheers and whistles by the lake Sound... a very happy feeling!

Qin Feng walked and thought about the experience of the night before, and a smile appeared on his mouth unconsciously.Sometimes, being high-profile is also a kind of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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