space shrine

Chapter 305

Chapter 305
"No way! The tire is deformed and can't roll. You can eat it by yourself!" Qin Feng lay down on the rock and smiled, almost in the same position as the fur ball, lying comfortably on the beach enjoying the sun.

"Didn't you eat too? Come here." At this time, he has no objection to her using teleportation!She came over with a food box, which was always for two people!Because Han Shengyi said that eating alone is tasteless~.

"I don't want to eat it! You can eat it!"

The frustration in her tone made him frown, "What's the matter with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Where are you? I'll call the doctor over."

"It's okay! I'm hungry!" the lying woman said unhurriedly.

"... You didn't eat before you came here?!" The man's voice sank, "Where are you? I'll go and eat with you. Don't come here and wait like this next time!"

Last time she waited until two o'clock, he told her to eat something before coming next time.She complied with him, and she would eat something at home to fill her stomach before coming here every time. He also asked the secretary to prepare a lot of pastries and put them in the refrigerator.In that case, she won't be afraid to wait for a long time.

"No! I like to wait for you." The woman who claimed to know nothing about acting like a baby acted like a baby to her man without any pressure.

The man on the other end of the phone was silent, but she could vaguely hear his deliberately suppressed gentle laughter, and she was instantly healed!The whole heart is soft and warm.

Unexpectedly, when Han Sheng saw that she was determined not to disclose his location, he told her to pay attention to safety, and then decisively hung up the phone.So, she got hurt again~.

He hung up on her!Sure enough, when the first love comes out, who will compete with it? !The crows in the world are really black!After seeing her first love who is as beautiful as a flower, her poor wife is no longer important!

The seriously injured woman beat the villain hard in her heart—his first love!Picture yourself biting, twisting, and torturing someone—her man!

The emptiness way of venting really couldn't satisfy her resentment, so she had to make the furball bigger, and then she hugged its warm and soft fur paws, staring blankly at the sea alone——

Whatever, let him like it!She's leaving anyway!He is an ordinary person, could it be possible to ask him to wait for her for 20 years? Whether the 20 years are long or short, no one can guess the variables, so she can't say it!

If he really still likes that first love, she will fulfill him!But before leaving, she will check the details of that first love.If she harbors ill intentions towards him, she will let him see clearly, and then he can choose whether to accept the other party or not according to his will.

As for the children, the Han family loved them very much, and Han Shengyi sent many people to follow the children. Even if the future stepmother wanted to embarrass them, it would be difficult to find a chance to do so.

However, she will still tell some aliens to help watch!Although she is not here, no one else can think of hurting the children at all!
By the way, I will ask Qin Yu some other day to ask for a few pots of piranhas for the children to take with them. Anyone who approaches with malicious intentions will be made into flower fertilizer! !
She was thinking about her funeral when she was surprised to hear a car on the other side of the road.There are many rocks on this seaside, and there are usually few people.It's been almost half an hour since she came here, and she didn't hear a single car, but now she heard more than one car...

What's with her violent heartbeat and joy? !Qin Feng changed the fur ball back to its original shape in surprise, then sat up and looked into the distance expectantly.

Sure enough, from afar, she saw an unusually familiar figure approaching her—unexpectedly but not unexpectedly, it was Han Shengyi who came!She stood up in surprise, and when he was about to approach, she yelled loudly and flew towards him...

So, the couple skipped work today~!The two played at the beach for a while in the afternoon, and then went back to the city to find a teahouse in Fengya, and then went to the clubhouse to play ball and do sports, enjoying the excitement and fun brought by skipping shifts.

However, while having fun, Qin Feng still couldn't help asking him: "How did you find me?" She teleported directly from the city, and the seaside she chose was deserted, and no one could give him information.

Did he use satellites? !No way? !What an exaggeration!The heartbroken woman felt that he was a waste, but she didn't say it out loud.

It was rare for Han Shengyi not to answer her directly, and he glanced at her with a cool expression: "Guess!" No matter how she asked, she only got this answer, which made her really bored for a while.

She didn't ask him about Wen Xiumei, and he wouldn't take the initiative to bring up these bad things to arouse his wife's resentment and add to his embarrassment.Life goes on as usual, except that Qin Feng loses his temper from time to time at work.

All along, there have been natural disasters and land subsidences in many places from time to time, but the root cause was unknown before, so she didn't have any psychological burden to deal with it.For her now, those disasters reminded her all the time that the day when she left was getting closer, which was challenging her sensitive nerves!So her temper became more and more irritable.

Today, five regional leaders once again had a dispute over rushing for aid.Every decision Qin Feng made was vetoed, even if she had reason and evidence, the five responsible persons were unwilling to give up the chance to fight for the first aid for their own region.

Three of them even acted unreasonably to her in various ways, and Qin Feng was so angry that he simply threw out the final result.

"If you have time to talk to me here, why don't you try to mobilize the local residents to contribute money and strength! Those who seek help must first save themselves! No one is obliged to give up their lives to help you. The world is so big, and we are so small, They also need to rest and breathe, even if they split each of them into ten, they can't take care of that much! Help should go to the places that hurt the most first! Other places with less disasters try to spare manpower and material resources to go to the places with heavier disasters to support! If you have better ideas, you can discuss the results with each other and tell me! Don't quarrel with me here!"

This is the first time Qin Feng got angry with them!Different from those yelling people, she spoke word by word, her voice was cold and slightly tough and impatient, and her face was clouded and her brows were furrowed from beginning to end.Still, she tried to control her choice of words so that she wouldn't have to apologize later if it was too hurtful.

Even so, not only the five people who were arguing, but even the 19 onlookers also smelled a strong smell of gunpowder, and they all spoke up to put out the fire.

"Qin, calm down! Things will be done as you say! The disaster here is relatively light, and we will send people to the hardest-hit areas to support! You can rest assured."

"Yes! Our side can also support..."

As for the five people who were arguing, seeing that Qin Feng had already made a decision and that other colleagues were willing to lend a helping hand, although it was a drop in the bucket, it was better than nothing, so they had to compromise.What's more, what Qin Feng said is right, the people from all walks of life in the Spark Charity Association are already very busy.

After they rescued one side, another accident happened there, and there was more than one place.Disasters are infinite, but there is a limit to the number of Xinghuo personnel.Not only do they want to send people to the front line, but they must also not be idle in the backstage. They promote and encourage the public to lend a helping hand in safe and stable areas!

Not to mention being able to eat a good meal and sleep peacefully, there is not even time to take a good breath!If people are not allowed to rest, I am afraid that the disaster situation will not be resolved, and the rescuers will be resolved first.

The hard work of the big guys is obvious to all. The five people were also enraged by the huge disaster in front of their house, so they played tricks on Qin Feng, hoping to win the highest level of support.

The matter has been temporarily resolved. Although everyone is not very satisfied with the result, they also know that this is the best way at present.And they don't have time to spend time here, those in the hardest-hit areas are in a hurry to rescue lives, and those in the light-hit areas have to quickly arrange various preventive measures for earthquake prevention, flood prevention, and landslide prevention.Everyone knows that if it is not handled properly or in time, a light disaster area can turn into a serious disaster area at any time!
This is not alarmist talk. Changes in various places have become the root cause of people's throats smoking in anxiety.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay? You look tired. Why don't you take a rest first?" Han Xiuen asked her worriedly.The noise just now, as an assistant, she naturally watched the whole process. She was the first person in the Han family to see Qin Feng really lose his temper.

Qin Feng shook his head, rubbed the center of his eyebrows to soothe his nerves, and then continued to work.However, she really hated the job more and more.Until the end of work at ten o'clock in the evening, her brows were still frowning, completely different from her usual calmness.

Han Xiuen told her elder brother about her abnormality, but Han Sheng had already noticed something was wrong.The two worked overtime together in the study at night. It was impossible for him not to feel that she was abnormal, but he thought it was because he was worried about the child.

"What's the matter recently? Are you worried? Missing a child?" Han Shengyi sat down beside her, imitating her, with a pair of long legs resting on the round wooden table in front of him.Compared with his 1.8-meter-tall long-legged man, her length was shortened by more than a cut.

At ten o'clock in the evening that day, Qin Feng finished work on time, went back to the balcony and collapsed on the rattan chair, unable to move anymore.

Qin Feng squinted at the man next to him, and then lay his upper body directly in his arms.

"Shengyi, if I tell you that I can only stay here for one year, will you be sad?" Qin Feng asked straight to the point.At this moment, she was so calm that even she was surprised.

Han Sheng flicked her head with one finger, and blamed: "What are you talking about? What? Are you tired?"

No way? !They have survived the seven-year itch of marriage, not to mention that she is not a woman who sees things differently.The most important point is, is there any man in this world who has better conditions than him to make her want to move?No, no, no, no?He is sure not!
"I mean it!" Qin Feng thought for a while, and told him everything that would happen in the future with some reservations.

At the end, Han Shengyi stared at her incredulously, and said with tongue-tied words: "You, what are you talking about?! Beast?! Mutation?! Heh, what do you mean?! Feng, I don't want to hear about you leaving Just kidding! That's not funny at all! Let's talk about something else, baby!"

"Don't say you don't believe it, I don't want to believe it! But that's the truth!" Qin Feng smiled, "What I don't believe is that there are so many monks in the world, but I am the only one who can subdue them! How funny! Hehe... ..."

Han Shengyi, who couldn't digest her words at all, hugged her numbly and unconsciously, his mind went blank.

(End of this chapter)

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