space shrine

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Looking down from the hut, everything on the ground appears very small. Ordinary people can only see large green forests, deep blue oceans, and some urban forests built by the human world. It is impossible to see clearly.Fortunately, the Qin family has lived in the hut for a while, and their daily food and drink are resources that contain aura in the hut, so everyone can see everything on the ground clearly. "Dad, Mom, look!" In order to let them get used to the various mysteries of the cabin, Qin Feng used his spiritual sense to move the cabin down, but he didn't dare to go fast for fear that his parents, who had never even been on a plane before, would get dizzy.The hut slowly descended, Qin's father and Qin's mother were surprised to find that the scenery on the ground began to become clearer.Originally, I only saw a series of deep winding mountains. With the landing of the hut, I can already see the plants on the mountains and the various wild animals walking around; I saw a few large ships slowly passing by, as if a few long marks had been drawn on a broad and smooth glazed mirror.And some fishermen are casting their nets into the ocean.... "Stop, stop, stop...! Xiaofeng, go up to the sky, you will be seen by people if you go lower, and the navies of various countries don't have detection radars, if they detect it, you will be in big trouble! "Qin Guoguang reads the news every night. He is very concerned about the territorial disputes between Huaxia and neighboring countries. He knows that some military equipment is becoming more and more high-tech. Seeing that the hut has dropped too low, he hurriedly stopped.Lu Lan, who was standing on the other side of Qin Feng, was stunned. Hearing what her husband said, she came to her senses and held Qin Feng's arm tightly, as if this could prevent Qin Feng from continuing to let the hut descend.On the other hand, Qin Lei and Qin Yu, who were watching something new and exciting, were very calm. After all, they were brothers and sisters. In their hearts, although Qin Feng was very unreliable, there was one thing that was absolutely unambiguous, that is: be cautious!Especially when there are loved ones around.People like her who are usually afraid of failure and fear of blows lead to timidity in doing things, once they make a move, they will never have any worries, so they stood very calmly and watched the scenery and the excitement.Qin Feng smiled lightly and explained: "Dad, Mom, don't worry, this hut can't be detected by these mortal weapons, even some advanced cultivating families can't detect it. Didn't I say before that the hut can go anywhere?" , That’s the meaning.” After that, he deliberately landed the hut next to a sea surveillance ship that was patrolling the ocean, and let it walk slowly.Beside the huge and majestic sea surveillance ship, the officers and soldiers in various positions on the ship were all focused on the surrounding sea environment, for fear of missing the slightest trace of the enemy, but turned a blind eye to an elegant small wooden house floating on the sea next to it.This situation is indescribably weird.Now not only Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan were dumbfounded, but even Qin Lei and Qin Yu were dumbfounded at the scene before them. They knew that the hut was magical, but the visual impact of being there in person was quite shocking.And the bullish owner, Qin Feng, has a calm expression on his face, which is not uncommon for her.When her family made guest appearances everywhere in order to deceive others, she took control of the hut to wander around and play around when she had time, this unfilial daughter (all gods and Buddhas despise her)~!The sky, the bottom of the sea, the center of the earth, etc. are everywhere. Occasionally, when you are bored, you will hide it in the lively city center. Sometimes it is located in some quiet but popular shops, and you can lie in front of the window and watch the so-called luxury of the upper class. They also saw the exhaustion of civilians working hard for their lives, and even saw some crimes hidden in the middle of the night... Sometimes they would use the hut to help them out of trouble, and when they encountered some dead-headed ones, they would just sit on the sidelines.No way, she is not the Holy Mother, even if she has a magical house, it can't change her disgust and indifference to human beings' pathetic temperaments such as all kinds of crimes.There is a good saying in Buddhist scriptures: Even if the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas hear your cry for help, if you don’t reach out your hand and don’t have the determination to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, they will be helpless!So she will not be reluctant as a mortal, after all, she is just an ordinary person with treasures in her body, as long as her family is safe.Everything else is not forced, really not forced!A trace of indifference flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, ignoring the contempt and complaints of another kind of human nature in his heart.Whether she is lazy or not is her business, and other people's suffering is their business, although the hut was accidentally obtained by her in a daze to save people.But so far, the hut has never expressed the intention of asking her to do good deeds and accumulate merits in order to have it for a long time. Instead, it is bound to her soul, so she doesn't have to ask for trouble.Don't meddle in other people's business even when they are full. This is the conclusion she made after experiencing many times of thankless work, and it has also formed her consistent style of life.Qin Feng took a cold look at the sea surveillance ship opposite, and let the hut continue to sink without waiting for his family to react.This time, she wants to let her family fully understand the magical power of the hut. She will have time to look at the scenery in the future. She is very busy and has no idea about building the balcony.Thinking about something in my heart, I became a little anxious in my actions. "Dad, Mom, let's go down to the bottom of the sea to have a look now, don't be afraid." No matter how eager you are, don't forget to remind your parents, so as not to scare them again. "Hey, wait, sister, go and have a look over there, a fishing boat seems to have caught a big fish!" Suddenly Qin Yu screamed, and Lu Lan next to her was so frightened that she covered her mouth, I was afraid that the officers and soldiers on the opposite ship would hear. "Mom, don't worry! They can't hear it." Qin Feng smiled, and then moved the cabin to the fishing boat.She was too indifferent to everything around her, so she didn't see that the sea surveillance ship was slowly approaching here.Only when he got close to the fishing boat did he realize that the fish caught by the fishermen was indeed a big fish, and it was even a big shark, a beautiful blue shark with extremely smooth leather and a slender body.The so-called shark fins are taken from their fins. Although their nutritional value is unknown, the market price is high, so fishermen love to catch this kind of big shark.The process is a bit dangerous, but people die for money, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, not to mention that fishermen have been working in the sea, and they have experienced a lot of wind and waves, and their courage is naturally stronger than ordinary land people.No, this big blue shark was caught by accident today, and the five strong men on the boat naturally cheered up and pointed around, all of them smiling from ear to ear. "Sister, don't many people refuse to eat shark's fin now? Why do these people still catch sharks?" You can ignore it if you don't see it, but now Qin Yu is watching this big blue shark dying in the net with his own eyes. I couldn't help but feel compassion in my heart.But I don't know whether to help them. After all, fishermen make a living by fishing, and this big blue shark is a big fortune for them.In other words, destroying people's wealth is like killing parents.She didn't know whether she should smash this pot!

(End of this chapter)

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