space shrine

Chapter 262 His family chapter is here

Chapter 262 His family is back

However, there are no ifs in this world, and they are already together, so everything in the past is no longer important.

Now, the reason why he revised the employment standards was purely to cherish her previous hardships.At the same time, I hope that this modification can open up a new way out for those who have the same education and experience as her. As for whether those people will cherish it, it is beyond the scope of his concern.

It's chilly outside, but it's warm inside, especially when your lover is by your side, it's warm and sweet!
"By the way, Feng, it will be the Spring Festival in a few days. My parents and sister's family will come over then, so you have to be mentally prepared." Han Shengyi, who is working hard, reminded his wife.

Qin Feng was startled for a while, and then he said, "Oh, I'll come back when I come back, have you told them about me?"

"Not yet! They were worried about my sister's daughter's exam some time ago, and now there are some disputes in my brother-in-law's company, and they don't bother to listen to me. I will call them in two days. By the way, where are your parents? Haven't seen your family, where are they? Shall we meet them before Chinese New Year?"

He wanted to go to say hello first, but his people have been in China for nearly a year, and they only found Qin Feng's cousins, but they didn't even find a hair of Qin Feng's immediate relatives.He sent the gift over in the name of the couple, now only waiting for Qin Feng to nod, the two can go back to see them at any time.

"..." Qin Feng was silent for a moment, "No need, I will ask my parents to come over after the Chinese New Year, on the day of the Lantern Festival." You can't just enter the hut if you want to!If Han Shengyi wants to meet, it is better to let them come out.

As for those cousins, it's better not to meet each other, it's not good for them.

Her brief silence made Han Shengyi misunderstand.

From a long distance away, he looked up at her, his eyes full of apology, "Feng, are you blaming me? I'm sorry! Not only did I fail to give you a grand wedding, I also didn't go out with you... I originally planned to In another two years, when my reputation has completely faded, we will hold a make-up wedding! Or, let's invite some relatives and friends to get together first, so that we can meet and get to know each other, what do you think?"

As long as you keep a low profile and keep a low profile, if you do a good job of keeping it secret, there shouldn't be any major troubles!

Qin Feng smiled, "You think too much! I don't want any wedding. That kind of extravagant ceremony, the happy smiling faces of the bride and groom, most of them become a joke in the end! Lovers can be together peacefully If you live on, it will already be a gorgeous wedding! Besides, not only you have troubles, but I also have them! You don’t have to trouble other people, it’s more convenient for my family to come!”

Under his gentle and indulgent gaze, she did not hide her desire, "However, it is worth looking forward to when we can go shopping together! I have even tried the feeling of being in love! It's boring to directly upgrade to become a yellow-faced woman. So Ah, when no one pays attention to you, you have to go shopping with me every week!"

"Okay!" Han Sheng nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, and an unusually soft light in his bright black eyes.After years of waiting and searching, it was so worthwhile for him to find a soul mate!
Since there is no wedding, there is no need to wait for some things.

When Han Sheng returned to his room, he took out a small box and opened it in front of her. There were two simple and elegant platinum and diamond rings!A full circle of diamond-shaped diamonds is perfectly set in a smooth and shiny white gold ring.This is purely a diamond ring, although there is no extra fancy, it looks low and luxurious.

On the inner wall of the ring, there is a rattan pattern engraved, intertwining the two characters "Holy" and "Feng" in their names, which symbolizes that their lives will be entangled in the future.The ring is small, but it is carved exquisitely and delicately, with clear and vivid patterns.

"I wanted to take it out at the try the size on and change it if it doesn't fit." Han Shengyi picked up the small ring with a smile.

After looking at him for a while, Qin Feng smiled at him, extended his right hand to him, and asked him to put the ring on her ring finger, the size was just right!Han Shengyi happily kissed her slender fingers, which he ordered according to the size he remembered, and it was indeed true!
Then Qin Feng put a men's ring on the ring finger of Han Shengyi's left hand. The two looked at each other and smiled, and then couldn't help but kiss deeply, their lips and tongues lingering for a long time.

In this way, two extraordinary figures in different fields accomplished their lifelong events in such an ordinary way!

At the same time, Qin Feng put the protective ring on the little finger of his left hand.Han Shengyi didn't want it, worried that she would repeat the injury incident without the ring.

"Don't worry, I caused the injury last time! If you don't wear this now, how can I let you go out with peace of mind? I can protect you, but if I go out with you and my enemy finds out, then you have to go with me." I'm leaving, otherwise don't want to be quiet! How about you stay at home with me forever?" Qin Feng looked like he couldn't wish for it.

Han Shengyi had no choice but to put on the ring.However, he also put forward a condition, that is, Qin Feng must promise to stay at home safely and by his side, and he must tell him in advance if he is late for class.Knowing that she was still by his side gave him peace of mind.

Because he was worried that one day he would come back, but he would not be able to find her.I was even more worried that when I found her, she would lie unconscious again with scars all over her body, as if she was dead!He didn't want to bear that kind of heart-piercing pain again!
He was willing to continue working until Qin Feng agreed and promised.

After dinner, the couple took another walk in the manor while the heavy snow stopped.After returning, continue the monotonous rhythm of the study.Reading books, working work, the atmosphere is very warm and harmonious.

"Ah! I almost forgot!" Qin Feng clapped his hands and said to his husband as a warning, "Don't say I didn't tell you in advance, if your family accepts me, I will naturally respect them; but if you despise me, the king of heaven will come I don't have any face!"

Han Shengyi hurriedly comforted him, "Don't worry, my family is easy to get along with! They will definitely not do that!"

Qin Feng snorted, "Men say that! But the truth is always cruel! Huh, you are their son, and I am also my parents' daughter! I will never allow others to look down on my parents' children!" To protect himself, It is the greatest filial piety to parents!

Hearing these words, Han Shengyi was suddenly stressed!Fortunately, his father and brother-in-law are honest and honest men!But his mother and younger sister, as well as his younger sister's weird daughter... Uh, I always feel cool behind my back.

Glancing at the gentle wife who was quietly leaning on the couch and concentrating on reading, oh, it should be an illusion!Yes, it must be an illusion!
Pretending to be calm and continuing to work... Well, play it by ear!all will be good!Don't you believe that he, the president of a large group company, can't handle the four women in his family?Just kidding, absolutely no problem!
After some self-encouragement, Han Shengyi returned to his selfless work.

And his gentle and elegant wife—Qin Feng, kept her eyes on the book, but the pages hadn't been turned over for a long time, a bright red cherry was tossing and tossing in her hand...

I heard that mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law are the most difficult relationships in the world!I never thought that she would have today!Forget it, let’s see the trick!Everyone will be happy if you admit her, and it doesn't matter if you don't. If you dare to bully her, she will no longer be the woman who only knows how to endure!

However, in order not to make it difficult for her husband, she will try her best to ignore some casual provocations.

The two people in the room had their own thoughts, and the snow was flying all over the sky outside.Tomorrow, it is estimated that the weather will still be like this!

Han Shengyi's family came sooner than expected!After receiving a call from Han Shengyi, they knew that a Huaxia daughter-in-law had suddenly appeared, so they rushed over that night.There are six people in total, Han's father, Han's mother, and sister's family of four, all of them are here!
Qin Feng and Han Shengyi came out to greet her together, but when the Han family saw her for the first time, Sister Han was so stunned that she even dropped a small bag of luggage on the ground.Everyone opened their mouths and stared blankly, not knowing what to say.

Hey!The brat's eyes fell to the ground?No matter how urgent you are, there's no need to pick an ordinary, scumbag woman as your wife, right? !At first glance, those two people are simply a combination of swans and ducks, what an eyesore!
Han Shengyi was naturally very happy about the family he only saw once a year. He quickly stepped forward and hugged his parents: "Dad, Mom, you are back!" Then he greeted his younger sister and his family, including his 13-year-old niece and seven-year-old nephew.

Seeing his son so happy, Han's father and mother's expressions were kind and apologetic.Especially Han Ma, who kept touching Han Shengyi's clean hair and smooth cheeks, muttering in her mouth: "I'm thinner again, what's the matter with your people? Don't you know how to take care of you?..."

Consciously or unintentionally, his eyes slanted to the ordinary woman standing next to his son!Hey, although that Li Xianshu is not perfect, the woman in front of me is not even one-tenth of that Li Xianshu!How did this kid find such a person?
At this time, Han Shengyi pulled Qin Feng over and introduced him to his family: "Dad, Mom, this is my wife Qin Feng, from Huaxia! I told you. Feng, this is my parents, my sister Xiu En, brother-in-law Xiang Zhongyuan, this is the eldest niece Xiang En and the younger nephew Xiang Yuan."

Qin Feng smiled and nodded to everyone, and then was pulled to his parents by Han Shengyi, his meaning was obvious.

It was the first time she called someone else's parents, and she seemed a little cautious, but she still bit the bullet and bowed embarrassingly to the two elders one by one.


Father Han was expressionless, but he complied very seriously.Although he was old, but with his ruddy complexion and strong body, he looked very healthy.The outline of the face is very similar to that of Han Shengyi. It can be seen that Han Shengyi's handsomeness is inherited from his father.

However, Father Han's physique is normal.So, Han Shengyi is a genetically mutated guy!
Han Mu was also a beauty when she was young, and she was a beauty with a lot of personality.This can be seen from her sharp eyes, staring at Qin Feng like a nail, feeling stinging and stinging.Han Xiuen is very similar to her mother. After all, she has given birth to a child and lacks maintenance, which makes her look bigger than Han Shengyi.

Qin Feng came to Han Ma and was about to call her, but she blocked her hand and said very rudely: "Hey, don't call me Mom! I didn't admit that you are my daughter-in-law! My future daughter-in-law is Li Xianshu !"

(End of this chapter)

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