space shrine

Chapter 287 Back to School

Chapter 287 Back to School
Qin Feng stayed at home and studied video for a month, and asked Han Shengyi if he didn't understand.A double bachelor who has been in social practice for many years is carefully guiding her. Not only did she not fail in her homework, but she also had a deeper and more thorough understanding of the contents of the textbook.

So, in the study room at night, I can often hear Qin Feng's surprised and admiring praise, and Han Shengyi took the opportunity to persuade his wife not to go to school, and just listen to his lectures at home, which is definitely better than those teachers Wait for the conversation!

However, how to live the day has to be lived.Ren Hansheng couldn't change her decision even though she tried her best. After Dr. Xia confirmed that the fetus was stable, she happily went back to school in April.

There have always been examples of video lectures at home, and they are nothing more than tricks by some rich people.Some people were curious, while others looked down upon it. Most people thought it was some nouveau riche showing off their wealth.

Therefore, when Qin Feng was in class on the first day, she was greeted by all kinds of curious, mocking and speculative eyes.However, after a month, the eyes of these adult students changed a little, because Qin Feng's belly became bigger.

After inquiring by those who are interested, it is known that she postponed her class for a month because she was pregnant.I don't want to lower my grades, so there is video teaching, and it is definitely not showing off.

Qin Feng's statement to the public is that her family background is not bad, but she can't be said to be rich.The real rich and nobles have plenty of places to relax, but she can only go back to school and dawdle.Because of her "confession", some eyes that hated the rich disappeared completely, allowing her to study in a peaceful atmosphere.

Allowing her to go back to school does not mean that the Han family can rest assured that she is a pregnant woman running around.

In fact, apart from the daily car pick-up and drop-off, Han Shengyi not only arranged for Yu Shuang to follow him, but also made her a classmate at Qin Feng's next table, so that he could serve him close by.Even when she went to the toilet, Yu Shuang followed her closely, faithfully performing her job as a personal maid.

Finally, he had the opportunity to return to school to study and realized his youthful dream, which kept Qin Feng in a happy state every day.

Every time she goes to and from get out of class, walking on the tree-shaded path, listening to the radio on the campus, admiring various sculptures and inspirational slogans along the way, reminds her of her youthful period many years ago.It feels like it was a long time ago, but it seems like it happened yesterday...

"Qin Feng, let's eat together at noon? The old class has reserved a table at the International Hotel! Let's go together?" Li Yanyu, a classmate sitting on the other side, said to Qin Feng at noon that day.

Li Yanyu is a cheerful woman in her 20s, the youngest in the class, and her family background is average.But she is very capable, it is said that she is an executive of a listed company.She is extroverted and a well-rounded figure.He is more bold in his speech and conversation, and knows how to measure, and never offends people with words.

Because of this, her popularity is not so wide.He can speak well in front of the rich and get along well with the poor elite.Not only are the men and women in the attached teaching building like dragons and worms, but she also knows the details of all the children from rich families in the nearby university building.

Therefore, even if someone suspects that she is relying on unspoken rules, they have to admire her long-sleeved skills and admit that she is a woman who can hold up the scene.

"No, thank you!" Qin Feng smiled lightly.

"Ah? What about Yu Shuang? Don't go?! Ah~ you two, this is not acceptable! If you are always so independent, you will be called arrogant!" Li Yanyu glanced at Leng who was helping Qin Feng pack his textbooks. Gorgeous woman.For Shuang's negative answer, she was not surprised at all, and it has happened more than once.

"Hehe, there is no way. If I don't go home like this, my family will be worried. You go! Thank them for us." Qin Feng smiled.Seeing that Yu Shuang had packed up, she nodded to Li Yanyu and left the classroom with Yu Shuang.

In the classroom, there are also a few studious men and women in their 40s discussing topics.Li Yanyu glanced at them casually. They were all hardworking grassroots elites. Today's dinner was a gathering of a few wealthy classmates, so it was inconvenient to invite grassroots people to come.

So, Li Yanyu greeted them and left.These people are still far from successful people, and they usually just smile and nod.As for deep friendship or something, it's not yet time.

The richer people in the class have been gathered into a group intentionally or unintentionally by her. Every day after class, they will always get together in twos and threes, either to go to some big hotels or clubs and other high-end places, and take turns to treat guests.Some do it to show off their wealth, others do it to weave their way into high society.

Just like her Li Yanyu!In her heart, those classmates who are either rich or expensive are her potential customers.She is sure to double the money she spends on them now.

However, she was really curious about the identities of the two women in front of her.But she couldn't find out their origins, and only people in this class knew them in the whole school.But they are still very low-key, except for the people in the class, I have never seen them have close contacts with anyone.

They don't seem to care about socializing with people, and they don't like others paying close attention to them.

That Yu Shuang, everyone could tell that she came to accompany her to study, she was a person with a cold face and a cold heart.As for Qin Feng, he smiled at everyone, as if he was very approachable.

But Li Yanyu knew it was absolutely not!She tried to talk to Qin Feng, but every time she could only talk about some superficial topics, any topic that involved her personally would be ignored.

There was a middle-aged female classmate who didn't know how to be interesting and asked persistently. As a result, the smile on Qin Feng's face was still there, but her eyes had become cold, and she ended the topic with one sentence. Afterwards, she never talked to the middle-aged woman again. .Even if the middle-aged woman continued to take the initiative to show her affection, she was scared away by Yu Shuang's cold expression.

All these signs are Li Yanyu's way of getting along with her friendly after observing other people talking to her.I also heard people say that she has a special car to pick her up every day to and from get out of class, so she should have a lot of background.Since we can't have a close friendship, at least we can't offend her, let's get to know each other first.

No matter what other people think about it, Qin Feng feels that everything in his life is perfect, and he has reached a truly carefree state.

On this day, Qin Feng and Yu Shuang were walking slowly on the somewhat ancient alley on campus. For some reason, the alley seemed particularly quiet today.

"What day is it today? It seems that there are a lot fewer people." Qin Feng asked Yu Shuang.

The weather in May finally showed some sunshine, and the weather is gradually getting warmer.She wore less clothes, and her belly was obviously bulging at five months pregnant.

"There was a star showing love to the students at the main entrance of the university, and everyone ran there!" Yu Shuang replied respectfully.She watched all directions and listened to all directions. As long as it happened in the school, nothing could escape her eyes and ears, let alone the big scene at the school gate?It's hard not to know.

"Oh? Celebrity? So bold, handsome? Shooting scenes?" Apart from her husband, Qin Feng, who has never paid attention to other celebrities, was a little curious.It's very high-profile to come to the campus openly and aboveboard!Is it a hype?Because of the low reputation, you have to use hype to increase your appearance rate?

These plots are exactly the same as the plots of local idol dramas!It seems quite a sensation!If that was the star's intention to create buzz, then he succeeded.

"His name is Li Xunran. He looks feminine and beautiful. It shouldn't be a hype. Every relationship he has is very high-profile, and they are all true love." Yu Shuang reported calmly.

"Li Xunran? Such a familiar name!"

"A man who wants to argue with Mr. about everything! Ma'am, have you forgotten? We once heard someone mention it when we were shopping." She knows Qin Feng's character very well, and occasionally listens to gossip, but she doesn't waste time looking online. Very busy!Even with her and Che Yuanni's help.

When she has free time, she would rather sit on the soft couch and listen to music, sip tea, and take a break while teasing the cat, instead of wasting energy watching entertainment news.

Qin Feng thought about it carefully, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, did you hear Wen Jie and the others say it at the food stall? It turned out to be him! Let's go and have a look." Out of curiosity, she proposed to go and see the excitement together.

"Uh, but..." Yu Shuang was very embarrassed.There are so many people in danger of being hit at any time.

"Look at the edge of the railing, and you can see it more clearly." Qin Feng explained.

This is acceptable!Yu Shuang agreed.She is a personal maid, and she puts the master's safety first in everything.

The school has two gates, one is the main gate for college students.And the other is the gate of the affiliated adult school.Although the entrance on the adult side is not as spacious as the main entrance, but the terrain is at a high position, as long as you stand by the railing, you can clearly see the movements at the entrance of the university campus.

Of course, you must have excellent eyesight, because the distance from the gate is far away.Standing by the railing, it is not too much to say that it is looking into the distance.

Beside the railing, there were several men and women in formal suits in their 50s and [-]s standing by the railing talking and laughing.For these people, it is purely to watch the excitement, and it doesn't matter if they can't see the protagonist's appearance clearly, they are not interested in celebrities.

Yu Shuang stood one step behind Qin Feng, keeping an eye on her surroundings, she had to prevent other students from bumping into Qin Feng.

And at the gate of the university, a limousine was parked, and a stylishly dressed man stood there, not minding that the people around him took out their mobile phones and cameras and snapped pictures of him, with flashes flashing one after another.There was even a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, turning a blind eye to the enthusiasm of the crazy fans.

A group of bodyguards separated the people, forming a large arc vacuum around him.And he, who has attracted much attention, is leaning leisurely and unrestrainedly beside the car, enjoying the worship and admiration of everyone, waiting for the arrival of the goddess in his heart...

This cool look of being the only one in the world caused the female fans to howl wildly from time to time, waving and shouting at him desperately, hoping to win the attention of the male god.As if as long as he can look at them, this life is enough~.

I heard that this is what makes him most fascinating and lovable!His flirtatious and cool attitude, always smiling at people but showing indifference, is so charming, so real and not hypocritical... I heard that it is called personality!All his fans are looking forward to becoming the next lucky woman who can make him smile.

"Hey! Sassy! Seeing that swollen face makes me want to throw up! These women's eyes have grown to their butts, right?"

At the outermost edge of the crowd, a girl with a thin body crossed her arms and cast a few eyes at the crowd angrily.Her two good friends just sneaked into the crowd to see the male god from there, and it is estimated that they will not be able to accompany her to find the senior sister in a short time...

(End of this chapter)

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