space shrine

Chapter 255 Gifts

Chapter 255 Gifts
Qin Feng is very relaxed when he dances, but if he doesn't play, he will be insane, and if he plays, he will go crazy!Her cheeks were flushed, and her pink smile was like a delicate rose blooming in the snow, which was extraordinarily alluring.And when she laughed, the small pear dimple that often appeared on the left cheek attracted his gaze and he couldn't move it away.

I really want to taste the taste of roses blooming in the snow, and even more want to suck on the shallow dimple.However, there are too many people around, afraid that she will be shy!It's rare for her to have fun... For the sake of a bright future, the itchy man had no choice but to continue to bear it.

Although there will be a three-day holiday for Christmas, because some children go to bed early, the time to pick gifts will be at 22:00 every time!This year is no exception.

The music in the arena temporarily stopped, but the excited voices in the arena did not decrease. Instead, there was a burst of laughter.There are many people standing under each Christmas tree, and there are many bamboo poles placed in fixed positions. After one batch is selected, it is the turn of the next batch.Follow the rules, don't mess!No one was guarding the venue, and everyone was very conscious.

Everyone is on their own, who dares to mess around?
"Wow?! I received a beautiful gemstone?! So beautiful!!!" Suddenly, there was a scream of surprise from the venue.Everyone followed the prestige, and soon found the place where the sound came from.Because the man was so excited that he raised his hand high, and the gemstone in his hand shone brightly under the light.

The first lucky one was a young girl. Although she couldn't tell whether it was a real gem or not, the stone was so dazzling and beautiful that she would rather believe it was a gem!
Not long after, screams of the same surprise came from under another tree, one after another.After a while, five of Qin Feng's seven gemstones were picked out, and no sound was heard for the remaining two.

Qin Feng stood aside and watched, and from time to time she covered her mouth and laughed quietly because of some people's exaggerated expressions.Besides her jewel, there were many other unexpected little gifts that also drew screams.Especially those children, the joy of getting a long-awaited candy is no less than the joy of getting a gem.

The children ran around happily and competed with their friends to show off the little gifts they got. They looked very gratifying.

Qin Feng participated in this kind of collective carnival festival for the first time, which is a different feeling of celebrating the festival with his family.Watching people get their own gifts, with all kinds of surprise expressions on their faces, gave her a kind of joy that she deeply sympathized with.

"Feng, let's pick out gifts too!" Han Shengyi kept paying attention to her expression, seeing her laughing, he was genuinely happy.Pulling her, Han Sheng began to look up at every colorful Christmas tree.

Qin Feng came to him, and happily followed him to pick a Christmas tree.Gift, gift!She grew up so big that she received cards from a few friends in junior high school, and they are still kept in the drawer at home.However, it has turned yellow, and I hope it can be stored for a long time in the hut.

That is the trace of her youth, and occasionally flipping through it, a special feeling comes to her heart.

Different from the meanings given by Zhao Baihe, Qian Linglong and others, their gifts did not have that pure taste, so Qin Feng was not deeply impressed by them.

Qin Feng picked several big trees one after another, but Han Shengyi shook his head and refused to stop for them, which made her feel baffled.They are all chosen randomly, which tree has different gifts?What a picky man!Is it possible to pick out a perfect Christmas tree from among them?
Although puzzled, she is a casual person.The process of picking trees is also a kind of entertainment, let him choose!

"Feng, don't you think this tree is very special?" He finally picked a perfect Christmas tree.

Qin Feng looked up, but didn't see anything special!Big, not as good as the row opposite; small, not as good as the one next to it.

A little speechless, I was silent for a while at the special tree, and then met Han Shengyi's expectant eyes, hehe twice, "This is the first time I see a real Christmas tree! How about you introduce it, what's so special about this Christmas tree?" ?”

Han Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled, "I mean, there are relatively few people picking gifts from this tree, so we just come to play." He fetched a bamboo pole and handed it to Qin Feng, and let her pick it first with a smile.

Qin Feng was too lazy to give way, took the bamboo pole, and then walked around the Christmas tree.It was the first time to choose a gift like this, and I was a little nervous and looking forward to it.

The gifts on the tree are of different sizes, some are even about one meter in size, hanging on the thick branches.Some are only more than two inches, very pocket, if the hidden too deep, have to wait until the day to pick.The decorations and gifts on these Christmas trees will be hung on the tree for three days, and they can be picked at any time during the three days.

She looked left and right, and decided to pick the biggest box on the tree.The characteristics of Luozhen people, pick everything to be the biggest!

She picked it off, and Han Shengyi walked over to continue.The two unpacked the exquisite carton and took out a big snow-white plush bear doll!
"Wow! It's a big furry bear! Such soft fur!"Qin Feng hugged it fondly and rubbed it.

Han Sheng looked at her with a smile, and like her, he stretched out his long arms to hug the woman and the doll, rubbed his pretty chin on the top of Qin Feng's head, and asked, "Do you like it?" It seems that as long as it is a woman , can't resist the temptation of plush dolls!
"I like it!" Qin Feng replied without hesitation.

"Then choose again." Han Shengyi suggested, reached out to help her take the plush bear, and handed her the bamboo pole.

Qin Feng picked again, this time he picked a box a few inches in size.Open it and see, yo, three onions!

She sniffed it suspiciously, and a long-lost and familiar smell came to her nostrils, and she couldn't help blurting out: "Hey, it's tulip seeds!" Turning her head to look at Han Shengyi beside her.

Han Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked like a toothache, "No way? Did you smell it? Are you a dog's nose?" As he spoke, he couldn't help reaching out and pinching the tip of her small nose and shaking it.

Qin Feng broke away and wrinkled his nose, "I've planted this kind of seed before, and I just smelled it because I'm not sure. You have a dog's nose!" In the past in the humble house, she deliberately picked the seeds she liked in Doro Valley, Scattered in many corners of the humble house, how can you not recognize it?

He gave him a blank look, picked up three seed balls and threw them away.Plant them on the balcony of her room, they will look beautiful when they bloom, I haven't experienced the joy of growing flowers for a long time.

"Ah, who hangs the seeds? Is it an employee of the manor? Although it's a bit ordinary, it's not good to not plant it after taking a gift from others, right? Feng, what do you think?" Han Shengyi asked with a headache .

Qin Feng squinted, twisted one of the seeds and shook it in front of him, "Did the employee hang it?"

Han Sheng's face collapsed, "You saw it again? How did you see it?" This woman, it's so difficult to surprise her?
Qin Feng nodded his nose, showing off proudly, "It smells! It smells like you." He was wrong, her sense of smell is definitely a hundred times better than a dog's nose!
Han Shengyi's expression was originally a little depressed, but when he heard her last sentence, the depression in his heart immediately flew away.

He happily pulled Qin Feng to turn around, "Come on, let's choose again." Although that sentence may only mean that her sense of smell is better than ordinary people, just like his eyesight, but he is still very happy.

Qin Feng shook his head, put the seeds into a box and wrapped them up, then hugged the plush bear from his hands.

"No more! I want these two, that's enough." Satisfied, she put her face against the furry bear.

Looking up at Han Shengyi, he was looking at her with a smile, as if as long as she was happy, everything was enough for him.Suddenly there was a touch of emotion in my heart. No man has ever treated her like this. Is this the feeling of being in love with each other?
She was inexperienced and couldn't distinguish Han Shengyi's expression language, but she knew one thing.That is, Han Shengyi gave her a Christmas present, but she didn't!Not to mention gifts, she didn't even think about it!Not to mention being his wife, she doesn't even have the most basic awareness of fans!
Feeling guilty immediately, she said to Han Shengyi very guilty: "Thank you for giving me the gift!" She lowered her head, scratched her face with her fingers, and said embarrassedly, "But I didn't prepare a gift for you!" It is not ruled out that she dumped him.But at present, it seems that she is more likely to be dumped, and the responsibility lies with her!

Seeing the guilty look on her face, Han Shengyi smiled, bent down and pecked her cheek, and said softly: "It doesn't matter! As long as you like the gift I gave you."

Qin Feng raised his head and glanced at him quickly, not daring to meet his tender eyes, pretending to point to the Christmas tree curiously and asking, "The whole tree is a gift from you?"

Han Shengyi raised his head very cooperatively, "Well, I don't know what you like, so I searched for some things that girls like and hung them up." Then he gestured with his hand to include most of the surrounding Christmas trees.

"Look, there are all those trees! However, only the gift on this tree was chosen by me. I wanted to surprise you, but I didn't expect you to find it." Han Shengyi looked a little annoyed, like A young boy who wanted to please the person he liked, but failed.

"It's a surprise! I only found out after taking it apart." Qin Feng said honestly.Pausing for a moment, seeing that he still had a disappointed expression.She pursed her lips, and then said something again.

When Han Sheng saw her move her mouth, she couldn't hear anything.He couldn't help lowering his head, and put his ear close to her, "What did you just say? I didn't hear it."

Qin Feng quickly stood on tiptoe, kissed the smooth cheek of the frustrated man, said "thank you" softly, then looked away with the plush bear in his arms, pretending that nothing happened just now.

The soft and waxy touch suddenly came from his cheeks, which made Han Shengyi dumbfounded at first, then the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and the bright smile on his face, like a warm spring breeze, blew away the chill around him. without a trace.

His cheerful smile stained his brows, but she looked around pretendingly.Han Shengyi didn't say anything, just smiled and looked at her gently and quietly.A warm atmosphere quietly spread between the two of them.

The surrounding area is still very lively, people are coming and going, and some people are playing and singing loudly with musical instruments, but no one has disturbed them from the beginning to the end.

Han Sheng looked at the time, then stretched his arms around her waist, and said cheerfully: "If you don't want gifts anymore, let's go for a walk!"

Qin Feng was slightly stunned, and he didn't bother to pretend, "Still taking a walk? What time is it? You have to go to work tomorrow." She got up at four o'clock tomorrow morning to practice!In this kind of weather, she maintains the good habit of being attached to the bed.

The man hugged her tightly, "Tomorrow is the weekend, so I don't have to go to work." So you can play all night!

It's a pity that once Qin Feng's fun is over, he loses interest in walking.Seeing that the people around were still playing wildly, the two went into the house together.

After a while, in front of the carved door, a man and a woman were touching their lips and tongues, and the gift they received fell at their feet.Han Shengyi originally only wanted a goodnight kiss, but because of Qin Feng's obedience, he naturally became like this.

(End of this chapter)

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