space shrine

Chapter 4 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 4 Unexpected Surprise

The injured hand was tightly grasped. At some point, she took out a small knife from her bag and held it in her hand. This is the knife she carried in the keychain, and it was given to her by her father when she first came out to work. , for self-defense, and for peeling fruit to eat (...!), but she has been using it to sharpen eyebrow pencils or other small daily uses.

She carried it with her all the time, but she didn't expect that it would be really useful.

She planned to kill them coldly after they came in. Even if she died, she would delay one or two deaths, otherwise she would never be reconciled!

Staring desperately at the few people who had approached, my heart was full of fear and resentment, why did this kind of scum live so long?Although I can't say that I am very kind, I also ask myself that I have never done anything harmful, why is she the one who is about to die miserably at this moment? !Why don't they die right away?As long as they die, fewer people will be victimized in the future!They should be the ones who died! !

They deserve to die!Resentment has been lingering in her mind endlessly!

However, after a while, Qin Feng's original expression of despair began to turn into astonishment.

She saw the figures outside the window, as if they had been hit by something, the searching figures did not move at first, then swayed, and then all fell down, motionless.

what happened? !Qin Feng couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear in astonishment, he didn't understand what happened outside, but she knew they were dead, she was sure!
But why did they die?
"You ordered the hut to kill them!" Just when Qin Feng was uneasy and confused, this message suddenly appeared in his mind.

She froze, me?The index finger pointed at himself, a little unclear.

I?Command hut?She was even more inexplicable.

"The alien space hut has the ability to destroy heaven and earth. Because of the blood flowing from your body, it has automatically merged with your soul. It will carry out your orders!" Another message popped up.

From the beginning to the end, there was no sound, only the consciousness in Qin Feng's mind told her that these were the answers.And the reason why she felt dizzy just now, as if all her strength was drawn out, was because her blood energy was being absorbed by the cabin.

Qin Feng wondered for a while, leaned against the wall and sat down slowly, embracing his still slightly trembling body with his hands, trying to calm himself down, but felt that the surrounding was too dark, and the feeling of uneasiness became stronger, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: " It's so dark in here, it would be nice to have a light!"

With a bang, the room was as bright as day.

She was startled, and after her eyes adjusted, she stood up in astonishment, and wandered around the hut in disbelief.

After turning around a few times to relieve tension, Qin Feng, who was overly frightened, had completely calmed down. She thought to herself: "It's so convenient that this cabin can also be remotely controlled by thought!" She wondered where the light was, it was so bright.

With his eyes, he looked towards the roof with his consciousness, and saw a petal-shaped lamp hanging from the conical roof!Say it is a lamp, but it doesn't look like it.The luminous one is inlaid in the center of a flower that seems to be blooming downwards. It is round like a crystal sphere, as big as an adult woman's fist. The light it emits is like daytime, but it does not make people feel hot. Body is very soft.

Consciousness told her that this is not a lamp, but a precious night pearl!It's just that the original owner didn't care about these, thinking it was only suitable for lighting.

A black line slid down Qin Feng's forehead. The original owner's nerves are too thick, and I don't know how it grew!If you change her, immediately exchange it for money!

She smiled crookedly and narrowed her eyes, looking up at the bright bead.It's really a good thing, it's not dazzling to stare at like this.

Knowing that this hut is extraordinary and that it belongs to her, she is no longer as frightened as before. The previous danger and the horror of being in the dense forest have long been thrown to Java, and now she only wants to explore herself This is an inexplicable magic weapon - the space cabin!
With the help of the light, look around the hut, the walls are dark brown solid wood walls, there is a round table at the main seat of the wooden house, chairs with backs are scattered around the walls of the house, and in the inconspicuous corners of the house, there are There are several solid wood round stools with classic hollow flower-shaped legs under the stools.

All the furniture exudes a strong historical atmosphere, faintly oozing out bursts of faint fragrance, which lifts people's spirits, and slowly relaxes their tense nerves.

Qin Feng stood up, touched the solid wood wall exuding a simple atmosphere, and walked around the hut again. The difference between the shock and surprise tonight was too great, and he had to digest it slowly.

After she felt that it was almost done, she raised her doubts again: "How to deal with those corpses outside so that they won't attract attention?"

Even though this place is very remote, there will always be times when someone discovers it.When these people chased her back then, a few passers-by still saw it, and it would be best if they could solve the trouble. She was very tired and didn't want to encounter right and wrong issues again.

"You can make them disappear completely! People like them, who disappear for a period of time and end up disappearing and dying, will not attract special attention. They will always have to pay back when they come out to hang out! No one will be surprised by their ending! As for you along the way The blood and footprints left behind can also disappear without a trace!" This is the answer provided by the consciousness.

sharp!He also knows how to combine modern social forms and laws, which cannot be underestimated!She communicated with the cabin thoughts with a little admiration.

"Just disappear!" Qin Feng said calmly, she couldn't forget the despair and fear they brought to her just now.

Although it was a few lives, years of wandering in life made her see through a lot of human nature. Now she let them die without pain, is it kind? !If it were me who failed, I would definitely be beaten to death by them!
She laughed at herself, a little sad for her cold blood.

"It is impossible for a cold-blooded person to be recognized by the space cabin!" When her emotions fell into a trough, her consciousness reappeared.

A string in the depths of her heart broke with a "snap", and her depressed heart seemed to be broken by something. Her eyes, which had always been calm and calm, suddenly lit up. She raised her head, and her originally dull eyes suddenly bent into crescents , couldn't help but raise a smile on his mouth, a bright smile like a spring rose, blooming on that simple and ordinary face.

This is the highest and most beautiful comfort and praise she has ever heard from outsiders!

Since she came out to work, because she told her family too many times about her grievances, they became a little impatient and sympathized with her at first, but as the number of times increased, they began to ask her to summarize her shortcomings.Without the support of her family, she also began to slowly become silent.

You can't talk about your misfortune with others. If you talk too much, people will only think you are incompetent and despise your blaming.

(End of this chapter)

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