space shrine

Chapter 297 Warning

Chapter 297 Warning
Wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel!Even if Qin Feng doesn't mind having more lives, her physique doesn't allow it.

She received a warning from the hut. Since she is a god of a foreign land, for the peace of the world and the peace of the universe, the less hybrids between humans and gods, the better!Especially for her series, there are nine kinds of dragons and they are all different!If she doesn't manage well, and there is a god-level war between the brothers and sisters, the earth will be over!

If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world!In other words, it will be a matter of time before those mixed races wiped out the earth, and then go out to clean up the universe!At that time, she, Qin Feng, will become the root of all evil!

Because Qin Lei only had two children, he has no plans to have another child for the time being, so he didn't receive the warning from the hut.But this time he was implicated by Qin Feng and was warned together.

Qin Feng was sweating, and then told Han Shengyi the unfortunate news.

Han Shengyi didn't think much of it. Having a volleyball team was just his parents' idea, but he never thought about it.He is satisfied with having three children.

Qin Feng is pregnant with dragon and phoenix twins!This result made the Han and Qin families happy all the time.Han’s father and Han’s mother also specially went back to the village to have a big feast, and had fun with the tribe for three days and three nights before giving up, and by the way, they were angry with all the villains who had despised them before~!

As for the hometown of the Qin family, due to special reasons of status and ability, the Qin family has never been back.However, the Qin family has been doing well.

Not only was Leng Yun's group of people flattered, but Lin Jianzhi and Jin Duobao's vigorous development and sponsorship were obvious, and later Han Shengyi's secret funding, so the Qin family was very relieved.

The next year, Qin Feng's twins were born. The eldest son was named Han Yunting, and the youngest daughter was Han Yunfeng.The name was chosen by Han Shengyi, and no one robbed him this time.

For the sake of his own sexual well-being, and in order not to kill anyone, after the two children were full moon, Han Shengyi quietly asked Dr. Xia to perform an operation on him.After Qin Feng noticed it, he took out the birth control pill that Qin Lei had made for himself and his family rather speechlessly.

"You didn't say it earlier, I was stabbed!" Han Shengyi, who was efficient in handling affairs, ran to the pill in tears.

"You didn't tell me before you went to be stabbed, you deserve it!" Qin Feng gave him a blank look.It's one thing to be moved, but it's another thing to go to the operation without telling her!If she had gone under the knife quietly, he would have to turn into a black-faced god again.

The knife has already been taken, so it is useless to say more.Qin Feng put away the elixir, intending to leave three buns to her family, so as to save them from being knifed like their father when they got it.

"By the way, what is your monthly safe period? I don't seem to have heard you say it?" One night, Han Shengyi asked her suddenly.

When I was in the company, big men were no different from women when they gathered together, and people would gossip about everything.After listening to people talking a lot, he realized that he still didn't understand his wife's physical condition enough!Otherwise, you don't have to suffer from the knife ~.

Qin Feng was flipping through the matching magazines of children's clothing on the bed, and answered without raising his head: "Safety period? What?" If she had cared about these things, no one would be killed, and her husband might not have to be stabbed~.

Just after taking a shower, Han Shengyi sat on the edge of the bed and wiped his hair, "Huh? You don't know? I heard that it is the seven days before and after your women's menstruation. Although you have undergone surgery, you should be careful."

There are many examples of people who have undergone birth control surgery and can still conceive, but they can't suffer in vain!

Only then did Qin Feng realize the seriousness of the problem, and said to him solemnly: "Ah! I have heard about this. But it has nothing to do with me, right? After practicing, the backward things like my aunt have long since disappeared! Now it is the whole Is it a safe period every month? Or is it a dangerous period for the whole month?" This is a very big question! !

Han Shengyi threw away the towel and rubbed his face desperately, making Qin Feng think he was worried about his menopause.Just when she was about to give him a detailed explanation, she suddenly felt that she was thrown down by someone.

"Baby! I'm so happy!"

That night, Han Shengyi swallowed a permanently effective birth control pill.The unscrupulous love between a loving man and a woman is the ultimate happiness in the world...

Contrary to the quiet elder son, the two younger sons are very active.When someone teases them, basically they only need to tap their little cheeks lightly, and the two babies immediately seem to be wound up like clockwork, one smiles brighter than the other, and their little voices are clear and loud.

When no one is teasing, the two villains are lying together and chatting, as if they are discussing state affairs.The funny thing is, even if they each have a crib, the brother and sister still interact with each other in the air, and their will to talk about family affairs is very firm~.

Occasionally the boss couldn't help but wailed twice from a distance, and the two listened quietly.After the boss finished yelling, they continued to yell one by one, as if they were responding to the boss. The situation was very fun and interesting.

In short, apart from sleeping, the two of them never stopped.

As for the strangeness about mixed-race children, Qin Lei once reminded them based on his experience.But before the abnormality appeared, all the children were normal, and there was nothing to do, but to pay attention first.

It wasn't until the eldest was three years old that the warning signs of the cabin appeared.

Han Yunxuan loves music. When he was over one year old, Han Shengyi gave him a violin, and he was able to play many beautiful pieces of music with the violin when he was two years old.It is not an exaggeration to call him a child prodigy, but Han Shengyi and Qin Feng did not want to put pressure on the child, nor did they care about the title of child prodigy, and still treated him like an ordinary child.

However, Qin Feng soon discovered that his music could actually control other people's minds!Not only can people do things according to his wishes, but the accused person can't remember what happened afterwards.It is exactly the same as the soul control technique she encountered before, but Han Yunxuan's level is more advanced and more convenient.He can control people's hearts effortlessly, if he wants to.

Xiao Yunxuan's temperament is calm and quiet, but once he gets angry, it can definitely be regarded as Little Thunder's anger~ He is still young, so he can't see the sensational effect!

Once, Che Yuanni hid his beloved violin in a mischievous way, wanting to see how anxious he was.As a result, amidst his series of "hate you, hate you...", all the moving things in the room consciously smashed towards Che Yuanni.

Some small things, such as needles, pens, and small knives, pierced her as fast as lightning.

Che Yuanni was startled by this sudden situation, and then easily waved these things away.Unexpectedly, those things that were swung away immediately reflected again without stopping.As a last resort, she jumped out of the window.

This jump is even worse!There were many trees outside, and countless leaves were as sharp as blades, and they attacked Che Yuanni overwhelmingly.Especially those tiny fir-leaf needles and pine-leaf needles, etc., densely packed, wherever she goes, they shoot!

At the beginning, Che Yuanni felt fresh and fun, but after a long time, Che Yuanni even wanted to die.

Because no matter how much time has passed, the power of those leaves seems to be inexhaustible, cutting stones into pieces, wood into pieces, and piercing walls... When she jumped back into the room, not only the things in the room rushed towards her, but even The leaves outside also shot through the glass at her.Not being able to attack the little kid really gave her a headache.

No matter how embarrassed Che Yuanni was, the culprit, Xiao Yunxuan, was standing aside with a fur ball in his arms, his beautiful little face was gloomy and silent, staring at her indifferently.

Inexhaustible power is the difference between an innate dual ability person and an acquired psychic person.

It's impossible for Qin Feng not to know about his son's abnormality, and she's aware of the movement here.

So, she took out a space ring and put it on for her son.

This space ring is different from the storage ring, it can not only hold things, but also hold people.It is a treasure refined by Qin Lei after several years of transformation!Influenced by reading online novels in the past, he often refines alchemy and forges magical weapons and treasures in his spare time, hoping to create all the heaven-defying magic weapons in online novels.

However, the space ring always has some flaws.Although it can pretend to be a person, the world inside is very small, only as big as China!

Since the ring is forged in the space of the hut, the world in the ring is full of aura, which can be used by monks to practice.Once he feels that his practice has reached the bottleneck, it means that the space of this ring is no longer suitable for him to practice, and he has to find another place to practice.

This is the shortcoming of the ring, Qin Lei is still researching, hoping to forge a divine weapon like a hut one day.

Therefore, these flawed rings have become sugar bean-like items that the Qin family generously presented to outsiders.The so-called outsiders are disciples, or nominal disciples or disciples who are pleasing to the eye.

The spiritual abilities of the children must naturally be supervised and taught by Qin Feng.

Outside, Qin Feng will seal his son's supernatural ability, making him no different from ordinary people.Unseal it after entering the space ring, let him release the accumulated ability in the world of the ring, and then teach him how to control the power.

The same goes for the second son and the younger daughter. At the age of three, strange powers appeared one after another.

Han Yunting's ability is perspective, and the more obvious spiritual skills are the same as his mother, who likes to play with ice and snow in the six dog days.

Han Yunfeng's supernatural ability is to see through people's hearts. The obvious spiritual skills are relatively unpopular, similar to the magic brush Ma Liang, and he can draw whatever he wants!Even if you draw on the air with your hands, things can fall out.

It's a pity that she is still young and has weak willpower. Although the functions of the drawn things are the same as the real ones, they are only valid for one day!A very interesting day and a half ~.

The abilities of the two younger ones are relatively clear. Only the supernatural ability of the boss is similar, and they are all related to spiritual power.The spiritual skill is to use music to seduce people's hearts, whether he sings or uses musical instruments, the function is the same as the mermaid's singing; the supernatural power is a mental attack!That's what people call superpowers.

Three small training methods are the same!But in normal times, they are no different from ordinary children.

In the past few years, not only the children's affairs, but also two small things happened.

The first thing is that in the place where Qin Feng and Qin Lei sealed it, there are still human beings who are determined to dig treasures.They first drained the muddy water in the col, and then continued to dig down.After digging dozens of meters, they still couldn't find it, so they started to use explosives without giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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