space shrine

Chapter 261 Late Complaint

Chapter 261 Late Complaint

Zhang Yunxin didn't expect her words to bear fruit so quickly, and she was very happy with the result.

However, she has always been one of the company's think tanks, and it is her job not to see the big boss!After discussing with a group of insidious and shrewd colleagues, regardless of whether it is the time for the boss to adjust the oil, each of them sorted out a few documents that urgently need to be dealt with by the president, or can be delayed until next year, and let the company's people express them to holy city!

So, looking at the mountain-high pile of documents that could not be avoided even at home, Han Shengyi was the first two big.

Before the Spring Festival, all companies will be busy, and it is the same in previous years!But he can be regarded as the honeymoon period at the moment, he only wants to get bored with his partner, and he would be annoyed by one more line on the document, not to mention how many more boxes there are now!

I heard that this is the amount a few days before the Spring Festival, so he can work at home with peace of mind!

How unreasonable!He is not reconciled to the fact that those guys are not dead, is he? !They obviously have a lot of documents that they can handle by themselves, but how dare they stuff them all in his place!Pay them to fix him?
It's decided, this year's employees' year-end bonus will be increased, find a way to get it out of the dividends of those cunning guys!
If you don't suppress it for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles!You itchy guys, you forgot what kind of person your big boss is!

Han Sheng had all kinds of ideas in his mind, while concentrating on reviewing the documents.At home, he is still very busy.

As for Qin Feng, she is very idle, maintaining her old posture and lying by the window to watch the scenery.Outside the window, heavy snow fell into the ground one after another, sprinkled the whole world like catkins, densely packed.

Compared with the cold outside, the room where she lives is much warmer!
It is certain to turn on the heating. There is a pot of fragrant hot tea on the solid wood coffee table beside the soft couch, and a few pieces of her favorite golden pastries beside it... There is also soft and melodious music playing in the room, and she lies quietly by the window look up to the sky.

She likes this kind of environment where there is a strong contrast between indoor and outdoor, such as now; for another example, there is a violent storm outside, but she is very warm indoors, watching the rain curtain or the snow all over the sky alone quietly!That will make her feel at ease and remind herself to cherish the good times now!

At that time, if it was not working hours, she would have no fighting spirit, and just wanted to slump by the window and watch the scenery outside.I used to live in a small rental house with no windows or balconies, so I just lay on the bed, listening to the sound of raindrops falling quietly, full of happiness.

The reason for this almost morbid feeling is related to her previous experience when she was in poverty.She had no fixed place to live at that time, and she was most afraid of this bad weather.At that time, she was usually either on the way to find a place to stay, or when she escaped from wandering outside due to the unbearable smog in the shared place.

In the cold and windy street, she stood under the eaves of someone else's house, her body was soaked by the rain and she stood there shivering with chills, but she had nowhere to go!Seeing the houses on the street with warm lights, she was full of envy.

At that time, she thought to herself, when will I have a place that is completely my own?A place where she is allowed to be willful, where she can live and work...Because she wanted to change, she continued to study and improve herself, and finally left that environment and was able to rent a single room by herself.

Then, in order to increase the rent, water and electricity every six months, endure the harshness, scolding and heavy work of the boss, and live a life like a cow... However, those lives have passed!And never again!
As she thought about it, a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

Suddenly, her back sank, and then she was surrounded by a refreshing and unique smell, tightly enclosing her between the backs of the chair.This was Han Shengyi's smell, and she rubbed it lightly in his arms.

"What are you thinking? It's better to be alone than to be happy together, tell your husband!" Han Shengyi whispered and smiled in her ear.

husband? !What a new word!She believed in love, and at the same time firmly believed that it would not happen to her, but it happened to her in the end!It's so unpredictable!

She turned her head and smiled at him.

The past is gone, no matter how sad and unforgettable the experience has been, it has also been turned into nutrients to help her grow up, there is no need to tell people all the time, it is enough to know how to cherish the present.

"Why do you come here to trouble me when you don't work? Be careful tomorrow Director Zhang and the others will deliver a few boxes to crush you!" In the study today, someone's dissatisfaction was enough for her to know the grievances between him and his colleagues in the company .

Han Shengyi snorted coldly, "Hmph, I'm sorry they don't dare!" Seeing her smiling gloatingly, "But it doesn't matter, if they oppress me, I will oppress you!" Pick words that she hates to tease her.

"Fuck you!" Qin Feng smiled angrily.

Suddenly, he remembered the strange look on his face before the sex yesterday.

"By the way, what happened to you yesterday? Unhappy? Business? Private?"

Han Shengyi's body stiffened slightly, and then he returned to normal, and continued to hug her without moving.

Seeing that he didn't move, Qin Feng frowned slightly, turned around in his arms, looked at him and waited for an answer.

"...It's nothing, I just discovered something by accident, and I feel uncomfortable! I'm fine now! But, Feng, honesty is the most important thing between husband and wife! Don't lie to me! Never again!"

Han Shengyi smiled slightly, and looked at her seriously with his deep eyes.It seems that there are thousands of words, but he hesitates to speak as if he can't say them.

"Uh, although I don't understand why you say that, I can assure you that I haven't lied to you so far, and I don't need to do that in the future! At best, I just kept it from you! Also, Shengyi, please don't look at me like that! This The look in my eyes is exactly the same as the rhythm of being passed when I went to the interview before!"

Qin Feng said unhappily that he can speak freely if he has something in his heart.This kind of negative look is simply the strongest curse for her self-confidence when she is looking for a job!
Han Shengyi was amused by her bitterness and hatred, and said with a smile: "You are often passed? How is it possible? Why don't you come to your idol's company for an interview?"

"Bah! The threshold for an idol company is even higher! By the way, you just happened to be here. There is something I've been holding back for a long time. It's just about sanitation, and you have to graduate from college? Don't tell me your cleaners have to study the formation and Is the build-up the cause of the corporate filth? Do you know how many high school students are going to be blocked by this decision?! That's outrageous!"

This is the heartfelt voice of a job seeker who often gets rejected, full of blood and tears!
Han Shengyi couldn't help laughing when he heard that, "No way? Are you going to apply for a cleaner?! The company in which district? I remember that there are five in Huaxia City G!" He had read her profile and knew which city she lived in before.

"Don't worry about it, it's unreasonable! First you say I'm too young, then you need three years of experience, and finally you say you need to graduate from college! What the hell! The recruitment notice didn't mention such a requirement at all! You're kidding me! No matter what! Which company is it, anyway, I am firmly opposed to academic discrimination!"

Qin Feng protested angrily, thinking that she couldn't find anything else back then, so she planned to change her career to become a cleaner.After searching all over the city for a week, I finally found out that there is only one company hiring cleaners!It's still my idol's company!Immediately passed by, and then the above problems appeared!It almost made her angry to death!

The man laughed and fell on the couch, even if the angry woman beat him, he couldn't stop.In the end, the woman couldn't help laughing.

After laughing enough, Han Shengyi reluctantly suppressed a smile and explained: "Education discrimination has a long history, especially in your Huaxia company. However, even if there is no education restriction, with your conditions, you can't be a cleaner! Unless someone violates the rules. "

Qin Feng was stunned, "Why?"

"A formal cleaner must show proficiency in all aspects of hygiene and cleaning during the interview, and complete the interview assessment tasks within a limited time. And you," looking her up and down with a smile in your eyes, "you can see it at a glance." I know it’s not hygienic material! You look slow, so you are definitely rejected! Why bother to make things difficult for your academic qualifications? The end result is the same!"

Her life is indeed a tragedy, no matter where she goes, she has no way out!No nonsense, just smash a pillow over to vent your anger!He smiled, and she chased him all the way!Sometimes, hands-on is indeed the last word!

The woman who was hit by her on purpose, and then rushed over, hugged her in her arms and ravaged her.

"Baby, you just said you were hiding something from me... What is it?"

"Ah? Oh, that matter, it's just the beginning, I'll tell you when it's almost done! If it doesn't affect you, don't worry about it!" Qin Feng comforted him.Lin Jianzhi's efficiency is very fast. Not only has he selected the starting site, but he has also sent people to prepare for the start of construction, which is highly anticipated...

Han Shengyi's big palm covered her smooth face, fascinated by the delicate tenderness and warmth from his palm.Looking into her clear eyes, he smiled and said, "Well, I believe you!"

There are countless gambles in life, and he often loses only in finding a partner.I hope this time, he can become the winner and win a beloved woman for himself!

The two got bored for a while, Han Shengyi continued his work, while Qin Feng leaned on the soft couch with a small foldable table, reviewing the knowledge needed for going to school next year, looking at the snow falling outside the window from time to time daze.

It is worth mentioning that Han Shengyi revised the company's new standards for employing people next year.

Some applicants, such as the front desk clerk assistant, have lowered the application requirements, and only need to graduate from high school.As for logistical work such as cleaners, education is not limited.Even for limited branch companies, the minimum education has to be reduced to high school, and there is a three-month study and trial period.

Of course, those middle-aged people who are very proficient in cleaning skills can still be hired as usual even if they have no academic qualifications!
Among all the companies in the Asia-Pacific region, Huaxia G City's sales performance has always been ranked among the top three!Therefore, Han Sheng pays close attention to the companies in G City. Every year, he inspects the list of companies with poor performance, good performance, or permanent medium performance in various countries. There is always Huaxia G City.

If Qin Feng had been hired as a cleaner in his company, would the two people with very different statuses have met earlier?If they meet in advance, will they spark off?Will they be able to come together in the end?
When I think about it occasionally, I always feel that fate is really amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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