space shrine

Chapter 274 Don't Bear Hard Work

Chapter 274 Don't Bear Hard Work
"I just need to know that it can't get out! The seal is blessed with divine power. As long as it is not destroyed by human beings, no matter what it is, it can't get out! The gods who sealed it back then didn't kill it, so there is a reason for its existence. In addition to protecting the lake and rationally using the lake water, don't worry about other things."

Lin Jianzhi had no choice but to cut off contact with Qin Feng, and quickly called to tell the supernatural team members stationed there to be vigilant and ready to help the coming helper at any time - a little killer and a little kid of the junior sister! !
After explaining everything, Qin Feng quietly continued to look through the multiple topographical pictures that Lin Jianzhi had passed on to her, carefully checking for any strange phenomena.I looked again and again at the place where the school was being built, and worried that I had the same worries.

"What is this? Are you reviewing your high school geography class?" He was engrossed in watching, when suddenly Han Shengyi's voice came from behind.

In this family, except for malicious or supernatural auras, she has always been defenseless against others.How tiring it is to be tense all day at home!

A cup of fragrant coffee was placed on her table, Qin Feng raised his head and smiled at him, "Thank you!"

Usually in the study room, if it is Qin Feng who prepares refreshments and drinks, most of them are scented tea, honey tea and ginseng tea that nourish the body; The same cup, because she also likes to drink.

Both husband and wife have a habit, as long as it is done by the other party, anything is fine.Of course, Han Shengyi will not serve her meat without taste, and Qin Feng will not cook something he hates without winking.

The way of husband and wife lies in accommodating, understanding and tolerance!

However, the two are newly married, so naturally they don't understand these profound ways of husband and wife.They just acted according to their own ideas, but invisibly they found the right method, which made the running-in process between the two parties very harmonious and happy!
The dinner is usually cooked by the chef, but now Qin Feng is ordered by his mother-in-law to cook it himself!Once she shirks, the chef has to take over.

Han Shengyi pulled up the chair and sat beside her, drinking coffee while curiously looking at the pictures with her.

"Hey, this is the starting address of the school I donated, how is it? The location is good, right?" Qin Feng was a little proud.Although it hasn't been built yet, since he asked, just tell him, happy things have to be shared with others to be happier!

"You donated it?" Han Shengyi raised his eyebrows in doubt, then his eyes lit up, he put down the cup, pushed Qin Feng's chair over, took the mouse and continued to click on the picture, "The pocket money, you just use it like this ?” There was a repressed unknown emotion in the tone.

Qin Feng nodded, a little wary of his strange tone, "You said you can use it as you like, are you sorry?" The money that went into her pocket belonged to her!
Han Shengyi smiled, and continued to look at the pictures, but he was glad that he didn't question her impulsively.

Since no one mentioned it, he didn't say it. In fact, each of his bank cards has information notifications of income and expenditure.

Knowing that all the money on the card had been debited suddenly, he was frightened for a moment, so he went to check it, and got hurt!I can't believe she actually used his money to raise a handsome boy!Even if the other party is a soldier, in Han Sheng's eyes, once he is an adult, it is a bad boy who still spends money from irrelevant women!

Please forgive his mental retardation, but he really thought that way at the time. He has seen too many such things, and he never thought that one day it would happen to him.This horrifying discovery made him so angry that he didn't go to investigate what the other party was doing with the money!All he knew was that he was played by the person he liked!

Because he was in a hurry to come back from that business trip, he was sick and worked. The tiredness was nothing, but the thought of his wife betraying him made him very sad!Rationally, he didn't want to see her very much, but he wanted to see her madly in his heart. Exhausted, he passed out at the airport!
After he woke up, he wanted to push her far away, but he couldn't let go!Especially after tasting her, her purity and innocence made him love and hate her even more, so he had no choice but to trust her!
The longer he spends intimately with each other, gradually, he discovers that the true personality of the person next to him becomes more and more obvious!

She is a proud and straightforward woman, and she trusts the person she likes with all her heart.It is conceivable that if he had questioned her at the beginning, she would most likely turn around and leave without bothering to explain!She gives trust to others, and naturally asks for the same trust from the other party.

So, he was lucky not to miss her again!
"These places are too remote. Looking at those children, it is very difficult to survive. Even if there is a school, they probably don't have the mood to go to school."

"So Jianzhi is trying to develop this place into a farm, hoping to initially improve the environment and way of life here. Look over there, wasteland is being reclaimed, and water is also being brought here..."

Qin Feng retracted his feet into the chair, took a few sips of the coffee cup in one hand, pointed to the direction on the picture with the other hand, and told Han Shengyi what she and Lin Jianzhi were thinking, except for the matter of Lingquan!
The two leaned together in front of the computer, one talking and one listening, and the strong aroma of coffee filled the room.

At this time, outside the always open door of the study, a small figure rushed in, walked around Han Shengyi's chair smoothly, and then held Qin Feng's hand on his stomach, scaring Han Shengyi quickly She took the coffee in her hand.

"Auntie! I don't take medicine! I don't take medicine!" Little Preserved Dan looked at Qin Feng pitifully.

"If you don't take medicine, your illness will be cured! If it doesn't work, I'll take you for an injection tomorrow! Do you want an injection or medicine?!" Han Xiuen followed closely with a small bowl, staring at this worrying little kid.

Qin Feng nestled in the chair, staring at the mother and son in front of him speechlessly.

It's just taking a medicine, is it worth staring at your mother with hateful little eyes?The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and she took the small bowl helplessly.

Don't look at her as a mother yet, but Qin Yu was brought up by her.Also, her brothers and sisters from the Qin family got married late, while others such as cousins ​​and cousins ​​got married and had children at a normal age.Every time I come back during the Chinese New Year, my cousins ​​live in her house with one bun a year.

Therefore, the reason she hates children is that they are too noisy!For the sake of the peace of the world, she has many ways to fool children ~ purely forced by the environment!
Coax Xiao Xiangyuan to try her method of bitter medicine without bitterness, let him open his mouth, avoid the tip of the tongue and other taste buds, pour a small tablespoon of medicine juice close to his throat, and let him swallow it quickly, and then the little boy Eyes are bright!Sure enough, it is not bitter! !Aunt mighty!
Then, Han Xiuen opened his mouth and watched her feed Xiao Xiangyuan a small bowl of concoction.

Qin Feng taught Han Xiuen the method so that he would not have to quarrel with her in the future.

In the end, Han Xiuen happily pulled away the little kid who wanted to play with her aunt, and closed the door of the study before leaving. Her study has always been like this, and she doesn't understand why the door of her brother-in-law's study is always open.

It's late, the children should go to bed!Later, I would ask my sister-in-law for parenting advice, and I didn't realize that I was the mother.

After the mother and son left, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to continue playing with the computer, but found Han Sheng next to him, holding his head in one hand and looking at her with a smile.

Being stared at by the man with such admiring and ambiguous eyes, Qin Feng's face became hot before he had time to think about it.Needless to say, my face was red again!
Han Sheng laughed heartily, leaned over and kissed his blushing wife on the cheek, and said with a smile, "Baby, you are so thin-skinned!"

Before she became angry and wanted to explode, he quickly changed the topic, "By the way, have you spent all your pocket money? I'll swipe it for you later."

Qin Feng was stunned, "Give it to me again? I will spend it all, you should give me a fixed amount every month." In the first half of her life, she has never spent money from other men except her family.Returning so much, she spent a lot of pressure.

Han Shengyi thought for a while, then nodded, "That's fine! You can use the money I give you with confidence, I know it." Then he added, "By the way, why don't you ask me for help? My company has established a foundation , has been committed to helping the poor!"

"Where is the trouble?" Qin Feng glanced at him sideways.

"Of course it's our country..." Suddenly realizing the meaning of what she said, Han Shengyi quickly changed his words, "Not only our country, we also help other countries when there is a disaster!"

She curled her lips and said with contempt for him, "Rather than waiting for others to rescue, it's better to save yourself!"

Han Shengyi was helpless, "Then you can't just take care of your mother's family, right? At least you have to take care of your in-law's family. It's time to carry forward your business-like spirit! I'll give you more money tomorrow, and you can take care of the impoverished areas in our country by the way." It's solved! Don't have such big eyes! Women should pay more attention to their in-laws~!"

"No! You have so many people helping, how can you push it to me? Besides, I am only providing ideas, and the other details are all made by Jianzhi and the others themselves! How about you contact him."

I knew this man would say that, she should continue to hide it, and now she is shooting herself in the foot!Qin Feng frowned and said dissatisfied.

"Don't say that! Which one of us is with the other! Otherwise, you should work harder," Han Shengyi stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, looking like a good brother.

"Why don't you serve as a supervisor in my foundation, and I'll assign some other people to you. Just like your apprentices, assign people to find places that need help or improvement around the world. You don't need to worry about other operations. What do you have in the future? Remember to send them a copy of the idea, let them go to run errands, you are still very relaxed! This idea is OK? Don’t refuse me! It’s settled like that!”

Aww!How can you make such a domineering decision? !And all over the world... oh mom!She will be exhausted~!

"No! I have to go to class starting in March! Huaxia is all handling it, and it has nothing to do with me! You don't want to frame me like this! I'm busy too, okay?!"

As a senior house girl, she is required to serve the people of the world diligently, oh my god!Let her die simply!It's rare to marry a rich man and live a happy life for only two days, so why do you have to start suffering again?
She doesn't want to bear hardships and stand hard work, she has to sleep until she wakes up naturally (four o'clock in the morning), counting food until her hands are cramped (there is no money to count)~!

"Class is a daytime thing, don't you have a lot of time at night? Be good! At most, I will stay with you in the study at night!" Han Shengyi coaxed her with a smile.He has to go back to his study every night to work, so there's no reason to let his own wife sit around and seduce him!
 Thank you book friends for your support~~Thank you!Continue to ask for tickets ~ all kinds of tickets... Thank you

(End of this chapter)

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