space shrine

Chapter 304 The Impatient First Love

Chapter 304 The Impatient First Love
Before leaving, the narrow-minded woman sensed Han Shengyi's office, and found that the two were talking about things in a polite manner.Han Sheng looked at her very coldly, but other aspects including her heartbeat were normal.It's just that the woman stared at him obsessively, filling their surroundings with an ambiguous atmosphere.

When Qin Feng saw it, his heart was stabbed slightly.

The depth of the hatred at the beginning proves the depth of the love for her, and that psychological obsession with cleanliness has affected him for more than 30 years.First love is always the most unforgettable!Even after more than [-] years, the mature man has not forgotten the relationship he gave wholeheartedly back then, right?
He who is gentle and polite to everyone, but now he has a cold expression has already explained a lot of things.

From knowing to now, Han Shengyi said he liked her and wanted her, but never said he loved her.And she herself doesn't know what is love, and she is even more afraid of being restrained by a word of love, and being forced to give and give selflessly.

He doesn't want to live forever, just like she doesn't want to become an ordinary person!She is a self-aware person, and she cannot ask others to do what she cannot do.

But now, with only one year, she is even more afraid to ask him for anything!
Whether she helped or not, she couldn't stay by his side anymore.If she doesn't help, she will lose the right to stand by his side!In her heart, a selfish villain does not deserve his favor; help, the consequences are just as the cottage said.Therefore, she only had one year to stay by his side.

It will be very painful if you can't get it, but if you don't want it, your heart will hurt even more!

In the corridor of the company, although there are people passing by constantly, Qin Feng still feels that the surroundings are very quiet, as if she is the only one walking.

While she was at a loss, a figure of a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, causing her to stop.

"...Uncle Qingping?" Qin Feng blinked, and then called out after confirming.

"My child, thank you! Also, don't give up on him so easily!" Zhou Qingping, who appeared in front of her for the first time, was wearing a pair of old-style black-rimmed glasses, smiling warmly and serenely at her.Although people come and go here, no one can see him.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, and his eyes were slightly hot.It's not something she can choose!
Shaking her head slightly, she suddenly asked: "If the end of the world comes, will Uncle Qingping... let her see you? Do you want her to live and suffer, or do you want her to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and be with you as soon as possible?"

The sharpness in her words made Zhou Qingping frowned, "The end of the world?"

"I mean what if..."

"It doesn't matter whether you see it or not! For so many years, she believes that I am trying to protect her, and I believe in her ability to protect herself. No matter what the result is, we have no complaints or regrets." Zhou Qingping smiled.

"...Really?" Qin Feng's eyes darkened, and he said, "Goodbye, Uncle Qingping." He walked past him and left the Han's Building.

The middle-aged man behind her turned around, quietly watching her leaving lonely back.

"Is it the end of the world?" He murmured as his figure faded.He never believed in the end of the world, but this woman is no ordinary person!The words that came out of her mouth made him a little uneasy.

And at this time, Han Shengyi, and his first love, Wen Xiumei——

"Okay, we have discussed the information you sent me just now. If there is no problem, the contract will come into effect after it is printed and signed. I hope you can stay in China during this period, and I will arrange someone to talk to you as soon as possible. Contact."

Han Shengyi said to Wen Xiumei with an official smile.

When Wen Xiumei heard this, the gentle and sweet expression on her face softened, and she immediately replied: "Don't bother, I'm free! I'll come over in person after signing the contract, maybe we will have other new discoveries and we need to modify the details What! Moreover, you were the one who handled this matter from the beginning, and you are always more familiar with it than outsiders. I am not afraid of your jokes, after so many years of ups and downs, I no longer dare to trust others casually!"

Speaking of this, a bleak look flashed across her plump oval face, but it quickly disappeared.On the delicate and soft facial features, there is a resolute and decisive expression, a unique temperament of an intellectual woman emerges spontaneously.

The desolation and determination in her eyes added a sense of weakness and helplessness to her, as if she had experienced countless disasters before and had to do her best to survive till now.

Whenever a man with a bit of conscience sees her, he will feel pity and love for her in vain, wishing to solve all difficulties for her.

Han Sheng glanced at her calmly, then nodded, "Okay, I'll let you know when the contract is finished."

When Wen Xiumei heard this, she immediately showed a beautiful and bright smile, "Okay. Ah, by the way, my birthday will be in a few days, and I have invited dignitaries from all walks of life to hold a birthday party in the imperial court. You and your wife must appreciate it !"

Han Sheng declined with a smile, "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you! I've always been very busy, and my wife rarely attends such occasions."

Wen Xiumei, who had been focusing on his expression all the time, naturally didn't let go of the tenderness that flashed across his face when he talked about his wife. There were all kinds of jealousy and hatred in his heart, but his face was still smiling like a flower.

"It's okay! Your wife is so lucky to be pampered by such an outstanding and successful man like you. I've been miserable. Since I got married, I have to attend parties and banquets of celebrities and ladies from all walks of life from time to time! Oh, it's okay, I finally met some talented people. Powerful gentlemen, my husband relied on their help when he was in trouble several times! However, I still envy your wife... Hey, how about we have dinner together some other day? I have long wanted to see her."

"Let's talk about it later! If there's nothing else, let's do it today? I'll take you out." Although the tone was questioning, the way he stood up to see off the guests showed his tough attitude.

Wen Xiumei knows how to accept it when she sees it. She believes that what she said just now has affected him, so she resumes a dignified and graceful smile: "That's good! I'm sorry to bother you for a long time. It's just time for lunch. eat together?"

"No thanks, let's do it next time." Han Shengyi sent her out of the door, seeing her graceful figure stepping on Hetian Gao and slowly leaving gracefully, he couldn't help but sighed heavily.

Some people, when they meet again, are as elegant and indifferent as they first met, which makes people pleasantly surprised, such as his woman Qin Feng; while some people, who are amazing at first sight, are still the same when they see each other again, but it is a pity that his old heart has changed!It would be in vain for her to do all kinds of scheming.

Thirty years have passed, and the world has changed beyond recognition.Only this Wen Xiumei is still as scheming as before, and still has a crazy attachment to him.

Although she hid her temper well, she only made no secret of her affection for him.The deepest thing she knew about him was that he liked people who were straightforward.

If he was still in his teens, he would probably be secretly happy because of this.But he, who has been harassed by her in the name of love until now, clearly realized that it was a signal that she was going to use tricks on him again!
For example, she reluctantly sold 50% of the shares of Dynasty to him, but he had to handle it in person and strive for the opportunity to be alone with him.And she still holds 20% of the shares, and she will come to him with many excuses in the future, and even talk about business affairs all night long; Dissatisfaction with my wife's social incompetence...

Over the years, it's fine for her to harass him, because she is an acquaintance.If he dared to play tricks on his wife, he would make her understand that he was no longer the ignorant boy he was back then!Annoying him would also make all her efforts go in vain!

He has been in shopping malls for many years, and his experience tells him not to underestimate anyone!

When she proposed cooperation, all the information about her Wen Xiumei, as well as small actions such as desperately absorbing other shareholders' equity in private this year, and future trends have been laid out in front of him in detail.Since she came to the door, just be quiet, if she still dares to mess around, he will make her never recover.

"President, Madam came here at noon and left a food box for you." Secretary Jiang quickly took out the food box left by Qin Feng and told him in the office as soon as the guest left.

Han Shengyi took the elegant food box and was stunned, "Where is she?"

"Madam waited for Director Zhang for quite a while, and left when she saw that you were still busy!" Secretary Jiang replied.

Han Sheng nodded, and Secretary Jiang left the office.

Besides, Qin Feng, she let the car that picked her up leave first, teleported to the beach by herself, and sat on the boulder in a daze.A small black shadow floated over and landed beside her lying on her stomach.

Qin Feng stroked its soft and warm little hairy head, and said with a chuckle: "It seems that only you can accompany me."

Every time she was in a bad mood and was alone in a daze, Mao Qiuxin felt it and immediately appeared by her side.All the disciples couldn't compare to it. When they worked hard to upgrade and strive to learn teleportation as soon as possible, it had already been used superbly.It may be because it is an animal and there are not too many distracting thoughts in its mind.

The fur ball meowed twice, then continued to lie obediently on the rock, watching the ebb and flow of the tide with its owner.

Qin Feng's decision to skip work temporarily, because he had prepared in advance, would not cause trouble to Han Xiuen.Her husband is at work, but the children are not around, so she is stealing half a day of leisure~!It's a pity that at this moment, she has no mood to savor this rare leisure time.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Han Shengyi calling.

"Hello~." Seeing that it was his call, Qin Feng, who was in a complicated and heavy mood, smiled unconsciously, and put on earplugs to answer.

"Where are you? Are you still nearby? Come and have dinner with me." Han Shengyi said domineeringly.

Qin Feng will wait for him every time he comes over, no matter how long.Although the number of deliveries for lunch was not many, there were once or twice, and once she waited for him until after two o'clock in the afternoon.

Later, when I came with the children, I was afraid that the children would be bored waiting, so I took them to wait for him at a nearby restaurant, and she had never done this before leaving the food box behind!This action reminded him of her back then, who threw down her protective ring like this and then disappeared without a trace!Made him feel bad.

"No! I've already rolled away!" Qin Feng replied in a classic way, causing the man on the other end of the phone to choke.

"...Then dear, can I ask where you 'rolled' to? The sky?In the future, he will have to make an agreement with her for three chapters, or he will not come, or he will have to wait for him when he comes!For her giving up halfway, he has a lot of shadow~!

 Thank you book friend Meilan for the review vote, and thank you for the pink ticket of the fun-reading bookworm ~ I continue to ask for tickets from everyone. Recently, Little Pink seems to have another top two activity. I don’t know if it has expired~~ In short, I am very grateful for everyone’s support La!Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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