space shrine

Chapter 317

Chapter 317
After returning to the Holy City, he didn't go back to his room to rest, but took a walk in the manor!In the past few years, he has become accustomed to facing the environment without someone!Whenever he was extremely tired, he would walk around; whenever he thought of the warm and trivial things in the past, he would show a knowing smile.

And today, he wanted to go to the first place where she entered the Holy City for the first time - the training room where the spiritual eye was hidden!

"Brother, Xiaoxuan and the others are all inside."

Before reaching the door, Xiao Bin noticed the strange atmosphere in the training room, so he whispered to Han Shengyi.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Han Sheng looked suspiciously towards the practice room, and motioned Xiao Bin to go quietly with him to find out.

His eldest son, Han Yunxuan, asked for leave from the company a few days ago, saying that he had something important to do.Young people, Han Shengyi felt that it was time for his son to have a girlfriend, so he didn't interfere.As his future heir, the eldest son has always been responsible and serious about his work.

But Han Sheng thought he was too serious and cold, and wished he would hang out with friends often.

But he didn't expect that his son would ask for leave and come home!Even Xiaoting Xiaofeng is here!what happened?Didn't the two little ones say that there were activities in the school?Why are you back?
For the first time, Han Shengyi felt that there was a generation gap with the children. Could it be that he gave them too much freedom?As a result, the children didn't care about his father? !

Since the road leading to the practice room was guarded, Han Yunxuan and the others did not close the door.The door is open, no matter who comes, the people in the room will know immediately, provided they are still in the mood to pay attention to the outside.

Before Han Shengyi and his brother reached the door, they heard a joyful exclamation from the room: "Mom!"

Han Sheng paused, then quickened his pace and came to the door.

I saw three people in the room sitting on the ground around the aura eye, and a delicate round fan was suspended above the aura eye!
Han Shengyi is angry!That is the small fan that his wife likes to dangle in her hand most, and it is also his most precious collection now!In vain he had been hiding it in a hidden place, but he didn't expect to be found out by these brats!Dare to take it out and play? !What nonsense!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he raised his foot and wanted to go in and scold people, but Xiao Bin stopped him and said with his thoughts: "Brother, don't be impulsive! Look up!"

As soon as Han Sheng raised his eyes, he was stunned!
I saw a scene of light and shadow appearing on the small round fan. In the light and shadow, there is a spacious garden with many tall ginkgo trees planted in the garden. In the other corner of the garden is an iceberg carved like white marble. On the iceberg is a small waterfall. The young woman in the elegant skirt is walking slowly on the edge of the pond under the small waterfall.

And Han Yunting's voiceless call just now disturbed her tranquility.She frowned slightly and whispered.

"Xiaoting?! Is it Xiaoting?" She used her thoughts and voice to talk to her son.It was too quiet in the garden, she desperately wanted to hear the voice, even if it was her own!So that people outside the image can hear it.

Because Han Yunxuan's three people's kung fu is not perfect, they can't hide the voices of both sides, which is a pity.

The elder brother and the younger sister hated him to death!This skill was developed by Han Yunxuan after years of hard work in order to meet his mother!If successful, they can see their mother whenever they want in the future.

Because the technique is not yet proficient, the sound cannot be blocked, and I don't want my mother to think that they are not concentrating on practicing, so I can only watch secretly.Now Han Yunting yelled out of control, and both brothers and sisters wanted to chew him up.

Han Yunting was lazy to talk to them. After 17 years of separation, he could only talk with his mind. Today, he finally got to see his mother!How could he care so much? When he saw her thin and thin figure, and heard her calling repeatedly, the 25-year-old him hurriedly responded with a slight guttural voice: "Mom, it's me! Mom..."

"What's wrong? I told you not to search for me often! It will take a lot of energy. What happened?" The woman in the video simply sat on the edge of the pond and picked a beautiful and refined lotus flower in her hand.

"I didn't..." Han Yunting, who was overwhelmed by excitement, just wanted to say that he was useless, but was kicked hard by the brother and sister next to him at the same time.What is peeking?Of course it was a sneak peek!It's fine if you say something, but you still want to betray everyone's old background ~ Brainless brother!

The woman on the other side said "Huh?"

Han Yunting, who had been kicked a few times, turned his brains sharply, "No! I just miss you! Mom, I haven't seen you for a long time! I really want to see you."

He spoke the thoughts of the three brothers and sisters, and the faces of the three who looked up at the reflection were full of admiration and joy for her.

The woman in the image smiled slightly and comforted him: "No hurry! We will meet again." Sniffing the lotus in her hand, a fresh fragrance refreshed my heart.

At this time, a small figure jumped at her, and then lay down obediently on her lap.Everyone took a closer look, and it turned out to be her pet fur ball!She gently stroked her beloved pet and smiled.

"Mom, how are you? How about grandma? I haven't seen grandpa and grandma for a long time! There are also uncles and aunts. It's strange, we haven't been able to find them! Mom, do you know where they are?" Han Yunting asked questions like a cannonball.

The woman's smile faltered, and then she said lightly: "Very good! They are all very good! It's just that 17 years ago I spent my spiritual energy and practiced in a very secret place. Xiaoting, if grandpa and grandma ask, you will Tell them that, you know?"

The three brothers and sisters looked at each other, and their mother's expression made them feel that there was something strange in it.

"Mom, don't they live with you?" Han Yunxuan felt very strange and couldn't help asking.

"Xiaoxuan? Are you here? Don't you have to go to work today? Where's your dad?" The woman was slightly stunned.She thought it was Xiaoting who told him, so she didn't think much about it.

She has not been in contact with anyone for 17 years, and she dare not go back to her humble house for a deep sleep. She is afraid that she will not wake up, and even more afraid that when she wakes up, the people she likes will disappear, so she is becoming more and more lazy to move her mind.

"It's rare that my younger brother and younger sister come back. I asked for leave today, and everyone gathered to chat with you. Dad is still at work, so I dare not disturb him...Mom, you haven't answered me yet? What about grandparents?" Han Yunxuan replied .

The woman smiled and said, "They can't stay here. After recovering a bit, they traveled around the world together! They are afraid that you will be sad, so they don't dare to see you."

Han Yunxuan still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he said, "Mom, you will be able to come out in three years! Mom, will you come back to see us and Dad then?"

The smile on the woman's face could no longer be maintained, she reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth, and said hesitantly: "Xiaoxuan, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back. In order to control that fierce beast, I almost exhausted my spiritual energy. Stay here and continue to practice."

The three brothers and sisters were disappointed again, Han Yunxuan raised his spirits and said to her: "It's okay, Mom, take care of your health, we will chat with you some other day when we are free?"

"Okay." The woman nodded, and the smile returned to her face.However, there was a bit of bitterness in the smile.

Mom, are you hiding something from us? !The three brothers and sisters stared at the lonely woman in the image, panicking in their hearts.

Although the conversation stopped, the three of them wanted to spy on whether their mother was really doing well, so the image was still very clear.

"Master, why don't you tell the young master the truth?"

The appearance of this voice immediately shocked everyone inside and outside!Because, this voice is none other than the cat on the woman's lap! I haven't seen it for 17 years, but it knows how to speak human language!

However, what surprised everyone even more was the truth it said!the truth? !Is there really something they don't know? !
"Ignorance is also a kind of happiness!" The woman stroked it gently, "Don't say how sad the news that 20 years has become 50 years, I still don't allow my brothers to come back to replace me. Don't say 50 years, I may You have to stay here for hundreds of years... well, why bother,"

Her words made everyone burst into tears, but she was still talking to the pet unconsciously.

"Now, I only dare to see them once every five years, because I feel uncomfortable. Since I know it is suffering, why let them suffer it again? There is really no need to make them worry about me. Well, don't talk about this. Tell me about you What do you gain from going out for the first time?"

The kitten answered her, wagging its tail, "The three little masters have practiced very smoothly, and they have also cleaned up those monsters who secretly coveted them! I also ate the fish that slipped through the net! It's a pity that their hearts still need years of tempering. Otherwise, they will be able to pass the barrier in another ten years. Your parents-in-law and sister-in-law eat a little spiritual food every once in a while, and their bodies are nourished very well. Your husband is also in good health, just as he looks...very old quick."

The woman closed her eyes and remained silent for a while, then nodded, motioning for it to continue.

"I also met the old masters. In the past few years, they washed their faces with tears every day and felt very guilty towards you. Just a few years ago, your sister-in-law agreed to practice, and your two nephews made girlfriends again. Now the two old masters are happy A bit. As for your brother and sister, they are all fine, and in three years, they will be able to return to their human form."

"Your disciples are doing well. Xiao Bin and Yu Shuang are staying at Han's house, Xiao Ni has established her own family, Lin Jianzhi and Zhao Wendeng Xiaolu's special organization is getting bigger and bigger! Jin Duobao gave up his fame After returning to his hometown, he began to look for us everywhere, hoping to break through the gate and come to replace you. Unfortunately, his skills have not yet reached home, and he is currently practicing three thousand kilometers away from us."

"Oh? It's hard for him. Go over and give him some advice when you have time." The woman smiled desolately, looking softly at the fur ball.

"Well done, thank you for your hard work! Go and play with your elder brother Ah Yi. You have already learned to speak the human language, and after a few hundred years in the Qin Garden, you will be able to transform into a human form. Before that, you will also I have to experience more in the world, and I can rest assured that Ah Yi is here. Otherwise, once you become a human, your character will not pass the test...there will be no one to accompany me!"

Fuqiu squatted in front of her, and said with a serious cat face: "Master, don't worry! You will not be free for a day, and Fuqiu will not change shape for a day! I will call Brother Ah Yi and them to play now." After finishing speaking, the little figure It turned into a wisp of smoke and jumped out of the garden.

The woman came to the edge of the garden, stood quietly on the edge of the garden, and said to herself: "One day, when you and I are old, we will sit quietly in front of the court, watching the flowers bloom and fall, and laughing and talking about the fleeting time. Tonight, a hundred years later, we will pass by each other, Only then did I realize that I have already seen it and I are in our twilight years..."

Putting the long stem of the lotus between her palms and rubbing it lightly, the elegant and bright petals floated into the air in an instant, decorating the sky and beautifying her fantasy and yearning...

 I wanted to end it in one chapter, but I’m just writing, and there are more~ Sorry, there will be the last chapter later, and then it will be the finale! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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