space shrine

Chapter 54 You are finally here!

Chapter 54 You are finally here!
"Hey, boss, how do you sell this mango?" Another passer-by asked the price in disbelief.

"Ten yuan each! No matter how big or small, you can choose it yourself." Qin Feng said lightly to the visitors, she doesn't have a good face to outsiders, especially those who want to see her lively.

"Pfft!" Uncle Kang, who happened to have a mouthful of tea next to him, spewed out a mouthful of tea.

Ten dollars each!He looked at Qin Feng in disbelief. No wonder this girl's business has been bad. At this price, it is good that her stall has not closed down.

"Oh! Uncle Kang, please drink slowly, be careful of choking!" Seeing this, Qin Feng hurriedly took the tissue and handed it to Uncle Kang, and took the cup from his hand and put it on the table.

"Wow, boss, isn't your price too deceitful?! You don't dare to give this price in a big city. What kind of new baby are you?! It's worth the price!" Passers-by also burst out laughing, he really He came here to see a joke, and he didn’t believe it when he first heard it from others, but now his eyes were wide open, and when he returned to the big city, he had another topic to brag about with those buddies.

Why do you think these people are so boring? !What's wrong with her price? !Is it worthwhile to rush forward like moths to a flame?

Qin Feng's face turned a little cold, but he still had a smile on his face and said, "I just like to give this price, do you want to buy it or not!"

Her words made Uncle Kang, who had finally recovered his breath, choke on his saliva again, and coughed violently.

Seeing this, Qin Feng worriedly walked behind him and patted him: "Uncle Kang, are you okay? Drink a glass of water and relax." He gave the cup on the table to Uncle Kang again.

Uncle Kang kept waving his hands to show that he was fine, but he was taken aback by what she said and did.

"Xiaofeng, isn't it a good price for you? Ten yuan a piece is too expensive, and we may not be able to afford it in this small place!" Uncle Kang, who had finally regained his strength, After the passer-by left, he began to say to Qin Feng tactfully.

No matter how big or small, what's wrong with this baby's brain?In that case, the customer who is picked at the end will definitely not be happy.

"Hey, Uncle Kang, I didn't give this price randomly." Qin Feng said mischievously to the old man who was worried about him.

Seeing that there were no other people around, Qin Feng told Uncle Kang about the effects of these fruits and vegetables, and finally told him that the reason why his body improved was all due to the effects of these fruits and vegetables.

Hearing Uncle Kang's eyes widen, he pointed to these fruits and vegetables in disbelief and said to her, "You mean, these fruits and vegetables have healing effects?!" After thinking about it carefully, his body was indeed from Qin Guoguang. After providing him with fruits and vegetables, he felt better gradually.

Could it be true? !
"Then do you know why this happened? Have you tested it?"

"I don't have the money to go for a test. My dad noticed it when his teeth grew out and his body gradually recovered after eating. It may be the blessing of our ancestors. Anyway, our family relies on it to support us." Qin Feng flickered with a smile Kind old man.The effects of fruits and vegetables can be known to Uncle Kang, but the matter of Shenshe must not be said. Everyone in the Qin family knows the importance of this.

Uncle Kang was silent for a while in disbelief, and then said to Qin Feng with a serious face: "Xiaofeng, you must never tell other people about these things, otherwise your family will be in big trouble."

If these fruits and vegetables really have these effects, then ten yuan a piece is really cheap!It's these neighbors who have missed it!
"Hey, don't worry! This trouble will not belong to our family soon." Qin Feng looked at the old man whose first reaction was to worry about their family, and replied with a light smile.

As time passed day by day, Qin Guoguang and his wife were still by Qin Yu's side, and Qin Lei and Qin Feng only saw them in the hut during dinner time.

Once a person is famous, the people around him will be mixed. Qin's father and Qin's mother are worried that their youngest daughter is not deep in the world (Qin Lei and Qin Feng look coldly at the side: scoff!) and will be easily deceived, so they always stay by her side.Because of his debut, he has been followed by the media and stared nervously by the manager, and sometimes he has no chance to enter the hut at night.

That's why, their hometown has always been managed by Qin Lei and Qin Feng's unreliable siblings.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the Qin family, which was barely in touch with the well-off society, is almost finished by the two top-notch brothers and sisters who are ignorant of the world!
Fortunately, there is also that outstanding little daughter, Qin Yu, who is behind her!I just don't know how long she, who is a little famous now, can endure that pair of prodigal brothers and sisters!

As a result, everyone had another topic before and after tea and dinner, and happily set a deadline for their family's future prosperity and failure.Although Qin Guoguang is quite popular in this area, it is human nature to love gossip, and Qin Lei and Qin Feng brothers and sisters really don't know them well, and they don't know how to be friends and neighbors, so although they won't laugh at these two fools in front of their faces, they can also Absolutely no way to help or anything.

And the prodigal brothers and sisters, who have been gossiped by thousands of people, continued to live their carefree lives as if they knew nothing about it.

Today, after a light rain, the weather started to become a bit dry and hot.When the atmosphere is seriously polluted, the humid air in spring lasts for less than two months, and then the heat begins to slowly develop.

As always, Qin Feng sat firmly in front of the door as the roadside scenery, and the fruits and vegetables on her stall became her background.

Qin Feng, who is not affected by the hot weather, is wearing a refreshing and elegant light blue blouse, and still wears a soft cotton skirt under his body. He sits at the table and looks at the computer from time to time. Seeing that there is no business, he returns to the book.

With a pot of clear tea, I still quietly stayed aside, dedicatedly providing the host with the service of quenching thirst and detoxification.

This quiet and cool atmosphere was so enviable that even the onlookers caused by three cars coming by the side of the road at unknown times couldn't affect and destroy it.

"Hello! Are you the boss of 'Natural Wind'?" A deep and magnetic bass sounded in front of Qin Feng's desk.

Qin Feng, who was about to drink the tea, was startled and looked up.

A tall and muscular man was standing straight in front of her.

The sculpture-like three-dimensional facial features make him look handsome and eye-catching, but it's a pity that his face is solemn and stern, and the tough aura that naturally emanates from his body makes people fearful and dare not approach him.

At this moment, his sharp eyes were fixed on her.

An inexplicable pressure emerged spontaneously, and Qin Feng frowned slightly in displeasure.

"Natural Wind" is the name of her online store, and so far, only one person has bought her fruit.

"Fish that loves to eat grass?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively.

"Yes." The other party replied without hesitation, his face still rigid.

Qin Feng continued to sit in a daze, his heart was rolling with excitement.

At the beginning, she always thought that this "grass-loving fish" should be named by someone with a bright personality and a dark belly. She never thought that the other party would have a facial paralysis, let alone such a severe iceberg facial paralysis!

There are so many wonders in the world!You said how could a person with facial paralysis have such a bad name? !How did his brain circuit go around to come up with such a name? !
Sure enough, all the people and things on the Internet are floating clouds, floating clouds~~!It's all about kidding!
Qin Feng smiled wryly, her volunteer plan has succeeded!But at the moment, she hoped it wasn't a shark that she caught.

Before the other party's eyes became colder and colder, she stood up, raised her face proudly, showed the smile she had when dealing with people before, and said quietly: "Hello! I am Natural Wind!"

You finally came!
(End of this chapter)

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