space shrine

Chapter 53 Uncle Kang's Worries

Chapter 53 Uncle Kang's Worries

Silent gratitude can only be turned into a smile to entertain them warmly. In order for the children to have more fun, he also specially planted many mushrooms and some rare small wild fruits in the small forest behind the house, as well as some durable These are the small wild flowers that he saw and bought when he occasionally went to the market.Over time, the woods behind his house, except for the pepper forest, became an adventure playground for the children of the village.

Children's hearts are easy to satisfy, just some small wild fruits and some common wild flowers, they can have fun and be very satisfied.

Just like the second daughter of the Qin family in front of her, the smile on her face is still as bright as before, so simple and sincere.

He came here this time because he heard too many negative rumors about her, and he came here because he was afraid that she would encounter difficulties.

It cannot be said that the people in the village are indifferent, but human nature always prefers those who can make a lot of money and have great wisdom and ability, and for those with low abilities, even if they are related to them by blood, they don't have a good face.

Just like the three children of the Qin family, they are all cute and pure, but they are divided into two groups according to their ability and education.

Obviously, the eldest son and the younger daughter of the Qin family are currently unemployed, but no one dares to speak ill of them, because their educational background is there, and in people's consciousness, they are existences that can rise up at any time, so they should not be underestimated.

Take Qin Lei as an example. When he was a college student, he nestled in that small orchard and devoted himself to weeding and weeding all day. Everyone laughed and praised him for his ability to endure hardships and stand hard work. Sooner or later, he would be able to develop this small orchard into a large farm.

As for Qin Feng, those words were not very nice. He didn't know how to respect the elderly, he didn't know how to understand the world, he pretended to be a posture, he had no ability but he wanted to be arrogant and unruly, etc. Anyway, he didn't have a good word.

He, who was walking by the embankment by the village as usual, walked out unhappy after hearing people's comments about her.

He knew the characteristics of the second daughter of the Qin family. She had been irritable and irritable since she was a child, and she didn't know the reason. When she was angry, the anger was like a gust of wind passing through the border, causing others to avoid being scorched and scorched.

However, her manic heart is very kind.

I still remember that many years ago, she and some friends came to explore in the small forest behind his house.But he was worried, and after a long time, he didn't hear anyone's voice, so he went into the woods to look for the naughty little guys.

He wandered around inside and saw the little guys piled up clods of soil to prepare sweet potatoes for stewing. However, the protagonist he was looking for was found on the other side of the small forest after he walked around the boss with difficulty.

That small figure was squatting quietly beside a small clump of weeds, and its fat and short hands were constantly plucking something from a plant.

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing?" Uncle Kang, who was still middle-aged, asked strangely.

Little Qin Feng's stern face just glanced back at him, and then went on to her important task - to return the little Fen'e who had accidentally hurt to the sky.

Uncle Kang, who didn't care about the arrogance of Qin Feng's little boy, stood aside curiously and watched her keep putting Xiao Fen'e on the petals of the little wild flowers, and then Xiao Fen'e fell down exhausted, she Take it again patiently, and so on and on.

Finally, in order not to be killed by the little kid, Xiao Fen'e could only hold on to the last bit of strength, and flew away with all her might, and circled around the kid's surprised face before leaving.

I remember that little face full of guilt at that time was full of surprises and relief.

At that time, Uncle Kang probably guessed something, looked at the little kid smiling brightly like a little sunflower and asked softly: "Is Xiaofeng relieved now? It's still fine."

Little Qin Feng's face froze, he restrained his smile and bowed his head, pouted his little mouth, and after a while he whispered: "It's not my fault, it's too small for people to see."

"Hehe, well, it won't blame Xiaofeng, no, it can still fly, it's all right!" Uncle Kang was amused by the depression on her face, and the little cannonball that always crackled like a bean. The little one is so cute!
"Uncle Kang, it's injured, can it fly home?" the little kid looked up worriedly and asked the adult who knew everything.

"Yes, isn't it flying very easily?" Who knows if it can fly back?As long as it flies out of her sight, Uncle Kang thought darkly.

"Then, then, will it fly halfway and then fall?" the little boy still asked worriedly.

"No, no, look, it's gone, and its home should be nearby." Uncle Kang said with certainty.

"Then, will it be hurt again? I just jumped at it just now." The little kid asked worriedly.

"No, no, no..." Uncle Kang tried his best to comfort the little kid all the way, while walking back while holding her little hand.

Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, the pungent little cannonball that exploded at one point in the past has transformed into so peaceful and indifferent.

Uncle Kang, who has stepped into old age, looked at the girl in front of him in a daze, and saw Qin Feng casually looking at passers-by with indifferent eyes.He frowned slightly, young people are most afraid of extreme thinking, this extreme comes from the harm caused to her by the people around her.He is someone who has experienced it. When he had a problem with his leg, the people around him immediately gave up on him~!It was also at that time that he really saw through the many indifferent human natures in the world.

However, human beings are group animals. In this world, it is very difficult to really live alone without the crowd.Just like his disheartened and cynical thoughts back then, if it wasn't for Qin Guoguang and these little kids, he would have collapsed and died.

"Xiaofeng, how is business doing recently? Have you encountered any difficulties? Tell Uncle Kang, although Uncle Kang can't help much, but the two of you are chief planners, maybe you can come up with some suggestions through discussion?" Uncle Kang said kindly. ask.

"Ah? Oh, no! The business is still good, and it can still be maintained! Hehe." Glancing at the passers-by who passed by her house and left two contemptuous glances, Qin Feng comforted Uncle Kang with a smile.

She just took over a big business, and she made tens of thousands in the blink of an eye.Of course, this amount is far from the cost paid by her family.

"Business matters. Actually, your dad is the most experienced. Hmph, you said your parents are also true. This is the first time for my daughter to start a business. They are not around to give pointers, and they still want to run around. It's outrageous!" Uncle Kang put down his glass with some dissatisfaction with Qin Guoguang and his wife.

"It's not their fault, Xiaoyu wants them to cheer her up. Besides, it doesn't matter whether my business is doing well or not, as long as I don't starve to death." Qin Feng excused his parents.

"Don't worry, doing business is difficult at the beginning, and it will be fine after this period of time." Uncle Kang also comforted Qin Feng and said that he was in favor of Qin Feng's relaxed attitude.

"Well, Uncle Kang, don't worry, I will work hard. Come, drink more cups of clear tea. I bought this kind of tea when I went on a trip before. I heard that drinking it can not only relieve tiredness, but also clean all kinds of residual toxins in the body. It." Qin Feng smiled and took the long-necked white jade pot, and filled the empty cup in front of Uncle Kang.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, your tea is really delicious! It tastes a bit like your fruits and vegetables, but it's much sweeter than them. It should be quite expensive!" Uncle Kang sighed, picking up the teacup and shaking it on the tip of his nose Shake, then squint your eyes to savor the taste carefully.

"It's not bad!" I knew my father would never forget Uncle Kang. I guess all the food in Uncle Kang's house was the spiritual food in Qin Yuan.Qin Feng chuckled indifferently, his father's move greatly solved her troubles.

Since Uncle Kang has always been nourished by spiritual food, she can generously drink this pure spiritual spring tea for him. After clearing his stomach for more than half a year, he can already adapt to the cleansing of spiritual tea.

(End of this chapter)

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