space shrine

Chapter 55 You are Miss, Your whole family is Miss!

Chapter 55 You are Miss, Your whole family is Miss!
A trace of surprise flashed in the other party's eyes, as if she knew he would come early in the morning.Although he was puzzled in his heart, he still nodded coldly and said, "Hello! My name is Leng Yun. What's my name?"

It really lives up to its name, and it is indeed cold enough!
Qin Feng had an indifferent smile on his face: "Qin Feng! Why did Mr. Leng come here? Did you check the address?"

The man frowned slightly, his falcon-like sharp eyes fixed on the elegant woman in front of him.Hearing the insinuation in the other party's words, he was even more surprised that the other party dared to face him so calmly.There are not many people who dare to look directly at him, even his superiors are no exception.

And ordinary people, don't they really hate other people's investigations?But the woman in front of her seemed to know that he would investigate, except for the sarcasm in her words, there was no displeasure on her face.

He began to be a little curious about the owner of the "natural style", but the expression on his face did not change at all.

"I'm sorry! Because of the special situation, I checked it without permission, please forgive me!" He said indifferently.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, and the smile on his face remained unchanged, but the coldness in his eyes was no less than that of a man.

"Hehehe~! Sorry! Miss, we had to do this, please forgive me! Please forgive me! Uh, can we find a place to talk? We have something to talk to the lady alone." The middle-aged man who followed Leng Yun was of medium build, with a smile on his face and said kindly like a Maitreya Buddha.

His name was Lu Pingzhong, and he had been here for a while, seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he quickly changed the subject by saying something.

In fact, he was also secretly amazed that Leng Yun is a rare handsome officer in the military. Wherever he went, no matter men or women, he was bewitched and attracted by him, like a moth to a flame, knowing that it was a dead end, but unable to get rid of it Fly over temptingly.

Fortunately, they are afraid of the cold boy's ruthlessness and rigidity and only dare to look at it from a distance, otherwise, they will definitely annoy this boy to death!Unexpectedly, when he came to this rural town, he would meet a woman who didn't agree with him at all.

interesting!It seems that this person who cultivated a special fruit is not unusual!
In Lu Pingzhong's mind, not being attracted to a cold boy = not a normal person, is a very correct formula for judging the essence of a person!
After Qin Feng heard his words, the smile on his face was slightly suppressed, and he gave Lu Pingzhong a glance, you are just a miss!Your whole family are ladies!Miss you with a full household registration book!
Lu Pingzhong received a cold stare, and couldn't help touching his nose embarrassingly, how did I offend this young lady?To show him face!After all, he is also a small official in the capital!Although he was not as good as the guys in the car or the young general in front of him, he was still higher than the little girl in front of him!But why would she dare to give him a look~!Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person, and he will have to check it out again when he goes back later!
He felt unbalanced, and completely forgot that the other party didn't know which corner he came from. He just kept sighing in his heart: "Hey, no matter where he is, he is still a handsome guy!"

And the man standing aside as an air conditioner couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth lightly. He knew why Qin Feng was unhappy.

After all, he is a young generation. Leng Yun often searches for various information on the Internet, so he knows that modern women hate being called "Miss".

Because this title has been seriously linked to another despised profession.

"Let's talk here! It's very quiet here!" Qin Feng said indifferently. Her small stall has always been deserted. Even if two or three private cars suddenly came here, they just attracted them to stand in the distance and watch. No plan to come.You can stand far away to watch the excitement, anyway, it is on the side of the road, so you can see it at a glance.In case the other party came to trouble her, neighbors, it would be unreasonable not to help, and help would be powerless, so it would be better to stand far away.

Qin Feng snorted contemptuously. As for human nature, she has seen it too thoroughly since she came out to work, and her heart has long since faded.

Those people are probably guessing the purpose of these people in their hearts, right?Either they're here to find fault, or they're just asking for directions.I have to say that Qin Feng looks dull on the surface, but his mind is very active.

There have always been a few stools in the room, Qin's parents and Qin's mother forced her to put them here, saying that it was convenient for guests to come and chat a few words.

They don't know that their daughter's temperament has developed to the point where "no competition with the world, idlers are not allowed to enter", so withdrawn and cold-blooded that it is outrageous, otherwise they would not be so relieved to hand over the territory to Qin Feng, and feel at ease by Qin Yu's side up.

Qin Feng was still sitting in front of his old seat, facing Leng Yun and Lu Pingzhong in a triangular position.

If the other party doesn't make a statement, Qin Feng will never speak first. This is a habit she developed when she was working.And they were the ones who came to find her today, she didn't need to try to curry favor or show her hospitality, God knows she wasn't that kind of person at all.

In the past, I had to pretend to be seen by others, but now I don’t need it.

"Ahem~!" Seeing that the two of them froze without opening their mouths, Lu Pingzhong finally couldn't bear it anymore. There were still two elders in the car, so how dare they keep them waiting!
"Well, it's like this, miss..."

"My name is Qin Feng! Don't always call me Miss Miss!" Qin Feng interrupted him annoyedly, and poured himself a cup of tea without raising his eyelids.It was disgusting to hear Lu Pingzhong call her Miss before, but now hearing him call her like that makes her feel particularly harsh.

It can be said that Lu Pingzhong was wronged by this gun!

Lu Pingzhong felt aggrieved and touched the tip of his nose again, he was heartbroken, if it wasn't because the leader in the car told him to speak carefully, if it wasn't for the paralyzed adjutant sitting next to him, if it wasn't for asking her for help today, what would he do with him~~!It's too suffocating, is there any~~!There is no official prestige at all~~!

"Uh, haha, that, then I'll ask you to call you Xiao Qin. That Xiao Qin, I heard that the fruits here are all grown by you, right?" Lu Pingzhong changed his name, fearing to provoke him again. She was picky and blamed, so I hurriedly told her the main topic.

Qin Feng nodded, frowned and took a sip of tea.Because the clear Lingquan emits a strong natural fragrance, worried that the two people in front of him would smell something strange and cause trouble, so they quietly moved the unfinished Lingquan tea back to the hut.Now the jug is filled with clear mountain springs from the outside world. Although it is also very pure, Qin Feng, who is used to drinking Lingquan, is very uncomfortable, so he has no choice but to stop drinking and put the cup back on the small tray.

She didn't intend to invite the two people in front of her to drink. Although it is the most basic courtesy to treat guests, she doesn't think that the other party will drink her "inferior tea". The problem with rich and powerful people is that she is lazy. Stick it on your hot face.

Moreover, their purpose was the orchard, and they didn't care about her hospitality at all.

"Then can I trouble you to take us there today? We are very interested in your orchard. Hehe, of course, we will compensate you for the loss that affects your business today." Lu Pingzhong said empathetically, then The shrewd little eyes still wandered around in her small shop.

Of course Qin Feng is happy, anyway, she won't have any business sitting here, since the person she is waiting for has come, it is inevitable for her to take a trip.

As for the damages that the other party said, she was not the one to ask anyway, and if the other party was willing to give it, she dared to accept it, and no one would dislike the money delivered to her door.

(End of this chapter)

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