space shrine

Chapter 246

Chapter 246
"Oh oh oh, sick ghost Susan...!" The child booed.

"Go away! Halloween is over early! You just came out to play! Dumb ghost! Slow! You are not allowed to play with us!"

At this time, Qin Feng passed a spacious open space, under the bright street lights, there were a few children throwing stones at a small black ball in the middle.Seeing an adult coming, or an adult with a bad look on his face, all the children rushed away like birds and beasts.

Seeing that the little kids were all gone, Qin Feng came to the small black shadow, squatted down, and saw that the small black shadow turned out to be a five or six-year-old girl.She fell to the ground, and because of her small body and black body, she looked like a curled up black velvet ball from a distance, and beside her was a jack-o-lantern with a naive smile.

It was a very cute little girl, short and short, wearing a little black robe and a pointed black hat on her head. Under the hat was a head of beautiful blond hair, and on her feet were a pair of small black skirts. booties.

She raised her head, her round apple face looked a little pale, her eyes were as bright as colored crystals, she was looking at Qin Feng timidly, the crystal teardrops shone brightly in the big eye sockets. Qin Feng's heart is soft.

"Cute little witch, are you okay?" Qin Feng asked her gently.

As soon as she heard her call her cute little witch, the little girl's eyes lit up, her brows and eyes were curved, and the tears in her eyes rolled down with a smile.Qin Feng stretched out his index finger to wipe it off gently for her, and looked at her tenderly.

The little girl struggled to stand up, grabbed the slightly wrinkled little black robe, picked up the pumpkin lantern that had already been extinguished, then lifted the hem of the skirt and bowed to Qin Feng in a very ladylike manner,
"Dear Fairy Your Highness, thank you for saving the poor little witch Susan! However, if you don't give Susan candy, Susan will still be angry!" The voice was soft and weak, like a newborn cat The whimpering sound should be due to poor health.

After the little witch Susan finished speaking, she stretched out her short paws in front of Qin Feng, and looked at her seriously with her small face.

Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh, stretched out his hand and gently scratched the tip of her tall nose, "You ungrateful little witch! Well, well, I'll give you candy."

Using a loose shawl as a cover, he pretended to dig out from the ring, and then, under the expectant eyes of the little witch, he took out a few small pieces of fragrant golden cheese.

"Oh, cheese! Susan likes to eat it the most! Thank you, Your Highness, the beautiful fairy!" The child didn't care where Qin Feng took it out, and she only had those attractive pieces of cheese in her eyes.She praised Qin Feng happily, and put her arms around Qin Feng's neck, offering a soft lady's kiss.

Then, one big and one small sat on the side of the road without fear of getting dirty. In fact, the side of the road was very clean.

The woman looked tenderly at the little girl dressed like a little witch next to her, nibbling the cheese in her hand.Every time she took a bite, she raised her head and looked at the woman with a cheerful smile. Her small mouth kept praising softly: "It's so fragrant... so sweet, so delicious... Then the woman's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she smiled happily!"
Pedestrians passed by, glanced over there inadvertently, and then showed a faint smile on their faces.For some reason, the night wind was strong and slightly cold, but the warm scene on the side of the road made people feel warm in their hearts.The heavy pace of going home couldn't help but speed up a few steps.

The little girl's young mother quickly found her, took the sweet cheese left by the little girl, and was pleasantly surprised to find that her daughter's usually pale face was actually stained with a healthy rosy color.

But the mother didn't think much, just kissed her daughter's cheek with distress, and then solemnly thanked the oriental woman standing next to her, thanking her for wasting precious time and spending the belated Halloween with her daughter.

It turned out that the little girl had been weak since she was a child and fell ill at every turn.I had a high fever a few days ago, so I couldn't go out to play with my friends on Halloween.Today, she finally recovered. She pestered her mother to dress herself up like this, carrying a jack-o-lantern, and then came out to find her friends...

As a result, Qin Feng knew about it, and also saw how weak the other party was.However, after today, I believe that the cute little witch will be able to jump and jump in the future, her little body will be very good, and she can do whatever she wants!The Qin family's spiritual food, for ordinary people, has a miraculous effect!

Qin Feng watched the mother and daughter leave with a smile, the cute little witch in black robe waved her claws at Qin Feng from a distance, the smile on her little face was bright and pure!

How to do it?The mood is getting more and more peaceful!Unaware of the smile on his face, Qin Feng tightened his shawl and continued to wander aimlessly on the street...

After Halloween, it's time to prepare for Christmas.On the glass of some shops, someone began to spray snowflakes and Christmas tree graphics, and the festive atmosphere will become stronger and stronger.

After Christmas, it's Spring Festival in China!She has been away from home for more than a year, do you want to go back?However, it's not the time yet, but I really miss my family... Qin Feng thinks about this issue very seriously.

As he walked, he suddenly sensed Che Yuanni's aura appearing in front of him.

Qin Feng raised his head, a look of surprise flashed in his she fight with someone to the city?Then concentrate on distinguishing the other party's aura, it's a very familiar aura!

A trace of hatred gradually appeared in Qin Feng's gentle eyes.What a small world!To be able to meet those people in a foreign country!I don't know if they are here, if they are... The woman's warm smile faded away, and a cold smile bloomed on her lips.

With a cold snort, her face was frozen like ice. The oriental woman, who was walking slowly and leisurely, suddenly drifted like a ghost, quietly walking through the crowd, heading for the familiar aura...

Soon, the woman with a strangely moving figure floated to the scene of the fight, which was on the roof of a building with a height of more than [-] floors.

The short, undeveloped figure like dry green beans is none other than 13-year-old Che Yuanni.And her opponent is a beautiful and glamorous mature woman, probably in her 30s.Her skills are not bad, slightly better than Che Yuanni.

If it wasn't for Che Yuanni's rich combat experience, and her ruthless moves, she would have already lost.

However, Che Yuanni is a girl who has practiced for less than half a year.And the other party has at least ten years of skill!Therefore, the strength of both sides can be seen from this.

"Xiao Ni, stop!" Qin Feng stopped the little apprentice who was entangled with others.

Qin Feng's arrival had already alarmed the two people who were fighting, because she hadn't restrained her ordinary aura.

Che Yuanni is very obedient, originally she wanted to stalk her opponent, and she would never give up until she defeated her opponent.But the master came suddenly and spoke to stop her, so she had no choice but to jump back and jumped out of the fight unwillingly.

"Master? Why are you here?"

Qin Feng smiled at her, did not answer, and then looked at the slightly panting Qingli woman.

The Qingli woman had recognized her, took a breather, and then came over and bowed respectfully to Qin Feng, "Hello, Miss Qin! Long time no see!"

"Hehe, yes! It's been a long time!" Qin Feng laughed heartily, "How are you and your master? Why are you here? Where's your master? Is she here too?" The last sentence was a very special question. eager.

"Master is not here today, I went to look for a gypsy witch doctor! It may take a few days to come back. However, Uncle Qian is resting in the workshop. Miss Qin, should you go and have a look?" Facing Qin Feng's eagerness, Qingli said The glamorous woman smiled knowingly.

Long time no see friends~ It’s rare to meet in a foreign country, I’m sure I’m excited and happy.

This beautiful woman is Zhou Qingyu, Qian Linglong's big disciple who was called Senior Sister Qing in the Linglong workshop of Xizi City back then.

"Oh? Sister Pearl is here too? I haven't seen her for a long time! Is she okay?" Qin Feng was very happy to visit.Hehe, it's really a narrow road for enemies!It can happen like this, is it their fate, or is it their own calamity?

"Uh, she...Miss Qin will know when she sees her." Zhou Qingyu seemed to have a hard time answering this question.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, then ignored Che Yuanni and followed that Senior Sister Qing.

Che Yuanni, who was abandoned for the first time, was stunned, and hurried to catch up.What happened to the current master?It feels... so scary!Che Yuanni believed in her sixth sense.

Therefore, even though he knew that he was ruthlessly abandoned, he didn't dare to protest, and followed the two of them silently, like a silent shadow.

Zhou Qingyu was very happy, because Qian Linglong had told many disciples that once they found Qin Feng's traces, they would immediately notify her.Although he didn't say anything, he must have asked her for something, right?I don't know what happened to the two sisters. Not only did they lose half of their lives when they were rescued from the sea, but they became ordinary people all of a sudden!

Especially Qianzhu was even worse, as if recovering from a serious illness, her face was extremely haggard.

Fortunately, Qian Linglong's divination and calculation ability is still there, and she can barely support the signboard of Linglongfang.But without the title and ability of exorcist, the apprentices' ability is limited, so the reputation of Linglong workshop will be damaged after all, and the business in the workshop is not as good as before.

Over the past year, Qian Linglong has been looking for famous doctors everywhere, as if Qianzhu had suffered from some terminal illness, which made all the disciples anxious and scattered to look for famous doctors and witch doctors.

Zhou Qingyu took a peek at Qin Feng, still smiling gently and casually, and looked much younger than before.It has been two years since we last met!It seems that her cultivation has improved a lot.I don't know if she is willing to help Master!At the beginning, the two had a good friendship, so they should be willing!

People are fickle!I hope this Miss Qin is still the same as before, Zhou Qingyu secretly sighed.

Soon, the three came to Linglongfang.Linglongfang is a global chain store, with one store in every city in the prosperous area.The prices of the high-quality goods inside are set according to the rise and fall of the city where they are located. As for the appearance and interior decoration design, all stores are the same.

Seeing the very familiar storefront, Qin Feng froze his steps, nailed it outside the store door for a long time, and stared at the exquisite "Linglongfang" on the signboard!Complicated emotions such as resentment and sadness came to my heart one after another.

Che Yuanni stood beside her, her forehead slightly sweating.The reason is that the murderous aura gradually seeped out of Qin Feng's body. Although he tried his best to control it, it still slightly affected the people around him.Che Yuanni was stubborn and refused to leave easily.

Zhou Qingyu was originally leading the way, but as she walked, she felt a chill rising behind her back. She looked back vigilantly, but found that the person she was going to lead did not follow.He hesitated for a while, and when he walked out the door, he found that the person was still outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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