space shrine

Chapter 5 Excited Toss

Chapter 5 Excited Toss

She knew that she shouldn't bother them with these trivial matters, but she didn't have a boyfriend, and the same-sex friends she could talk to were already married, so it was even more impossible to hear her complain.Apart from her family, she really didn't know where to confide.Now suddenly there is a hut to answer for myself, and the heart that has been lonely and lonely has a little joy.

Speaking of which, she is indeed a failure in being a human being. Humans are herd animals, and she isolates herself from outsiders.To put it nicely, it is self-admiring, but at worst, it is autistic, paranoid, and rejected by others everywhere.

Her family was right, those who want to be accommodated by society will be eliminated!And she is about to face being eliminated!
Fortunately, there is still such a corner in the world to accommodate her!
Fortunately, this is no ordinary cottage!And it only belongs to her who is worthless!
After Qin Feng finished laughing, his brows furrowed slightly, and suddenly he felt extremely tired and his limbs were weak. He knelt down in the center of the hut, covered his face with his hands, and began to sob softly.What he refused to admit in the past, the inferiority complex, self-loathing and bewilderment about the future hidden deep in his heart surged up again, accompanied by unstoppable tears, flowing down the cracks between his fingers.

From then on, she doesn't have to get up every morning to worry about what embarrassing things she will encounter today, whether she will be made things difficult by her boss again, and she doesn't have to go to bed every day with infinite annoyance, remorse and grievances; Put yourself in a predicament, be confused, worry and struggle about the future, and thus go to a dead end!

She is lucky!When Luo Bo failed to achieve anything, although her family thought she was annoying, they would still help her when she was in trouble; just when she was about to fall into a catastrophe, the magic house suddenly appeared, which not only saved her in an emergency, but also helped her. Saved her life!
Because in the days to come, as long as she stays in the hut, even if the world perishes, it won't bother her; no matter how old she is, no matter how weak her ability is, she doesn't have to worry about it, everything outside has nothing to do with her.

The previous grievances, worries and all the unhappiness disappeared at this moment without leaving any traces.

With a "shua", Qin Feng and Xiaoxiao returned to the house she rented.

Consciousness told her that this was not an ordinary hut, but a magical hut without spatial boundaries.

Traveling freely in the sky and underground, even the barriers or other formations set up by those with special abilities can't stop it from moving forward, let alone teleport back to the rental house.

Miraculously, Qin Feng still stayed in the hut. The hut is wider than the rented house. At this moment, the two rooms are overlapped, and there is nothing wrong with the rented house. The space is not narrow at all. It is indeed a magical thing. Common sense.

Qin Feng cried happily for a while, and then left the hut.As soon as you step out of the hut, you can't see the hut in the rental house, because it is hidden in Qin Feng's consciousness, and it doesn't exist anywhere in the world.

After a brief grooming, she moved some daily necessities into the hut.

There are still a few days until the rent is due, so she will naturally not renew the rent. She plans to return it in two days and go to her sister.With good things, it is natural to share them with the family, and take the brothers and sisters away from this cold and ruthless urban forest full of brutal competitiveness.

There are many rooms in the hut, and each room has a different world, all of which she learned after merging with the hut.

The structure of the hut has always been engraved in her mind, with two rows of rooms on the first and second floors.The first floor is an ordinary main living room and several guest rooms, while the second floor is full of different-dimensional spaces.

One is a vast field, filled with all the flowers, fruits, vegetables, rice and other crops in the real world; the other is a warehouse so spacious that it can hold half the sky, and several mountains of noodles have already been piled up inside...

There is also a cultivation site full of aura. The world is full of aura. Vegetables, fruits, plants, and animals all have aura and spirituality. If the family members are willing, this place is really suitable for their future practice, and Qin Feng will also have a way to make it as Qin Feng wishes. The aging parents recovered their health and have been safe for a hundred years.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng wished to fly home immediately and tell everyone the news. He really wanted to see their surprise and frightened expressions.

Qin Feng hummed a little tune, his hands and feet were as light as a happy bird, and he packed things quickly.

The layout of the first floor of the cottage is like a complete small family, with a living room, dining room, kitchen, toilet, bedroom, etc., and the family can live in it without any worries.

With such a magic weapon, she really can't think of a reason to stay in this cruel sea of ​​suffering with her family.

The happiest thing is that this hut is connected with my own mind, where I want to go.Her parents have never been to any other place in her life, and they have only been to G City twice at most, so it has always been her wish to take her parents out for a trip.

The three brothers and sisters are barely enough to eat and wear, and only give their parents the most money during the Chinese New Year throughout the year, but it is only more than 1 yuan.Usually, if you want to buy some supplements for your parents to nourish your body, the three of you have to save a little.Not to mention the cost of traveling with the whole family, that is a huge extravagant wish, and it is also a wish that the three brothers and sisters think will never be realized.

And now, this wish can finally come true~!

At the beginning, Qin Feng also felt very puzzled. It is obvious that the hut is only about 50 square meters from the outside, but why can it accommodate so many rooms inside?And each looks bigger than a cottage!

Again, the so-called magical power is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Happy time flies!

After working tirelessly until four o'clock in the morning, Qin Feng finally put the books and gadgets she had with her into the hut, and she chose a room inside as her bedroom.This place will belong to her for life, and she is overjoyed. Those photo frames and the wind chimes bought for herself always feel unattractive here, and uneasy hanging there, and she is satisfied after tossing in it for a long time.

In fact, she is just tossing around, just like a cat, if she catches a mouse, she will not eat it first, and then decide whether to let it go or eat it when she gets tired of playing with it.She is like this now, because she is so excited that she doesn't know how to express it, so she can only use tossing to vent it. This can be proved by the wind chime that looks like a small lantern still quietly staying on the table.

Although she can spend time in the hut, she is not reconciled.She thought, she struggled hard in the first half of her life to live a leisurely life, but she still achieved nothing and lived a difficult life.Now that he finally has a hut to rely on, how can he just shrink into the hut like this?No matter what, you have to have a good time outside.

Thinking in this way, she moved out some daily necessities that had just been put into the hut, and then nestled on the bed in the rental house, thinking about the magic of the hut, thinking that starting tomorrow she could finally live a carefree life.Thinking wildly, full of excitement and anticipation, I fell asleep in the early morning that was gradually breaking.

And those men who lost their lives inexplicably, everyone who knew them knew that they were gangsters who did not do their jobs properly, and they were not welcome to be seen on weekdays. If they didn't show up for a few days, they would only think that they were doing some illegal things again. Apart from contempt, he doesn't care about their existence, and those who have suffered from them wish that they will never come back.

It wasn't until they disappeared for a long time that their family members realized that something was wrong, so they had to call the police crying.

(End of this chapter)

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