space shrine

Chapter 38 Who Transformed Who?

Chapter 38 Who Transformed Who? (Four)

The first night I spent there, I shared a bed with their two daughters.As the masters, they were naturally not very happy, but they couldn't resist what their father said, so they had to throw her a thin blanket, and then the two sisters lay down under a thick quilt.That night, she strongly and deeply felt the embarrassment and grievance of living under the fence.I still remember that she was lying on the innermost side, leaning against the wall, and there was a nail on the side of the wall, which made her feel faint pain.

At that time, she whispered to her sisters, but she got a sentence: "Just don't touch it! We have to go to work tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow." After finishing speaking, ignore her.

She didn't sleep all night, firstly because her body was cold, and secondly, the nail behind her kept sticking to her body, no matter how she moved, she was always forced to go back to the wall and come into close contact with the nail.

The question that troubled her has been circling in her mind, isn't it a relative?Why did he look so terrified and indifferent when he was so kind in the country?

Not long after, she found a better-paying job, and lived with her relatives for nearly half a month before being arranged in a dormitory, and finally left the place that made her feel suffocated.

Young and energetic, she will not retaliate against her relative's words or actions.She is still young, her life has just begun, she still has a lot to learn and see the world, she has no time to take care of these things that have passed, she has to face too many variables.

However, the words I heard back then, and that night when my body and mind were both cold, have always been firmly and deeply engraved in my heart. Every night when people are quiet, I will always turn it out and think about it a few times inadvertently.The hatred is slowly cooling down, and the family affection is slowly fading.Until now, every time he sees them, Qin Feng always looks like a good girl, and every time he comes to the door, he never forgets to bring something with him, even a few apples.

Affection is not there, etiquette cannot be discarded!She really remembers it carefully!
Qin Feng, who fell into a deep sleep in the space, raised his mouth lightly with a slight coldness, closed his eyes, and unconsciously caressed his arms with both hands.It's a bit cold!Oh, it seems that winter is coming.

Thoughts are still flowing, memories continue...!
The dream turned to a city next door. Qin Feng, who had been unemployed for many times, was brought there by his parents' acquaintances to find a job. He finally asked someone to find a larger factory, but unfortunately he still didn't work for long.The team leader of that department seems to have posted the wrong door god with Qin Feng. Since the second day she went to work, the mean mouth with whistle teeth has not stopped, saying that she is so tall that she blocks her sight, but not at all. Walk faster; if you walk fast, you say that she is reckless and easy to break things; if you walk slowly, you say that she is a good dog and does not get in the way; although Qin Feng's temper is a bit violent, it only explodes when he is popular. The next movement will not be too fast, even if you come out to work.

But here it is piecework, and she doesn't work fast, no matter how anxious she is, her hands seem to be out of the control of her brain, she still grinds the rough work to a fine and beautiful level, and then she is scolded.

In front of more than 200 people in the workshop, saying that her young lady is a poor girl, that her hands and feet are so long that she is useless, that she cooks slowly, and that her childish husband will starve to death in the future... There are a lot of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The veins on the forehead are jumping.

But she can't be angry, her temper has already fired several bosses, and it has already spread in the countryside. She is a powerful person who only looks for a job and doesn't work.My father asked my cousin's relatives for help with this job.

And that relative also said unceremoniously when she came in: "This is for the sake of your cousin and your father, so I entrusted a powerful person to help you find a job. You have to work hard for me." , no matter what, you have to survive for three months, otherwise, hum, don't think that I will help you in the future!"

So she gritted her teeth and endured it, and tried her best to get closer to her colleagues.However, whenever she made the people around her giggle happily, the sharp voice of the leader of the sentinel teeth floated faintly: "Huh, it's so shameless to dare to talk when you move so slowly! There is such a daughter It's better to throw it away after birth, wasting rice!"

Well, bastard, what the hell did my mother do to her?Qin Feng bowed his head, his heart was tumbling.Therefore, as long as there is a place where the leader of the sentry teeth is there, she will not say a word. Even if she doesn't notice the other party, the colleagues around her will remind her from time to time.

However, people who are looking for trouble are not cheap. Seeing a few people in the group helping Qin Feng to catch up with work quietly, he curled his thick lips and said: "Huh, some people are born with low bones. She has long hands and long legs, and she can't earn a few cents, so it's really useless!" Then she sat down and chatted with others for a while, and then she glanced sideways at someone silently working with her head down, "Qin Feng, why are you so old? Did you still do this? Ah? Didn’t you eat? Seeing that we are talking and doing things easily faster than you, if you want to be a boudoir, go back and be a lady, don’t be ashamed here. Humph, we are talking, you just At work, why are you pretending to be active? Who are you pretending to show? I’ll see you, let’s go back to breastfeed. Look at that strength, what can I do? I feel ashamed when I see it! It’s so embarrassing! Crackling Pala~~!"

Qin Feng raised his head abruptly, the resentment in his heart clearly shot out from her eyes, she has the guts to say it again!She stared coldly at that wrinkled face, as long as she said it again, the iron cup she grabbed and wiped violently would definitely hit her wrinkled face.

How did she lose face?This is piecework, how much she does and how much she earns is her business, what kind of embarrassment did she lose to her Shao Ya family ancestors?Barking teeth like a mad dog barking around.

It wasn't until the other party closed his beak unwillingly and changed the subject in a disgruntled manner that Qin Feng withdrew his gaze and continued to wipe his hands.But her heart was like an erupting volcanic magma, scalding hot everywhere, she couldn't get angry at the other party openly, she should be able to curse in her heart, right?It seems that she often proudly mentions to people how well-behaved the three-inch son in the family is. He is only over three years old, and he knows how to pour boiled water for himself.

Qin Feng pursed his lips slightly, hum, if you curse my mother's daughter, then I will curse your son, isn't it very sensible?Then curse your son for having an accident, and see if you are still in the mood to bite people.

After a long time in her heart, her mood improved slightly.

A few days later, the leader of the sentry team came in with red eyes and said to those colleagues who came up to ask the reason: "My son climbed up the table and wanted to pour boiling water to drink, but the kettle spilled and burned half of his body...".

It's hot!Qin Feng felt very relieved at that time!But slowly, I always felt a little unsure of what to do in my heart, as if something was missing, and I always felt uncomfortable, a hundred times more uncomfortable than hearing those words from relatives.

She felt that she had changed, that she didn't even know herself, and she was no longer the bright, bright and pure girl she used to be.

She despises this dark, vicious, and resentful self, like a villain who can't see the light, and the condemnation of her conscience makes her never hear the ugly curses of the leader of the sentinel from that day on.

Scold it!As if she was atoning for her sin of cursing innocent boys.Or, the other party is not wrong, she is actually a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs, a useless person who always worries her family, a waste!
so cold!Qin Feng thought so in a daze, but it didn't matter, she was used to being cold.

Her life before the age of 28 was spent in this cold weather.She was in distress at the time, with little money and no fixed foothold, and she kept wandering in the lifestyle of living under the fence.

Since you can't change the environment, adapt to it.

(End of this chapter)

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