space shrine

Chapter 298 Strangeness in a Peaceful Life

Chapter 298 Strangeness in a Peaceful Life
The explosives failed to make him ugly, but brought Qin Feng back!The barrier she set up was hit, and Qin Feng, who was cooking breakfast for her husband and children, wearing an apron, hurriedly appeared in front of him with a spatula for frying eggs in his hand.

There is an enchantment blocking her, so outsiders can't see her with a strange appearance.

When he knew the reason, Qin Feng angrily directed at this group of greedy people who were about to use explosives again. Human beings from some country came with a spatula. He didn’t know if he would die or where he was going. Anyway, he shoveled them out of the mountain. .Then seal the entire mountain with a barrier, so that people from the outside world will never even think about entering the mountain for a lifetime.

Marie next door, wasting her time cooking breakfast!Every weekend, the virtuous and virtuous housewife hurried home to change the spatula.

The second one, the main reason is the same as the first one, it is about the seal.

When the eldest was four years old, one day, Qin Feng was working in the study by himself, and suddenly felt a sign that the seal was being lifted somewhere.

Because Qin Feng is the only one among the three brothers and sisters who knows how to seal, she went alone to find out.

It was an extremely cold place, but the scene was very lively. A group of archaeological team members carefully dug up the broken ancient jade.

Listening to them, it should be archaeologists from a certain country excavating ancient cultural relics here.They had just dug up a huge piece of strangely shaped ancient jade, but it was a pity that it had been broken, but the archaeologists roughly put it together and found that it was engraved with strangely shaped stripes, like characters and graphics.

They were both happy and regretful, but when they saw that the atmosphere around them was gradually becoming eerie and strange, they hurriedly had them carried away for fear of long nights and dreams.

These people didn't know that when they were digging the ancient jade fragments, there was an enchantment beside the huge pit, and there were five monks standing inside.

Under the guidance of an older monk, several people hurriedly restrained the ground that was about to crack.However, one of the youngest monks may be the first to be impacted by this strong demon energy, and he couldn't help shaking his whole body, and a trace of evil energy overflowed from his gap.

Because of this evil spirit, Qin Feng was attracted here.As soon as she arrived, she saw at a glance that everyone was about to carry the ancient jade seal away, and she was angry!

joke!How can the treasure that seals the thousand-year-old monster be carried away? !Even if it is broken, it can be glued back and recycled again!Do you understand environmental protection, you guys? !She raised her hand, ready to wipe out the memories of these human beings, and then snatch back the ancient sealing jade.

However, as soon as her spiritual power was aroused, the old monk immediately discovered her traces.

"Don't be a benefactor! The jade tripod has been broken and turned into an ordinary piece of jade. Why take someone's life for a few scraps of jade?!" The old monk thought that Qin Feng was here to grab the treasure. Qin Feng shouted.Of course, those ordinary people can't hear it.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Qin Feng hated those humans who were digging around for treasures to cause trouble for her, so there was a hint of murderous impatience in her aura, so she was misunderstood that she wanted to kill people to seize treasures.

"Ah?! It's the benefactor of Qin?! You are still alive! That's great! You are so good! God has the virtue of good life, benefactor Qin must not commit murder rashly again!" The old monk looked at her a few more times, and then Surprised and chanted the Buddha's name.

Damn it!It turned out to be an old acquaintance!Qin Feng withdrew his spiritual power, turned his head and glanced at him indifferently.This person is none other than the old monk Yuanming who loves to meddle in other people's business!Just now I was only thinking about snatching back the ancient seal jade, and I didn't care about the appearance of the masters present.

Yuan Ming and Qin Feng are two extreme figures!One is running around selflessly for all beings, and the other is selfishly staying at home for himself!
Since he is there, the seal must not be a problem!She will stop meddling!Qin Feng didn't want to talk to him, so he turned around and left.

"Benefactor Qin, please stay behind!! Qin..." She came and went in a hurry, quickly dodged without even saying hello, Yuan Ming had no time to stop, so he looked at the place where she left and let out a long sigh again.

Because Qin Feng left too quickly, she didn't know what happened later.

"Master, what should we do now? The seal was shattered by the mutation of the earth's crust, so what should we do?! Is it really doomed?!" The youngest little monk asked the outstanding senior brothers.

Yuan Ming comforted them and said: "It doesn't matter! Yuan Ming, Yuan Yin, Yuan Zhen, you can go directly to the next seal location to check later. It is now the time of the end of the Dharma. Although there are two seals that have been banned by the master, this With me in charge, there may be problems with the other one, you must keep it! Yuanxin, do you remember the appearance of the female benefactor just now?"

"Remember! She is the one who wiped out the Qian family!" The young monk nodded.

Yuan Ming waved his hand lightly, "Don't mention that matter again! Especially in front of her. When she left just now, I have already checked. If you search in the northwest direction, you will definitely find her."

"Master, why are you looking for her? What if she..." Even the master can't beat her, and he is probably just a speck of dust in front of her.

"Don't worry! She is not a bloodthirsty person! If there is an effect, there must be a cause! She has been taught a lesson that time! But today's incident must let her know, if she is willing to help..." Yuan Ming sighed slightly, " Alas, everything has a destiny! That killing finally caused her to commit an evil cause, whether there is a good result depends on her good fortune."

"..." Although he has practiced with the master for a long time, he often feels inexplicable, which still makes them, who are apprentices, puzzled and only know that it sounds reasonable~.

Several disciples looked at me and looked at you, but no one dared to say anything.

Yuan Ming saw it, and without further explanation, he kindly said to several disciples: "Okay, I don't understand now, but you will understand in the future. Go quickly!"

"Master, how do you suppress it here alone? We will help you first, and then it is not too late to go to the next target." The elder monk said.The master is getting old day by day, and it is really worrying to let him suppress here alone.

"The seal here has been removed, and a new one must be built! You just need to set up an enchantment here, and make sure that the world can never find this place again! Hurry up and go to the next seal point, don't delay!"

After Yuan Ming finished speaking, without waiting for his apprentice to come back to his senses, he jumped up and turned around over the big pit.

But seeing a flash of bright light, all the monks quickly closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes, they found that the big pit was gone. Sanskrit scriptures flowed like electric snakes.

"Master, Master?!" The disciples were shocked, and they rushed forward and exclaimed.

"Teacher, go quickly! Remember! The last seal must be guarded! Find the benefactor Qin..." The voice echoing on the heads of the crowd drifted into the air little by little, and then returned to silence.

"Master..." All the disciples recited the Buddha's mantra several times with great pain, and then quickly set up barriers around them.After discussing with each other, the four resolutely ran in their respective directions...

If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell!Master has never said this sentence to them, but his actions have clearly explained the meaning of this sentence!

Since he was very confident in the old monk's skill, Qin Feng didn't take this matter to heart.Sure enough, not long after she went back, the overflowing evil spirit quickly disappeared.

So, Qin Feng continued to do what he should do, and soon forgot about it.

Time passed day by day, as if in the blink of an eye, the eldest was nine years old and was already in the fifth grade of elementary school; the second and third were eight years old and in the fourth grade of elementary school.

At ten o'clock this Saturday morning, Qin Feng took his three children to Han Shengyi's company.

It was agreed that the weekend would be parent-child time, but today there is a big client from abroad who is also Han Shengyi's good business partner, so he has to personally receive him.He told his wife and children that this guest is very straightforward, and the negotiation and signing between acquaintances will not exceed two hours, so she can go to the company and wait for him at ten o'clock.

Qin Feng is very punctual, and he will arrive at ten o'clock as promised.

"Ma'am, you are here! Please follow me." A beautiful secretary who was waiting on time at the elevator entrance for the inner high-rise came quickly to greet Qin Feng, and then led the way ahead.In the past few years, Qin Feng has come to the company three or two times, so everyone in the secretary team knows her.

However, the company's customers do not necessarily know her.When passing by the waiting room at the door, Qin Feng glanced casually, and found that the company seemed to have a lot of customers today——

The figures of Qin Feng and the children were seen by some anxious and caring people, so the beautiful secretary's eyes blurred, a professional beauty dressed in smart clothes and showing confidence walked over quickly, giggling on high heels, and stopped them in one fell swoop .

"Hey, I said Secretary Jiang, did you make a mistake? I was the first to come, why did you take her in when she first arrived? Even if you know each other, you have to tell me first come, first served?" Her exquisite facial features showed a look of embarrassment Confident expression.

"How can it be like this?! Do you know that doing so will seriously damage the image of Mr. Han's company? It's too much! No, I must~ have to give Mr. Han an opinion!" It resounded throughout the office space, and then quickly walked towards Han Shengyi's office with a heartbroken expression.

"Hey, miss, I came here before you! If you want to enter, I am the first!"

The office was originally very orderly and quiet, but because of one person's restlessness, all the people had a commotion.The men and women on the other side of the waiting room kept their ears pricked up. As soon as they heard any movement here, they rushed out to grab a seat.

Without Secretary Jiang saying a word, the staff in the company immediately stepped forward to stop them.The handsome men and beauties in the secretary's room heard the news soon, and hurried out to stop them.

One of the men saw that they couldn't get through, so he asked the secretaries very politely: "Uh, when is Mr. Han free? I was the first one, so you should know. I just want to talk to Mr. Han about business. It won't waste his time too much, can you let me go in first?"

A handsome secretary also smiled politely: "I'm so sorry! We told you earlier that you should discuss your matters with the director of the business department. Their office is downstairs, and you can come here on Monday. And, Mr. Han If you don’t work today, it’s no use waiting.”

"Hey, don't mind! I'll tell Mr. Han something, soon..."

 Thank you for the evaluation votes and pink votes of the bookworms who are fun to read!Thank you very much for your support!Continue to ask for tickets, all kinds of tickets, thank you~

(End of this chapter)

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