space shrine

Chapter 254 Carnival

Chapter 254 Carnival
There is a large spruce tree at the gate of the holy city, lined up like straight guards to the gate of the manor.After about seven o'clock in the evening, the snow stopped, and people in the manor began to come out one after another, making a noise with the children.

On such a lively day, it's too boring to stay indoors all the time!So Qin Feng planned to wander around the manor alone.Butler Park came over early this morning and asked her if she wanted to participate in the game activities organized in the manor, but she refused.

Butler Pu is kind, and the hostess is approachable, which will make the staff inside and outside the manor even more convinced of her!Because Butler Park heard her husband talk about it, many people in the manor didn't know who the mistress was!This is never a good thing for a hostess!
But for Qin Feng, the last thing she needs is friendly contact with people, no matter who they are!She was already afraid of those people!A white-eyed wolf is a white-eyed wolf. If the other party intends to be unfavorable to her, no matter how good they are, they will inevitably be bitten badly.

She would rather wander around by herself than wear a mask and make herself a perfect, convincing omnipotent hostess!
She is her, a self-willed woman full of shortcomings!It doesn't matter if others accept her or not, we all go our own way, as long as we don't offend her.

After leaving the huge house in the holy city, he walked slowly along the tree-lined path at the outermost edge.

At this time, the children couldn't hold back any longer, and ran out of the house one after another, laughing and running around the tall Christmas tree.Some adults also ran out, shoveling snow with various tools, cleaning the place and playing games later.

The children followed behind gigglingly, using the swept snow to build snowmen or other strangely shaped snow statues.

The joyous atmosphere brought by Christmas began to boil slowly.The loudspeaker hidden in the manor has already started to play Christmas-related music. A few little kids formed a small team, pulling each other's backs, singing songs and walking around the tree. The scene is cute and funny, which arouses joyful laughter from the people around.

Even Qin Feng stopped, stood on the deserted aisle, smiled and watched the warm and funny scene.

Suddenly hearing the sound of someone stepping on the snow from the other side of the holy city, Qin Feng looked over at the sound.In the white snow, Han Shengyi, dressed in British style, walked towards her steadily.

The slim knee-length coat not only made his figure look tall and straight, but also enriched his elegant gentleman demeanor.The handsome and protruding facial features have a gentle smile, the narrow eyebrows are slightly curved, and the eyes that are usually distant and cold are as clear and bright as the stars scattered in the night sky at this moment.

It was still a dazzling earring next to his ear, which gave the refined and gentle him a hint of aloofness and uninhibitedness.The combination of the two qualities turned out to be damn harmonious and charming!
Qin Feng turned around involuntarily, staring at the man who was gradually walking towards him in a daze, his face subconsciously became hot.While her heart was beating wildly, she was still puzzled.

How much water does this kind of top-notch man have to pour into his head before he falls in love with her in a daze? !From his confession, it seems that he was already a little moved when we first met?The plot is too bloody!
By the way, she didn't do any seductive actions back then, right?Even if she has done it, with her ordinary appearance, dry body, and poor eloquence... I will omit a thousand and hundreds of shortcomings here, and I will only be called an ugly person and make trouble!Even if he has grass in his head, there is no reason to like her? !
Well, maybe it's because she is not too tempted by him, so he is unwilling?It is said in the book that a man always has an inexplicable obsession with a woman he cannot get, no matter whether she is beautiful or ugly.Maybe he took it as a favorite?

Most likely!The probability of this kind of man changing his mind is as high as 99.9%!When he gets her, he will surely wake up slowly, and then start to dislike her.

She is now his wife, and that step is not far away!Hehe, how will he treat her then?Regardless of the future, anyway, I must not devote myself wholeheartedly!Just keep it as you like it, lest you end up like a resentful woman when you get it, it will be so ugly.

Although I made up my mind, I only want to be a couple with him.The dark and negative thoughts did make the temperature on her face drop a lot.However, as his tall and straight figure approached, the charming smile on Han Shengyi's face became deeper and deeper.

But her heart was beating even harder.

When he came to the woman waiting in the snow, he didn't say a word, first he took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around her neck without thinking.Then he pulled off the gloves, stretched out his slender hands to cover her face, and warmed her frozen face.

"Why don't you wear more? It's cold here, let's go back to the house?" Han Shengyi held her face in his hands, touched her with his forehead, then looked at her tenderly and said.Finally got to touch her!The days when I could only listen to the voice and not see the person every day, I finally survived!

Seeing that he was about to go to the holy city with his arms around her waist, Qin Feng stood still hurriedly, pulled his arm and yelled softly: "No! I just came out and I'm going for a walk!"

It was too lively outside, and the house seemed even more deserted!It's okay to be as quiet inside and out as usual, but today is a holiday, so the atmosphere is different!She can't sit still in the house!

When Han Sheng heard this, he changed his words and said, "Okay, I will accompany you!" He put his arms around her waist and did not let go, and turned around to accompany her for a walk.

"But you haven't eaten yet, have you? I'm going to go shopping very late." Qin Feng grabbed him and didn't let him move.Unconsciously, there was a hint of coquettishness in her tone, but she didn't notice it.

Han Sheng smiled, pulled her closer calmly, but said in his mouth: "I ate too, let's go." After speaking, he wanted to pull her to continue walking.

Qin Feng glared angrily, she hates being coaxed by the people around her the most!There is no need to pay special attention, the energy in the human body is not normal, she is very clear standing beside him.

When Han Sheng saw this, his tone changed immediately: "Actually, I didn't eat! I want to accompany you. How about you accompany me back to eat first, and then I will take a walk with you?"

Seeing a little hesitation on her face, her handsome face immediately collapsed, and she covered her stomach, "I'm so hungry~!" The elegant temperament is gone!He is like a spoiled little boy.

Ok!Qin Feng had no choice but to accompany him back to the holy city for dinner.The dinner was rich and prepared according to the Christmas season.It's a pity that Qin Feng is a vegetarian and refused to show his face to taste it. After eating again, he slowly ate fruit salad and other desserts beside him.

I chatted endlessly with him, and when dinner was over, it was already nine o'clock.Contrary to the silence in the room, the people outside were already having fun, playing games and playing games, and many people were singing and dancing around the tall Christmas trees in groups, it was crazy.

As soon as Han Sheng finished his meal, he went in to wash up, changed into comfortable and warm clothes and came out, ready to go for a walk with Qin Feng.When I came out, I couldn't see anyone, so I searched around, and found that Qin Feng was standing quietly by the stone corridor at the door, watching the carnival of people in the distance calmly.

"Feng, let's go play too!"

Unable to see her indifferent calmness, Han Shengyi took her hand from behind and pulled her into the carnival team without any explanation.

When he was first pulled in, Qin Feng was a little annoyed.However, she's not a touchy person and wouldn't be offended by this.Moreover, Qin Feng himself is a playable person, but later he met unkind people and developed an extreme mentality, which led him to stay away from the crowd.

Seeing Han Shengyi dragging a woman into the team, the group of revelers were stunned for a moment, and then joyful expressions appeared on their faces.All the people who work in the manor, new and old, all know Han Shengyi!

Every Christmas, as long as he is at home, he will play crazy together.I heard that there is a hostess this year. Although many people have not seen it, but now that Han Shengyi personally brought her into the team, and his eyes are full of intimacy and joy when looking at her, everyone will know who she is immediately.

So, the excited people simply surrounded the two of them and sang and danced neatly.

Han Shengyi was also very generous, he didn't hesitate to be watched by the crowd, he just held her with both hands, jumped up to the rhythm of the music, his eyes were soft, and he looked at her with a smile.

Entering this group of strangers for the first time, Qin Feng was a little uncomfortable at first, but the music from the air stimulated her active cells, coupled with the enthusiasm of the people around her, she temporarily put aside her negative emotions and followed Han Shengyi's steps gradually jumped up briskly.

Outside the arena, Xiao Bin, Yu Shuang and Che Yuanni stood under the stone corridor, watching the excitement with great interest.

Seeing that her master and her handsome master had gone crazy together, Che Yuanni couldn't help shaking her head in a big way, "Oh, master, it's so easy to coax! Change me? Hmph..."

Xiao Bin's eyes and ears were very sharp. After hearing this, he gave her a sideways glance and snorted coldly, "You? You don't have to pull them all in!"

Che Yuanni snorted coldly, "How is it possible? I have seen this kind of childish scene too much, sister! Please don't go! It's so boring." All kinds of noble and glamorous!Queen style is full.

At this time, a seven or eight-year-old boy rushed out of the arena, holding a small flag in his hand, and his two short legs rushed to Che Yuanni like a hot wheel. The little short claw grabbed Che Yuanni's hand and shook it.

"Sister Xiaoni, come and play with us?! Come on, come on..." The crisp childish voice was pleasant to the ear.Everyone is a kid, and the eldest Che Yuanni has become acquainted with them since she came to the holy city for a few days.Contrary to the indifferent Qin Feng, Xiao Nizi's social circle has expanded to the residents of the whole manor, almost to the point where no one knows her.

"Huh? Okay!" Che Yuanni's eyes lit up, and she rushed into the arena holding her little friend's fat claws.As for what I said just now, I don't remember!She felt that since she was still young, it was normal for her to be forgetful.

Knew it would be like this!The expert Xiaobin scoffed in all kinds of contempt.Inadvertently caught a glimpse of a woman standing beside her with a blank face and a stiff body... Yu Shuang!Xiao Bin rolled his eyes, grabbed her hand coldly, and rushed into the lively crowd without saying a word...

(End of this chapter)

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