space shrine

Chapter 288 Where did the gossip come from?

Chapter 288 Where did the gossip come from?

"Scared?! How many years?! No longer alive! Let's just say, elderly people are afraid of ghosts and thieves..." There was a lot of complaints.

"Uh... I admit it, it's necessary!" Make your wife travel with a big belly?Men are afraid of it!It is obviously a very simple request, why can the wife always adjust the difficulty to the highest level? !

"No! We'll go out after the baby is born! My husband is a workaholic! I'm about to become the unluckiest woman in the world!" Qin Feng expressed his dissatisfaction.She hasn't noticed one thing yet, under Han Shengyi's doting, she is getting younger and younger.

For Han Shengyi, the former woman who admired herself in the mirror and treated others indifferently made his heart ache, but now this woman who unconsciously loves to act like a spoiled child gives him a headache!Alas, women~ No wonder men always love and hate talking about them!

"Okay, okay, it's my fault! We'll discuss it after the baby is born..." He finally understood the helplessness of the wives and slaves in the company!

Fortunately, his wife never went to the company. Before that, he had been making fun of their wives' strict management, and boasted that his wife was very gentle and obedient to him.If people find out his attitude towards her, he must lose his majesty all his life!Han Shengyi secretly rejoiced.

And in the other car—

"Han Shengyi came just now! There is a very powerful woman beside him." The noble and glamorous Princess Lingyi said coldly.

"Oh?! Why did that old-fashioned human come here? Didn't you come to see the excitement? Didn't you say it earlier?! It's a pity, I didn't see him looking down." Li Xunran, who appeared at the school gate just now, looked regretful. I miss the scene where the new emperor meets the first emperor, and I feel so sad.

Of course he is the new emperor, while Han Shengyi is just a past film and television emperor.

The corners of Zhang Zi'er's mouth raised slightly, and he sneered, "A downcast? A downtrodden person needs you and me to work together? With your IQ, no wonder you can't beat him!"

"Hey, Zhang Zi'er, don't go too far! After all, I'm your fiance!" Li Xunran glanced at her, hating these self-important women the most!
"As long as Han Sheng gets off the stage, it will be all right! Don't talk nonsense, your plan to cast a spell on him has to be changed. The people around him are more powerful than each other, and the success rate of rashly doing it is not high." Zhang Zi'er warned him.

"Ha, woman! It's too much to expect three points from you." Li Xunran sneered.

"At least I know what it means to be overwhelmed. And you, who spent money to open a few chain stores in Huaxia, think you can fight him! He has a lot of experts around him, and you are surrounded by a group of rich and rich people. You have the nerve to boast of Haikou's ability in front of your elders." Get rid of him in private! You're an idiot!" Zhang Zi'er gave him a sideways look and said contemptuously.

"Okay! I, Li Xunran, am generous, and I don't have the same knowledge as a woman like you. Listen, that woman may be Han Shengyi's wife. Use you and her being the same type of person to get closer and see if you can find out his identity Weakness. Since you are engaged to me, at least show me your ability and don't let me down too much."

"She should be his wife's bodyguard, and the person who got into his car was another ordinary woman." At the same time, she stood at the door, although she couldn't see her true face from a distance, but she could feel that the other party was a woman without spiritual power.

"Ordinary woman? Hahaha, the chairman of a multinational corporation, he actually fell in love with an ordinary woman?! That's wonderful! A pariah is a pariah, even if he flies to a branch, he still smells like mud! The woman he is looking for is also a local grassroots! Hmph, since you came to pick her up during get out of class time, it should be a student or teacher of this school. You should find out the details of that woman as soon as possible, and if you don’t die, you will be disgusted by him!”

Li Xunran's feminine and beautiful face instantly became gloomy, and the handsome and noble aura of his body disappeared completely, and what was left was only the fatigue after all day's calculations, and his pompous and vulgar posture.

Zhang Zier was very disgusted with his attitude, and snorted coldly: "Han Shengyi hired a master to protect his wife, but you want me, a just-adult fiancée, to deal with the enemy! With this alone, you have already lost him a whole galaxy." distance!"

Ignoring his angry and distorted face, Zhang Zier sternly stopped the car.

Before she opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, she turned around and said to him: "Also, don't come to me in the future! I will let you know if I have any news! Your face is really disgusting!" The door left, and then stopped a taxi and walked away.

In the car, Li Xunran's upright facial features have become distorted, and he said with a dark look, "Wait and see! Zhang Zier, you will pay the price of your life for what you said today!"

Just like that, a vigorous love farce starring the children of the aristocratic family ended hastily behind the scenes.

Qin Feng continued her ordinary campus life, but one day, as soon as she left the house, she noticed that many people were secretly following her around.

She frowned slightly, and returned to school calmly.As soon as I stepped into the school gate, I found many sights hidden in the dark.

"What's going on?! Someone wants to assassinate me?" Qin Feng couldn't help it, and asked Yu Shuang unhappy.Han Shengyi knew that she hated being followed, so Yu Shuang was the only one by her side.

"Mister got the news that Li Xunran and Zhang Zi'er will attack Madam, so we have to guard against it." Yu Shuang said frankly.

As the saying goes, more ants kill elephants!Han Shengyi didn't want his wife to do anything, for fear of moving the fetus.But Qin Feng refused to study at home by video, which really worried him a lot.He and Xiao Bin were not in the country recently, and worried that Yu Shuang would not be able to handle it alone, so he added a large number of people to follow secretly.

"Treat me? Have a good eye! Then you can have fun with her." Qin Feng smiled and didn't say anything else.Her husband who was far away abroad was worried about her, and she had to reassure him, so she could only try her best to ignore and get used to those people.

But day by day, life was as peaceful as ever, and the other party didn't seem to be making any small moves.But Qin Feng discovered an interesting phenomenon, there are many pregnant women in the school.There are teachers, there are students... There are more in the adult teaching building, even in her class, there are two or three more at some point.

So weird!Because Qin Feng knows that the stomachs of those pregnant women are all fake!Although it was strange, Qin Feng didn't ask Yu Shuang why.

Some things, rather than actively digging, are more interesting than accidentally discovering the truth.

Facts speak louder than words!Soon Qin Feng knew the reason.

"Hey, Qin Feng, have you heard? There are rumors that Han Shengyi's wife is in our school!"

During the class break this morning, Li Yanyu mysteriously contributed gossip news to Qin Feng.

"Han Shengyi? Who is it?! Who is his wife? Is she famous?" Qin Feng was surprised and asked pretending to be ignorant.

"..." Li Yanyu was speechless, "Are you real or fake? Even Han Shengyi didn't know about it? He was a big star who was so popular a few years ago! He is super handsome, rich and elegant! It's a pity that he announced at the beginning of this year Married and retired from the entertainment industry, maybe his own company is too busy to take care of it! Alas, what a pity~ I will never see my brother again."

"What kind of work is he busy with? It's because he realizes that he's old and can't compete with the younger generation. He's an actor, do you think he really has a prominent business empire behind him? Don't be stupid! If so, what about his wife? Will he come to this school? I think he is hyping up again, and he is not willing to lose to Xiao Xunxun! Hmph, an actor, why pretend to be so lofty!"

Qin Feng and Li Yanyu turned their heads to look, and it was Liu Yuhua who was sitting behind Li Yanyu who answered.She is the boss of a small company. She is 38 years old, divorced and single. She always speaks with a bit of acrimony, and her "I'm always right" attitude is very annoying.

"Oh, what's the matter with the actor? Aren't you so fascinated by that Li Xunran? He's not an actor? Don't say that! I'm from the old Han family. Personal attacks on me turned my face off!" Li Yanyu was slightly annoyed.

"That's right! What's so special about peacocks spreading their tails everywhere? The phoenix in Chinese legends is the most noble and extraordinary." Qin Feng strongly supported his husband.How dare you speak ill of her husband in person, I'm sorry!And from her tone, it seemed that she had tried to take advantage of him but was rejected.

When Li Yanyu heard this, she gave Qin Feng a thumbs up with a smile on her face, "Proficient! I love to hear that!" Finally, she got in touch with her, and she wanted to take advantage of the victory and chase after it.

"What phoenix? It's all made up by Chinese people, can it compare with our little Xunxun? Cut!" Liu Yuhua said to himself in dismay.

Of course she didn't dare to quarrel with these two women, they were both adults and knew how to analyze the situation and sort out the serious relationship.

One of them is the most popular in the school. It is okay to offend her a little verbally, but you can't turn your back on her.Because Li Yanyu knows a lot of rich people, maybe one day they will ask her for it!

The other is the most mysterious in the class, usually very low-key, but there is a special car to pick him up and drop off every day, and there is an glamorous woman as a companion!People of this level are not something her petty bourgeois boss can offend.

Qin Feng and Li Yanyu ignored her and continued their gossip sharing.

"I heard that my brother's wife is in this school! Although I don't know what she does, but she has one of the most amazing characteristics, that is, she is pregnant! Isn't this news shocking enough?!" Li Yanyu said with a smile on her face. proud of.

"..." Qin Feng was stunned, "How do you know? Where did you get the gossip?"

Li Yanyu shrugged and shook her head, "I don't know where the news came from! Anyway, everyone said so. Maybe I didn't pay attention at ordinary times. After the news came out, I found out that there are quite a few pregnant women in our school... Eh? By the way, you are also one of them! You must be Han Shengyi's wife, right? Oh, hehe... Just kidding! I heard that many reporters sneaked into the school to investigate openly and unannounced. You, you have to be careful, don't be caught by them Scared."

Qin Feng was sweating!How would Li Yanyu feel if one day she knew that she had guessed correctly?
"Why?! Didn't you say he quit? There are still so many people paying attention?"

"Hey, it's just quitting, maybe it will come back someday, celebrities like to make troubles like this. By the way, how many months have you had? It should be more than three months, right? Some women are crazy, pay attention. It's a pity that there are no photos circulating, if there were, people went straight to the target, and you innocent pregnant women will feel more at ease."

Qin Feng smiled gratefully, "Thank you! I will be careful." At the same time, he asked Yu Shuang with his mind, "Shuang, the pregnant woman in the school..."

(End of this chapter)

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