space shrine

Chapter 273 Mission

Chapter 273 Mission
The day after tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the family will come by then!Every time he thinks about it, Qin Feng has indescribable expectations and excitement in his heart.

However, the excitement is the excitement, and the serious business has to be done.

After the new year, Lin Jianzhi began to find someone to build the school, and he also sent her pictures of several school construction sites.

Qin Feng originally planned to build three schools first, after all, the money is not too much.Later, after Lin Jianzhi returned to China, he found a lot of sponsors and established a foundation. The money was specially used for relief and assistance to poverty-stricken and disaster-stricken areas, so he had the financial resources to build multiple schools at the same time.

However, it is said that only three lakes suitable for making spiritual springs have been found. Lin Jianzhi took pictures of the landforms with a radius of a hundred miles, and sent the pictures to her, so that she could understand the progress of the project.

After eight o'clock in the evening, when the couple came back from a walk, Qin Feng went to take a bath, which was already her habit.

After taking a shower, he was about to put on his home clothes when he suddenly found a set of men's home clothes hanging next to him, which belonged to Han Shengyi.

She tilted her head to look, and suddenly she was a little curious about men's clothing!I usually see that he is very handsome in clothes, what would he look like in his own clothes?

Act now!So I put it on, and the first feeling is that it is long!Long sleeves and long clothes!It's all up to the knees!Like wearing a short skirt.

When she came to the full-length mirror in the dressing room, she looked left and right, and after looking at it, she came to a conclusion that if she could be a size smaller, the woman in the mirror would definitely look heroic!
After a bit of smugness, he shook his hands with his long sleeves, and walked briskly to go back to the bathroom to change into his own clothes.

"Master, are you free?" Suddenly, Lin Jianzhi's voice came from his mind.Several apprentices have already learned to communicate with their minds, even Yu Shuang is no exception.

"What's wrong?" Qin Feng asked as he walked.

"In a remote and impoverished mountainous area in the southwest, a strange thing happened to a lake used to build a spiritual spring! A few days ago, several workers who were going to dam the dam were attacked by unknown objects, and two supernatural team members were seriously injured. .We can’t leave here again, so I would like to ask you to see what’s going on. The project has been followed by filming, and I have passed on the scene to you.” Lin Jianzhi’s calm tone showed a hint of anxiety.

He has seen the effects of spiritual vegetables and fruits in the military compound, so he hopes more than anyone else that the construction of the six spiritual springs and lakes can be completed as soon as possible.Seeing that the first Lingquan is about to be completed, unexpectedly a monster is killed halfway!It's been a long time coming!

"Oh? Well, I'll go and see it right now, and I'll give you an answer later."

Qin Feng took a bathrobe and put it on, tied his belt and went to the study.Turning on the computer, I just received the package sent by Lin Jianzhi.

It was a large lake surrounded by mountains and trees.And a few hundred meters away from the two mountains, there are patches of dry and cracked wasteland, with only withered and scorched crops in the field.

There are several small villages scattered at the foot of the mountain. The farmers live in dilapidated mud houses. You can faintly see a few people walking in and out of the village. They are all old people or children. It is estimated that the young people in the village have gone to work outside.

In a word, except for the big lake and the surrounding trees, there is only one word in front of people in this area: Drought!It is very dry!
From a distance, you can see a few children carrying small buckets, running over mountains and mountains to fetch water in the direction of the big lake.But he was stopped by someone, who should have been arranged there by Lin Jianzhi.

Fortunately, they had the foresight, because the big lake was far away from the fields, and it was inconvenient to get water, so they dug another small lake, diverted the water from the big lake there, and formed a small pond, which would be much easier for the children to fetch water in the future.

Building a spiritual spring in this place is indeed a good place that is unknown!It will be even better if the natural disasters in this area can be improved, appropriate and reasonable environmental protection development can be carried out, and the normal growth of crops can be guaranteed.However, this will be a long-term problem.

Faced with these dry and barren land, Qin Feng felt very helpless.To be honest, it is not difficult to solve this drought problem, considering her ability.

Both she and Qin Yu can control the water, as long as an artificial underground lake is built deep in the ground, and then let Qin Yu spread drought-resistant and vigorous plants on the ground, in a few years, the natural climate here will definitely be improved.

However, this is after all a matter for human beings.She is not the Dragon King, so she can spray water wherever she wants!What's more, the Dragon King is not so easy to invite, and it will not rain easily, this is the law of the world!

Building a spiritual spring is already a violation of the regulations, but she just wanted to fulfill her own human body.In the future, when walking in the world, it is okay to give people some help; no more, it will not work!
She fixed the lens at the position of the big lake, closed her eyes and opened her eyes, and the scene at the bottom of the lake instantly appeared in her eyes.

A few minutes later, Qin Feng closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and summoned Che Yuanni with his thoughts.

"Xiao Ni, I will give you a task." Qin Feng said to Xiao Nizi standing in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Che Yuanni asked freshly and curiously.I thought that the master would keep her in stock, so I finally got to the point.

"See clearly," let her look at the camera terrain on the computer, "there are two boa constrictors who have cultivated for nearly a hundred years in this lake, and they are about to break through to become demons. They may have become restless due to some kind of change in the earth's core. , began to hurt the villagers who went to fetch water for no reason, I hope you will collect them."

"Receive the snake demon?! Yes, yes! I will definitely get their inner alchemy back!" Che Yuanni was excited when she heard this!It used to be murder, but now it is demon killing!The life table is so wonderful!She will get carried away!
Qin Feng gave her a white look, "Who told you to kill them? Taking people's inner alchemy is the practice of evil cultivators! I just let you subdue them. Animal cultivation is more difficult than human beings. How can you just kill them! Give them another one." It’s just a training place! Anyway, they can’t stay there anymore, so it’s just convenient for me to requisition the lake.”

"Ah? Don't kill them? Then how do I bring them back? The ring doesn't seem to be able to put live animals! It's very troublesome to go through the customs~." Che Yuanni was annoyed, and it was still two big snakes to capture alive!Master didn't teach her the skill of catching snakes, so it was obviously making things difficult for her!

Qin Feng glanced at her, "Cross the customs? With your current cultivation base, you still have to waste time by plane and car?!"

When Che Yuanni heard this, she was dumbfounded, "Yeah? Is this the rhythm of not being reimbursed for travel expenses? Master, don't be so stingy! Usually it's the master's turn to appear at this time! How much money does he have~ Master, you Don't save him money! That's what stupid women do!"

Isn't there a saying that saving money for your husband is equivalent to raising a mistress for him?A woman who doesn't know how to spend her husband's money, her husband will spend it on another woman!It is impossible for a person as smart as Master to not understand this principle!

Can marriage really make a woman a fool? !too horrible!Don't get married in the future~!
Qin Feng ignored her, pondered for a while, spread his palms, and a retro exquisite handle fancy bronze mirror appeared in his palm, but there was no mirror surface.

"This is the demon-receiving mirror! I adjusted it, but all creatures and dead things with aura that are weaker than you in the world can be collected! If you encounter people or demons stronger than you on the way, you should run away quickly! Don't open it at ordinary times. , so as not to take some messy things in. You knock out the two snakes first, then open the mirror and say to them, and they go in! Then bring them back to me."

"Huh? Master, can't you accept someone who is better than me? Can you adjust it again?" When Che Yuanni saw the spiritual treasure for the first time, she was surprised first, and then regretted.If she doesn't want to escape, she will be embarrassed to say ~.

"I could accept it, but I'm afraid you won't be able to suppress it, and someone will accept it instead! Well, don't make trouble for me with your whimsical ideas. Listen, I will teach you how to use it."

Then she taught Che Yuanni how to open the mirror and how to handle it gently in the ring.She always cherishes all the treasures that come out of the hut.If it wasn't for giving the young apprentice a chance to practice, she would be reluctant to take out the treasure.

If she had gone in person, directly picked up the snake and thrown it into the hut to leave, where would there be so much trouble!

Finally, Qin Feng answered the question about the fare, "Due to the remoteness of the place, it took your second brother's people seven days to drive from Huaxia Capital by plane, and then they had to walk a long way to get there! But for the For monks, that kind of time and that way is simply a disgrace! I will give you two days, and if no one comes back by this time the day after tomorrow, I will send Yu Shuang to go."

Fuck!no?Two days instead of seven days? !No means of transportation, but also transnational!
She still can't practice teleportation!First of all, you have to cross the ocean, and then climb mountains and wading!I have to count the time spent fighting against the big snake, and there are two opponents~ so cruel!Master must be retaliating for her words of "saving money is a fool" just now!What a stingy woman!

Che Yuanni wants to cry but has no tears!It was a challenging test, though, so she embraced it.After putting away the treasures, after Qin Feng uploaded the terrain video from the computer into her mind, she immediately went back to her room to pack her clothes, packed some food, and set off without saying hello to anyone!

Only two days!It's the first time to perform such a tight abnormal task, and I don't know if it can be completed on time, so it's better to go early.What a shame to lose to Yu Shuang!She is the number one female killer in Asia, right?It was before, and it is now!

When Qin Feng told Lin Jianzhi about this situation, Lin Jianzhi asked in surprise: "She? Can she do it?" Although the little killer is not weak, he is not strong enough to defeat two big snakes that are about to become demons, right?

Qin Feng chuckled, "Don't underestimate her! If you two senior brothers, if you don't hurry up to practice, you will be overtaken by her at any time! Don't worry, you will suffer a little bit. With her cleverness, two days later your people will catch up with you! You can continue to work! By the way, you can’t dig deeper into that lake, there is a seal under [-] meters!”

"Seal?!" Lin Jianzhi was taken aback, "What seal?! Can't it be removed?"

"No! It seems that it was left over a thousand years ago! The water in the lake is contaminated with the aura of the seal, which plays a certain role in helping to suppress it. As long as you don't dig it indiscriminately, the springs of the lake will not be destroyed, and the water source can be inexhaustible , you can quote generously, but you can’t be greedy! You must remember!”

"Master, can't you find out what's underneath? What if it's something evil..." Lin Jianzhi has always been an excellent and passionate young man, before, and now even more, he can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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