space shrine

Chapter 69 The Woman Who Is Easily Offended

Chapter 69 The Woman Who Is Easily Offended

The conversation ended around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Pingzhong, as the representative, made it clear that the water here is a rare kind of running water, which not only contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, and rich minerals, but also has many active factors that can cleanse the various substances that the human body takes in every day. A chemical toxin or virus, etc., so it is a certainty that this land will be expropriated by the state.

For the detailed expropriation situation, people from relevant departments will come to discuss with the owners of the nearby land in two days.As for the compensation fee, Lu Pingzhong said affirmatively: All will be in place, and he will never steal a penny from the farmers' children.

Regarding this, everyone in the Qin family expressed no objection, and the other villagers even had no objection.As early as when Qin Feng was in junior high school, he always heard them muttering that the land was expropriated, and he could get money by just sitting around.Although there is not much money, at least the basic living expenses are covered.

Usually, they can choose what they like to do without pressure, and the reward they get is pure income.

It's just that the people I met before were all profiteers and officials in collusion, which made me feel unhappy when I heard about the expropriation.

And yesterday's developers, there will be people from the government to take care of it, and the landlords don't need to worry about it.

After Lu Pingzhong made the announcement here, Zhao Shuyu over there said earnestly to Qin Guoguang and the others: "According to our preliminary plan, this land will be constructed as a military convalescent area. In addition to some departments that research medical drugs, there are also specialized departments for receiving Those military cadres who have made great contributions to the country are healed or retired here. For those like Xiaokang, you will continue to live there in the future. Alas, you have suffered all these years!" After finishing speaking, he patted Uncle Kang on the shoulder with a heavy heart .

The plainclothes soldiers present were a little sad after hearing these words, and felt very sad.For these soldiers who are injured and disabled but do not receive any welfare from the state, even if their power is not low, there are still many aspects that cannot be taken into account in the deep-water department of the state.

Uncle Kang felt bitter in his throat when he heard it, his eyes turned red and he lowered his head even though he was injured, disabled and living in poverty.

After talking about the main content, Dad Qin, Uncle Kang and Qin Lei accompanied several guests from the capital to wander around the village.Qin's mother, Lu Lan, went to the village to gossip with her sister-in-law. She has the latest news, and I believe it will be very popular.

As a result, the orchard, which had been bustling for a long time, fell silent in an instant.

Bored, Qin Feng took out a comb to comb Ah Yi and the others. Only she and the four big dogs were left in the orchard.If you enter the hut now, you have to pay attention to when those people will come back. If you have concerns, you will not be happy inside, so it is better to stay outside.

"Hey! Hey, hey..." Suddenly there were several sounds from the backyard.

Qin Feng was taken aback, ah!By the way, there is another person in the orchard.

She patted the fur heads of the dogs and signaled them to patrol around, then got up and went to the backyard.

Through some dense branches of fruit trees, I saw a figure near the corner of the orchard wall, wielding a hoe and vigorously digging the soil in the corner.

"Hey, Xiaobao, what are you digging? Have you piled up the firewood?" Qin Feng stepped forward and asked him.

Hearing the sound, Jin Duobao raised his head. These strenuous tasks made his delicate face slightly flushed, his sweat-soaked hair stuck to his forehead, and a pair of eyes with lonely eyes looked over him blankly.

Qin Feng praised secretly, if he didn't hunch his waist, shrug his shoulders, and look like a bad boy, he would really be a handsome little boy.

"Hey, why is Master Aunt here? The firewood is all piled up, and the water is full. I just wanted to dig this place, so I went to find you, hehe." The young man grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth. The frivolous tone immediately wiped away the decent image of the handsome young man.

"Don't call me Shigu! What are you digging for? Is there a treasure?" Qin Feng gave him an annoyed look and asked.

"No, no, hehe. But I dug up something interesting." Jin Duobao proudly picked up a small golden circle from the ground next to him, "Here, Auntie, this is it. Outside, I didn’t dare to go, so I dug around randomly, and finally found a gold ring! Do you think I’m lucky?” Xianbao handed the ring to Qin Feng, deliberately ignoring Qin Feng’s first sentence.

I have made an appointment with this teacher, so I won't change my name, Jin Duobao thought to himself.

Are you afraid to go?Qin Feng looked at him twice, and subconsciously took the ring he handed over.This Jin Duobao is an arrogant rich second generation, when did he get reduced to the point where he dare not go out to meet people?Is it because of low self-esteem?Or is it because I am used to being a thief and afraid of meeting soldiers?

"You can take what you find, I don't like this thing." Qin Feng frowned, and glanced at the black soil dug up on the ground, she had a slight obsession with cleanliness.

"But you are too greedy, aren't you? If you dig one, you want to dig again? How can you say that you are also a millionaire, okay?" Qin Feng asked strangely. It turns out that the richer people are, the more they love money.

"That's not it." Jin Duobao continued digging hard, "I often read news that someone touched a piece of something on the ground, or dug into a ring, clothes corner, etc., and digging deeper can dig out a murder case. It’s rare for me to come across it, and I have to dig out its owner no matter what!” Digging hard, it’s the first time he’s working so sincerely, it’s not easy!

Qin Feng stood dumbfounded, and the ring slipped from her hand.

Jin Duobao, who was extremely diligent, heard the silence behind him, looked back strangely, and was suddenly taken aback.

Qin Feng's warm and drizzle look just now disappeared, and a frighteningly white face glared at him gloomily.

Possessed? !Jin Duobao was so frightened that he took two steps back carefully, and then secretly looked at the big pit under his feet. No, the body hasn't been dug up yet?How did it come out? !
"Jin Duobao! Hoe every piece of this orchard before dusk today! If you can't finish howing, or if you hurt a root of a vegetable stalk, you should stop being a teacher and get out of here automatically!" Qin Feng said with a sullen face. After speaking, he turned and left.

Only poor classmate Jin Duobao was left messing around in the wind, what's the matter?Where did he offend her?Isn't the future aunt the help of his apprentice as the protagonist?Why does it look like she is the biggest resistance now?How is this going?what happened? !Woo...

Mud horse drops!Ever since she was a child, she has been most afraid of ghost stories, and she has a mild obsession with cleanliness. When she first heard Jin Duobao say it, her hair instantly stiffened.Inadvertently, he took an unknown object that had just been dug out with his own hands!It's disgusting!

Although her first reaction was to probe the ground, she didn't find anything suspicious, but she has a rich imagination. The effect of automatic brain supplementation is amazing. Otherwise, how could so many people in the world be scared to death by her imagination? !

As a result, the little bit of pity he had just felt for this shy boy was shot away.Poor Jin Duobao, an unintentional act added another obstacle to his path of apprenticeship.

No wonder the ancestors have confessed, but women and villains are difficult to raise~!
(End of this chapter)

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