space shrine

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

With a paralyzed face, Leng Yun also glanced at the stalls of the small shop, and asked: "Are these all those fruits?" Without waiting for Qin Feng to answer, he stretched out his long and slender fingers to caress the shiny green peppers next to him, and a message came from his fingertips. The feeling made him frown, and he saw that a thin layer of dust was on his fingers.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Feng with a half-smile, his eyes seemed to mock her that even if she sat here for a whole day, there would be no business, and there was no need to pay her compensation.

Qin Feng shrugged cheekily and said: "No way, it's normal for a small place to be too expensive, and it's hard to sell. But compensation is still required. If it's not because you are a regular customer, I won't bother to talk to you." Stand up and prepare to close the stall.

The two also stood up, before Leng Yunlin went out, he said: "If these are the same fruit, don't sell them! I'll take care of it!" After speaking, he went out and got into the passenger seat of the second car. Lu Pingzhong got into the back seat immediately, probably reporting the situation to the leader in the car.

Qin Feng didn't expect them as men to help, he brought back the fruits and vegetables that were put out at the door, ignoring those onlookers who were eager to gossip with strong curiosity in their eyes, with a look of "don't come near me" Looking around, I packed up the things outside the store one by one.

And the table for her display was just placed by the door of the house, so she didn't have to perform Wonder Woman in public.Finally, he pulled the gate vigorously, clapped his hands, waved his sleeves, and calmly came to the middle of the three cars, looked at both sides, not knowing which one to get on.

Lu Pingzhong quickly got out of the car and greeted her to get into the second car.

She got into the car and found that there were people in the car!It was two old men over half a century old with frosty hair, one of them was smiling and the other was looking at her seriously.

There are two rows of seats facing each other in the back seat, that is to say, Qin Feng and Lu Pingzhong are sitting opposite the two old men.

There was also a small thermal cabinet next to it, and she saw warm mist still rising from the cups they drank from.Seeing their dusty appearance and the long journey, it is really embarrassing for these two old people.

Don't look at the age of the two old men, but look at their upright sitting postures, you can tell that their bodies are quite strong.However, Qin Feng still heard some signs of weakness from their hearty laughter.

Moreover, she also keenly detected the murderous aura coming from them.Qin Feng's eyelids drooped slightly to conceal the surprise and speculation in his eyes.

The aura of these people is different from ordinary people, especially the three of them, it's just that the cold cloud is outward, and the old man is restrained.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes. Although her original intention was to attract attention so as to attract big fish capable of contracting the land in her hometown, these people in front of her seemed to belong to the national military department.

Alas, I hope that the ones attracted are not predators!Qin Feng, who loves to worry, started to run rapidly in his mind.People in the military department are not as easy to fool as ordinary people, so she has to be more careful.

Lu Pingzhong quickly pointed to the two old people and introduced to her: "This is Uncle Zhao! This is Uncle Yi! They are all famous from the capital, because they retired and stayed at home. I heard that Xiaoqin, the fruits you produce here are special. Curative effect, so I insisted on following Leng Yun. Hehe, please forgive me for being so noisy!"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded: "It doesn't matter, one person is watching, and two people are watching too! It's nothing."

"Hehe, you are the little girl who sells fruit? It's amazing! It's not easy to be able to settle down and return to the fields at a young age!" The old man with a bright smile, with a chrysanthemum face, praised Qin Feng.

And another serious old man hummed earnestly, "Yes! It's the most amazing thing to be able to grow fruits and vegetables with special curative effects!" After finishing speaking, he fixed his probing eyes on Qin wind.

Qin Feng suddenly felt a tightness on both sides of his forehead, and grinned calmly, thinking, is this singing a double reed?Sure enough, the older people are, the more ghostly they are. Don't let her fall here before she started.

"The two old men praised me. I didn't plant this. My family found a way for my brother. My parents are getting old, and my brother is worried. He insists on resigning and going home to work. Anyway, where is it not a part-time job? Still working at home? We can take care of two elderly people. We discussed that there is so much land in the family that is uncultivated, and now the country advocates supporting the people in farming and vigorously developing agriculture. Then I thought about planting some vegetables and fruits. Besides, there are ready-made stalls at home, parents I have something to do." Qin Feng said with a smile.

When she was working outside, her job was to deal with civil servants. She said that if she was alive, she would be fine, if she was dead, she would be alive, and she had to convince others that she was alive.What's more, she had discussed this set of lies with her family early in the morning, so she said it so smoothly without blinking an eyelid.

"Because there are too many plants on the market that exceed the standard and that one does not meet the standard, my brother insisted on not spraying pesticides, and worked with my parents to fertilize and catch insects manually. I don't know if it was luck or something, but it was so smooth and successful, and it ended quickly. Fruit. My family was worried that something would be wrong, and the first batch of fruits that were picked were only eaten by the family." Qin Feng said here, with a trace of gratitude and piety on his face.

This was her real emotion, because at this moment she was thinking of the magical house that fell from the sky, and it sheltered her most cherished family.Whenever I think of it, my heart is full of uncontrollable emotions.

"Later, I found out that the old problem of following my parents for many years disappeared slowly. Especially my father, he has been tortured by toothache since he was young, and he couldn't cure it no matter what. I can’t get rid of all the teeth. But now the teeth have grown back, and my dad’s teeth have never hurt again!” Qin Feng, who looked out the window unknowingly, his voice was a little choked, with joy and regret Previously helpless pain.

If there were no huts and those spiritual springs that could cure all diseases, what would their family be like now? !

Thinking of the pain my father suffered every once in a while, my heart feels like a knife is twisting!But my brother and sister can only watch from the sidelines and listen on the phone, but there is nothing they can do.

Qin Feng frowned and closed his eyes, and unconsciously pressed his hand on his heart, comforting himself silently, everything is over, and his parents will not suffer from the pain before.

So don't feel bad!
The people in the car listened quietly, including the driver in the front seat and Leng Yun, looking at the woman in painful memories from the rearview mirror from time to time.These people have all experienced the pain of being helpless in the face of the suffering of their loved ones.At this moment, Qin Feng tried his best to forget the expression of the past, which made everyone feel sad.

Before coming here, the Qin family's details have been checked very clearly, and they know that what she said are facts.

Qin Feng shook his head and took two deep breaths.He opened his eyes and still looked out of the window. The pain in his eyes had disappeared, leaving only peace and tranquility.

She said lightly: "The first batch of picks, because my parents felt the benefits of it, picked a lot of it for relatives and friends. The fruits and vegetables that people in my village eat now are also from our family. It's just that they are not They eat it often, so the effect is not very obvious. And they never thought that eating fruit can cure diseases, and we never mentioned it to anyone.”

Qin Feng, who was in a calm mood, looked at the two old men with a smile, and glanced at them up and down. Although they looked very healthy at the moment, she could still see that the other party had suffered from illnesses, probably not long ago, especially that serious old man.

Qin Feng smiled, the feeling of being able to help others is actually pretty good.

"My parents think that more people should be benefited, so that those who are suffering from the disease can be relieved as soon as possible. So they want to promote it, but they are afraid of causing trouble, so they asked me to come back to do business online, by the way. Go to the stall. As for why there is such an effect, we don’t know, it may be the blessing of the ancestors!” Qin Feng smiled and squinted his eyes again, this is her habit, she likes the feeling of fooling people very much.

(End of this chapter)

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