space shrine

Chapter 32 Sea Storm

Chapter 32 Sea Storm
"Cut, there are policies at the top, and countermeasures at the bottom! Those countries protect animals and still have people killing them in private. What's more, the ban on shark fishing has not been clearly stipulated, it is just some spontaneous voices of the people, how can it stop human beings from making money? Crazy move." Qin Lei scoffed at the little girl's words, he didn't care about the fate of this fish, in his heart only cultivation deserved attention.

Besides, fish are caught by fishermen, isn't this just the law of nature!The food chain is not just written in books for people to read. In reality, it is full of blood and cruelty.Qin Lei is a man, so he can't understand women's natural sensibility and delicate and soft psychology.

Qin's father was no exception, but Lu Lan also showed a little unbearable in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

A fisherman's fishing is the same as killing chickens and geese at home.If someone told her that the chicken was poor, don't kill it, etc. when she was about to kill it, she would think that some mental hospital patient had escaped.

So although she couldn't bear it, it wasn't as uncomfortable as Qin Yu who hadn't even killed a chicken.

The Qin family was feeling sorry for the fate of the big shark, and the fishermen on that fishing boat were also discussing how to deal with its fate.

"Old Zhou, the voices against shark fin in the society are on the rise. Let's take it to the shore and dispose of it. If it is discovered by those interested people who wander around the beach all day long, I'm afraid there will be something wrong." While speaking, the young man pulled out one of the sharp and shiny harpoons from the big shark, a stream of blood spurted out from the big shark, and as it struggled painfully, it soon stained the deck under the fish red.

Qin Yu, who was by the window of the hut, had red eyes, and his hand holding the window was also a little white.She had only heard about the cruelty of killing sharks, and read about it in books. At that time, she didn't think much of it, and took it for granted.Now that I witnessed it with my own eyes, I realized that human beings are really cruel.

On the other side of the fishing boat, the cruelty continues——

"That's right, Brother Zhou, why don't we cut it up now, anyway, it's not far from the shore now, and while no one can see it here, just throw it into the sea and it'll be clean. It's not attractive Be careful, and save the effort to deal with it, it is only useful for that piece of shark fin. This fish is too big, and it is too troublesome to go back to the shore to deal with it.” Another young man was straightforward, bending over to pick up a sharp knife while talking. Dao, it seems that as soon as Brother Zhou speaks, he strikes.

"Hey, Lao Zhou, there is a sea surveillance ship coming over there." The middle-aged man suddenly saw a big ship slowly approaching not far away, and reminded his companion softly.

Several people on board saw the sea surveillance ship, and the helmsman also stopped.When a fishing boat encounters a sea surveillance ship heading in its direction, it will usually stop on its own initiative and wait for the other party to check or pass by before continuing to work.

However, in order to prevent the other party from having any additional opinions on their handling of the big shark, the old Zhou, who was around 40 years old and had been happily patting the body of the fish, looked up and finally agreed to signal his partner to slaughter the fins immediately.He didn't want the fat from his mouth to fly away, so he acted first, and when they arrived, the fins had been cut off, so there was nothing he could do about it even if he had any objections.

What's more, the country has not yet issued a ban on the capture of big sharks. Although he is not afraid of outsiders' opinions, he does not want to cause unnecessary troubles.

When the young man saw that the person in charge agreed, he was overjoyed, raised his knife and walked up to the big shark, which was a bit powerless due to excessive bleeding, and he swung the knife at a good position.As for the smell of blood coming out of the slaughter in the sea that would attract sharks, they didn't care. Years of working experience at sea had given them a certain awareness and preventive measures against various crises.

"No way!" Seeing the fisherman raising his knife, Qin Yu couldn't hold it back any longer. He grabbed the window with both hands and leaned slightly outward.I don't know if she has stayed in the elf world for a long time, or if she has cultivated deeply, she actually felt the despair and fear of the big shark waiting to be slaughtered.The most deadly thing was that one eye of the big shark happened to be looking towards the cabin.That big watery eye, as if knowing that he was about to face the pain of cutting himself off, revealed all kinds of fear and pain, and at the same time, it burned Qin Yu's heart.

She has made friends with various elves in other worlds, and there are also countless sea people.Although the shark in front of her is just an ordinary shark, but Aiwujiwu, she can't just watch the pain of her friend's kind being slaughtered in front of her eyes.

Qin Yu gritted her teeth, and didn't care about the natural food chain. She jumped out and wanted to rescue her, never thinking about the consequences of her appearance.

At this moment, Qin Yu felt that his shoulders were being pressed down, and his center of gravity dropped, so he could only stand firmly by the window.

Just when he was stunned, his eyes blurred, and then he saw the fishing boat was shaken violently by a gust of wind. Just when those people threw knives to support the hull, the big shark was shaken out of the boat like this, and the fishing net was thrown out of the boat. fell into the sea together.

Qin Yu felt relieved, and then turned to look at Qin Feng, but she gave her a stare.

Qin Yu was dissatisfied, and shouted: "Originally, I was in the elf world, can I watch their compatriots die? Then I still have the face to meet them!"

Qin Feng said with a sullen face: "I have no objection to you saving it, but you should think about the current situation anyway. Have you thought about the consequences of showing up out of thin air? Have you thought about whether the trouble of attracting attention from the outside world will affect your family?" Have you ever thought about your intention to go to another world to cultivate?" At the end, she gave a cold look at the little girl who suddenly realized the regret, and said in a deep voice, "I always remember what my original intention is! If anyone dares to It's our idea, no matter what the reason is, no matter demon, ghost, human, or other creatures..." After a moment of pause, Qin Feng looked at the fishing boat and the sea surveillance ship that was approaching rapidly, with murderous intent in his eyes, slowly Slowly said, "Never allowed to exist!"

Although she can't do anything to her family, she is not so polite to outsiders.

With a fierce killing intent, the thought moved in his mind, and then he raised his hand, and saw a strong wind blowing in the sea near the two ships over there, and the waves were several meters high, rushing towards them overwhelmingly.

"No! Xiaofeng, stop! You can't kill, they are right, you can't kill them!" Seeing this, Qin Guoguang was anxious, and hurriedly dragged Qin Feng away from the window, fearing that his extreme daughter would get angry and take someone's life indiscriminately.

"Yes, Xiaofeng, calm down! Xiaoyu was just negligent for a while, don't be angry!" Lu Lan was also in a hurry. The reason why her daughter got this treasure out of thin air was because of her kindness in saving others.If it is because of this evil thought that the magic weapon is useless, it will be a big deal, but if it is killed by the backlash of the hut, it will be very bad.

Thanks to Zangshuge, Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan have nothing to do when they are free during this period. They usually look for some unofficial histories in Zangshuge, but they know a lot about cultivating immortals and cultivating the truth.Therefore, we know that there is no cause without a reason in the world, let alone an effect without a reason.

Although they didn't believe it before, but now they are deeply gracious and know that there are such things as good causes and good fruits in this world.

"Sister, I know I was wrong, don't be angry! There won't be another time, sister, don't be angry!" Qin Yu was also so anxious that his eyes were red, and he couldn't care about the dissatisfaction just now, and hurried to Qin Feng's side Apologies said.

(End of this chapter)

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