space shrine

Chapter 70 Unusual Rewards

Chapter 70 Unusual Rewards
Qin Feng angrily went to the well and washed his hands with soap several times. Under the psychological hint, he didn't stop until his skin became red.Then I came to the carambola tree, stretched out my hand and picked off a small cluster of delicate flowers on the tree branch, blew twice and stuffed it into my mouth.

She needs to distract herself now, and eating what she likes is the most effective!

Carambola blossoms are much tastier than carambola. She is allergic to carambola, and when she eats it, her tongue breaks out, and it hurts like hell.After several times, when she was a child, she was full of resentment towards carambola, thinking that since I can't eat the fruit, I will eat the flowers so that it can't grow fruit.

A child with a bad mind!Of course, her three-inch cunt alone cannot stop the growth of carambola.It's just that the habit of eating carambola was formed just like that.

To this day, no matter where she goes, when she sees a carambola tree, her first reaction is to look for flowers to eat.As for carambola, even if its strange appearance broke the world record, she would not take a look at it.

Anything she can't eat is not a good thing!

While eating, Qin Feng looked at the small broken flowers scattered widely on the branches. When he saw the larger flowers with thick petals, he picked them off and put them in the palm of his hand.And the remaining small ones are the breeding grounds for carambola.Of course, this has to be before Qin Feng destroys the flowers next time, and they grow fast enough.

"According to the contract, everything in this orchard belongs to us, and Miss Qin has no right to pick it without authorization."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind her.

You don't need to look back to know who is coming, that face is paralyzed and cold.

Qin Feng thought slightly, and replied without turning his head: "That means after signing the signature, even if I cut it off before, no one can control it."

This Leng Yun is also a difficult person. He seems to be suspicious of Qin Lei's dealing with those little gangsters, and he pays special attention to the Qin family because of the big dogs guarding the orchard, lurking around the orchard The two of them were the ones he proposed to send.

For some reason, Qin Feng always felt that the other party had doubts from the moment he saw her, no, maybe before he came, and his probing attitude made her very uncomfortable.

But where did he see it?And where did she go wrong and was caught?If she had doubts before coming here, did she say something wrong during the online call?But he is not the "fish that loves to eat grass" himself, so how does he know the content of the conversation between her and the other party?Could it be that the "grass-loving fish" became suspicious and asked him to investigate openly and unannounced?
If it's the "fish" who is suspicious, it's possible. From the name, it can be seen that the other party is a guy who will die if he leaves the Internet. The most popular things on many websites are some fantasy things, including the possession of magic weapons. The most mentioned one is Lingling. Spring fruit.

Qin Feng playfully twirled a small flower and twirled it between his fingertips. No matter whether they had guessed their own secret or something, she was sure of one thing, the other party did not dare to offend her easily at this moment.Because it has also been mentioned on the Internet that people with strange treasures are often linked to cultivation.Unless they want to taste death, or there are strangers around them, they won't want to subdue her family.

She doesn't want to let the hut check everything, if she relies too much, she will become useless sooner or later.

She turned around and tilted her head to look at the handsome man in front of her. Carambola flowers were still being fed into her mouth.The other party reminded her to eat more before signing the contract.

Seeing this, the other party frowned: "Don't you wash it? Are you afraid of bacteria?" Aren't women afraid of getting dirty?
"Big bacteria eat small bacteria, and small bacteria become tonics! Didn't you come here to remind me to wash before eating?" Qin Feng asked, she was curious why this iceberg came to the door on its own initiative, trying to trick her?
"You haven't been online recently?" Leng Yun asked expressionlessly.

Qin Feng was taken aback, he didn't expect that the other party would ask an irrelevant question, and he replied in surprise: "No, the online store has been withdrawn since you came here." The only customers have come to the door, and the physical store has also closed Closed, why do you still open that online store?It's full of sarcasm and sarcasm, and she listens to it every day because she's a bitch.

Now she can only hope that the orchard will be signed by them today, and tomorrow their family will pack their bags and go on a trip. She has been looking forward to this for a long time.

"'Grassy fish' isn't me, it's my friend," he said, keeping his eyes on her reaction.

"Oh, I know, that person's tone of voice is brisk and decisive, not at all like you." Unlike you, every sentence has a purpose, which makes people have to guard against it.

Cold cloud suffocation, what's the difference?He doesn't remember hesitating or hesitating when he speaks.

"He asked me to tell you that I will come to thank you in person when my body fully recovers next month. Please wait for him." Although he was puzzled, Leng Yun still truthfully told Qin Feng what his friend had said.

"Oh? No need. He paid the money and saved himself. How dare I take credit for it. Besides, our family will go on a trip as soon as the matter here is over." There is no time to wait for him, he Who is he!
Leng Yun raised his eyebrows: "Going on a trip? Your whole family?" Withdrew so quickly?

"That's right! I haven't gone out with my family for so long. It's rare to have money and time now, and everyone is healthy and strong. Naturally, we must seize the opportunity." Qin Feng looked at him and said with a smile.

"Oh? Then you have to keep in touch with us. In case something goes wrong in the orchard, it will be convenient for us to find rescuers, and after the completion of the military sanatorium, an access card will be sent to you, which is the proof of going home." Leng Yun said quickly.

"Access card?" Qin Feng looked at him in confusion.

"You'll know in a few days." Leng Yun made a rare gesture.

"Okay!" Qin Feng readily agreed, behind a bright smile: Do you know how to use a detour if you can't stop it?I don't believe it won't drag you to death.These soldiers are really stubborn. They finally dumped Lin Jianzhi, a policeman, and Leng Yun from a military region. She must be at odds with these soldiers, otherwise she wouldn't always be attached to them.

Behind Leng Yun's paralyzed face: How can ordinary people domesticate a watchdog that surpasses the size and evil spirit of a police dog with a normal diet?This land has been planted by people before, and no eggs have been grown in N lifetimes. You can grow miraculous fruits and vegetables as soon as you come here. Is this something ordinary people can do?It's good to travel, the long road is prone to accidents, I don't believe that you don't show your flaws at all.

Want to stay out of the world with supernatural powers?It's too unrealistic. It's the right way to use it for the country.

For the first time, the two people with evil intentions looked at each other and smiled friendlyly. Their eyes were full of lightning and fire, and the meaning was clear to both parties: "I understand your thoughts, there is no way!"

Sure enough, two days later, the township neighborhood committee notified the heads of each household to attend a meeting.

Qin Guoguang came back and said that not only Duoluo Village was expropriated, but even several neighboring villages were expropriated.The amount of compensation was as high as more than 200 million, which was enough for them to buy a beautiful house in the urban area.

All the villagers happily signed, and Qin Guoguang also signed.

However, he looked at his family members with a strange expression and said, "Our figure is more than 200 million, but the actual figure is more than 300 million. Except for the two houses in the village, a few acres of land, and the two houses in the small town, The fruits and vegetables in the orchard are only paid for by calculating compensation and other losses. However, according to the village committee, based on our family’s huge contribution to the country, in addition to the more than 300 million yuan, 3000 yuan per person per month In addition to the supply of RMB, there is also a house in the remodeled military area, which is permanent."

Hearing this, everyone who was happy and smiling in their hearts froze, and then looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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