space shrine

Chapter 318 The Finale!

Chapter 318 The Finale!

"Mom..." Han Yunfeng couldn't help crying anymore.Among the three of them, she was the only one who didn't dare to say anything, because she was afraid that if she spoke, she would not be able to control her tears.Now that the aura has dissipated, she can't help it anymore.

At this point, the three brothers and sisters tried their best to let go, but the round fan was still floating in the air due to the aura of the aura eye.

Han Yunxuan and Han Yunting's faces were tense, and their bloodshot eyes made it clear how bad their mood was.

At this time, the slight sound of the door alarmed the three people in the room.The three brothers and sisters looked up and exclaimed, "Dad?! Why are you back?!"

Seeing Han Shengyi, Han Yunfeng rushed over and threw himself into his arms, crying loudly.

"Dad, Mom is lying! She is not doing well at all! There is only one person...she can't get out! Huh..."

Han Shengyi hugged his little daughter without saying a word, his face, which had aged rapidly in recent years, was always tense, his expression was as calm as water, and even a little indifferent.

"Dad, I'm sorry! We were worried that you would be sad seeing your mother, so..." Han Yunxuan quickly adjusted his emotions, and then explained to his father.

Han Shengyi didn't seem to hear his son's explanation, he just patted his little daughter on the back to comfort her.

After a while, he said in a deep voice, "You all go out! I want to be alone here for a while."

After everyone went out, Han Shengyi came to Lingqi Eye and raised his hand to take the small fan back into his hand.

He stared at the small round fan dreamily, as if he saw the woman sitting on the rock back then proudly showing him the small fan she embroidered.

Looking at it, suddenly, the eyes that were calm just now began to burst into tears, and the hand holding the small fan trembled slightly.

"Feng, I said, husband and wife should be honest! You always hide the most important things... It's my fault, it's me that makes you lose confidence, it's my selfishness that makes you carry it alone... I'm sorry! Feng, You wait for me, you must wait for me..."

He slowly closed his eyes, and a mysterious tome appeared in his mind. The paper was flipped through quickly and automatically as if consciously, and the lines of words inside turned into golden lights and flooded into his sea of ​​consciousness...

In the blink of an eye, 30 years have passed!

Qin Feng has spent 47 years alone in the hut!In these 47 years, she entered a humble house once, and then dared not go in again.

Her mood affects the environment of the humble house. When she entered, the original environment full of flowers had disappeared!It was very cold inside, exactly the same as when she first came in.In the past, she still had the appearance of being like spring all the year round, but now, she can't even maintain her appearance!
What frightened her the most was that she wanted to sleep as soon as she entered it!I want to lie on the frozen lake and sleep in bursts of cold air!She knew that once she lay down, she might not be able to wake up again!
She doesn't want to sleep!At least not now.Although there are no people around her, she doesn't feel lonely!

Standing in the garden every day, the breeze blows gently, not only the news from all over the world, but also his breath!Yes, there is his breath in the air, so she is not lonely!
She has never been a greedy person!Although she can't live forever with him, but she can live under the same sky, her heart is enough!When she couldn't change the environment, she could only think like this.

She planned to return to the humble house to sleep after his aura disappeared, and she didn't care if she could wake up or not.

As for the children, don't call her heartless!Just like her parents abandoned her, and she can also abandon her parents in spite of her heart.After a long time, everyone gets used to it!Human nature is like this, and she believes children are too.

On this day, she made her favorite mango cake in the kitchen, took out the thousand-year-old sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing, and sat quietly under the ginkgo tree to read a book.

Suddenly, the hut told her happily: "Master, good news! Good news!"

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "What good news? I can go out now?"

"Uh... not yet! But it's almost there!" The cabin was suffocated at first, and then told her easily, "One day in the outside world is equal to one year in Lei Xiu's space! After staying for nearly [-] thousand years, the xinxing is almost worn out! Recently, I haven’t made troubles, and I’ve been sleeping all day. As long as its soul is purified, and the grievances are completely gone, it can be reborn and become an auspicious beast in the world. Already!"

"I think it is numb, right? There is a big difference between purification and numbness." Qin Feng said.

"No! The hostility on it is much less! After all, it is a resentment monster left by ancient monsters. After tens of thousands of years in the Leixiu space, it should be able to understand it!" Qin Feng has Qin Feng's opinion, the hut With the cabin view, it sticks to its guns.

"Okay! Calculated in Earth's time, how many years are left?" Qin Feng became a little interested.

"Nearly 200 years! It's too fast! You have to make it mad first, and then you can fully wake up. After you wake up, you have to understand the cause and effect of the past and present life, and then you can treat the world with gratitude! Then transform into an auspicious beast. !” The cabin analyzed in detail.

"Is that so?" The woman, who had been driven mad but unfortunately didn't wake up, put down her book, stood up and walked towards Lei Xiu's space while rolling up her sleeves.

Hut: "...Master, why are you going?" This is good news!Shouldn't the master be shouting for joy?
"It's nothing, I suddenly want to exercise my muscles and bones." Appearing directly in Lei Xiu's space, Qin Feng quickly found the hideout of the beast, and it slept peacefully under a cave nearly a thousand meters deep.

Without saying a word, Qin Feng punched the ground, smashing out the hot magma under the ground, and then there were bursts of heaven and earth cracking in the space, and then, the beast was awakened!It got angry, raised its head angrily and let out a long howl, then rushed out...

"Grass mud horse! It will be freed in another 200 years! What about me? I have nothing left after being with it for 200 years! Want to leave me alone?! No way! Fuck me!!"

The ferocious beast that she came to find trouble from time to time raged again, "Damn woman! Are you finished?! It's rare for this deity to want to rest...Die to Lao Zhi!"

Once again, a disaster beyond level ten broke out in Leixiu Dimension, and the world fell into collapse and chaos.

Hut: "..." If I had known, I wouldn't say it.

I don't know how long it has passed, anyway, the 50-year period has passed.Qin Feng's children and Jin Duobao went through several levels, but they were all stuck in the last level that was concerned with sex. She bombarded the four of them several times, requiring them to only come to the level once every ten years.

Today is Qin Feng's birthday!Thanks to the little house's annual reminders, and Fuqiu Ayi, who brought her gifts from relatives every time, otherwise she would have forgotten it.

She has never opened the presents from her relatives, because she spends this day staring at the wind chimes hanging under the eaves in a daze.

Under the wind chime in the center, there is a photo of her favorite person!As soon as she saw this photo, she remembered every detail of her life back then, so she never got tired of seeing it.

Just as she was lost in memory looking at the photo, the cottage suddenly said to her mysteriously: "Master, today is your birthday! I send you a big gift!"

Qin Feng hated others disturbing her fond memories the most, so he said with a sullen face, "Don't disturb me!"

"Okay, master!" The hut replied playfully, and then really fell silent.

She ignored it, continued to stare at the photo in a daze, and then laughed silently.

after awhile--

"What's so good about photos, isn't it good to see real people?"

Suddenly, an extremely familiar but somewhat unfamiliar deep male voice resounded in the quiet hut.

Qin Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and looked in the direction of the sound in a daze.I saw that tall and straight figure that made her think about it day and night, and met her every night in her dream, standing in front of her alive.

He is still the same handsome, elegant and gentle, with the same gentle smile like a spring breeze, and the same drowning eyes... Qin Feng stared at him blankly, then rubbed his eyes and shook his head, and looked again, he was still there !

"Huh?! Hallucinations again?!" Qin Feng touched the photo reluctantly, "Okay! I'll go to sleep for a while, and I'll see you later." After saying that, she wanted to go back to her room to rest for a while.

As soon as she moved, she was immediately embraced by someone!The same breath, the same temperature, the same familiar feeling... Tears rolled down, but still dare not face it.

For decades, she has been tortured to death by her own hallucinations countless times. Is it easy for her to live peacefully? !If it happens again, she is afraid that she will not be able to bear it!
"It's over, the hallucinations are getting worse! I can still imagine my body temperature! Ha, it would be great if my cultivation base can reach this level of perfection!" She lowered her head and said to herself, trying to break away from this, which made her afraid embrace.

"Baby, it's me! It's not a hallucination! I'm here to accompany you...I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long!" Han Shengyi hugged her, whispering excitedly, and refused to let go even though she struggled.

Qin Feng wiped away the tears that shed at some point, looked up at him, and pinched his face with both hands.It seems to be true!But what if it's an illusion again? !

She climbed his shoulders helplessly, staring blankly at him and weeping unceasingly.

Han Sheng also had tears in his eyes, and smiled at her distressedly and guiltily, "Don't believe it? It doesn't matter, we have plenty of time to prove it in the future. Baby, let Shenshe admit my existence first, and in the days to come, I will accompany you you!"--

On a certain day of a certain year and a certain month, I was still in a certain remote mountain village on the earth.There is a family surnamed outdoor near the small mountain village, who have moved here for more than nine years.

This family is named Han, and there are only a husband and wife. Occasionally, I heard that three young people who are sons and daughters have been here.But no one believed it, because the couple themselves were very young, even if they had a child at the age of three, it was impossible for them to have such an old child.

Alas, these city people love to recognize their relatives indiscriminately!Everyone in the village thinks so.However, because the master is very hospitable and treats others with enthusiasm and kindness, the people in the village love him very much.

That's right, it's just the male host!As for the mistress—

"Brother Han, is Brother Han at home?"

Early in the morning, a dark farm boy stood outside the bamboo fence and yelled loudly.

At this moment, a woman in a clean and plain dress came out of the kitchen with a sullen face, glanced at him expressionlessly, and said lightly, "He's not here, what's the matter?"

The young man flinched, bit the bullet and rubbed his hands with a smile, "Haha, Mrs. Han is at home! It's okay, it's okay, you're busy, you're busy, haha..."

He raised his foot and wanted to slip away, just in time to bump into the male master who went up the mountain to cut firewood coming back!
He shouted happily: "Brother Han, I just wanted to find you! There are two big roosters fighting in front of my house! My mother asked me to ask you what's going on? Is something going to happen to my house? Good thing or bad thing? How to deal with it?!……"

Then, the hostess and the hostess blacked out at the same time... This couple is Han Shengyi and Qin Feng!
In the evening, the two sat in the yard to eat.The yard is very simple, with a bamboo fence covered with morning glory, a jujube tree, an old wooden table and a few low stools, and a well beside the bamboo fence gate.This place is located in the middle of the mountain, except for a few families at the foot of the mountain, they are the only ones.

Han Shengyi, who was dressed as a farmer, was making a stool out of thick bamboo. Qin Feng set the table and chopsticks and said to him, "Let's eat first! We will leave tomorrow, what are you still doing?"

Han Shengyi smiled and said: "It will be ready soon, and there is only one left." They don't need it, so they can leave it to others.

"You are so true! You can see a doctor as soon as you see a doctor, and you can also see a doctor by the way! Two chickens at the door of the house come to you when they fight! Heh, let him go." Qin Feng twitched the corners of his mouth.

"My medical skills are not good, and they don't believe in teaching them to do business, so I can only help them look at these. Besides, I collect money, so it's not in the way of heaven." Han Shengyi smiled, and finally gave the last The bamboo stool is finished.He tested the firmness, then put it aside with satisfaction, patted the debris off his body, and came to the table.

After taking the meal served by his wife, he said again: "Let's go see our parents tomorrow, and then go back to the hut."

"I won't go!" Qin Feng replied very simply.

"Well, you wait for me outside Zhuangzi, and I will go by myself. Now my parents are staying with your parents, even if you don't want to see them, I have to go and have a look, right? Next time I will have to wait 50 Year!" Han Shengyi exclaimed.

Qin Feng glared at him, "Stop talking! I will never go! Huh, forgive them easily, and they will not make trouble for me in the future! If you want to go, I won't go." She was determined not to go, absolutely Don't go, don't go if you say you won't go!

Han Shengyi smiled, gave her a light sideways glance, and didn't try to persuade her any more.

I don't know who said it back then, and I would never let my brother and sister return to Shenshe to replace her.As a result, she has been with him for nearly ten years now!

So, let her be stubborn!Anyway, she will definitely go tomorrow!Who told her to be a soft-hearted woman!Moreover, Jin Duobao and Han Yunxuan can replace them for ten years next time!In the future, the two of them will have 20 years to stay outside!Life just keeps getting better!

One night, in a spacious garden, a man and a woman sat under a ginkgo tree to enjoy the moonlight.

"Shengyi, do you love me like this?" Qin Feng asked a question that countless women have asked thousands of times.

Han Shengyi squinted at her, teased her with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "Love? You think too much! Love is only willing to die for you! Longevity? Thanks to you, now I can only prove that you love me! Uh, Honey, what did you throw down just now?"

The woman who was crushing a certain stone fiercely and throwing the crumbs forward froze for a moment, then let out a scream: "Ah! My gem! It will kill people if it falls in the world! Hairball! Yi! Quick! Go pick it up for me!!! You can’t keep even one piece! Hurry up, hurry up!”

The man put his hands behind his head and leaned against the ginkgo tree, watching the woman jump to the edge of the garden, with a warm smile on his face...

 Let everyone wait for a long time!Finally ushered in the finale!Here, Zhuye would like to thank all the book friends who supported this article!Without your support, Bamboo Leaf might have hastily ended it!Years later, this will be Zhuye's regretful look back!Fortunately, I still like the ending now!I hope you all like it too!After the end of this article, Zhuye probably hasn’t written an article for quite a while, so goodbye for now!Hope to see you again one day!Finally, I wish you all the best of luck in the new year!The family is healthy and happy~!Thank you~! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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