space shrine

Chapter 72 Everyone has their own bottom line

Chapter 72 Everyone has their own bottom line
Qin Lei nodded dejectedly, managed to cheer up and said good night to his parents, then went back to the room and closed the door, and then flashed into the Leixiu space of the hut.He was so depressed that he had to find something to destroy to vent.

Qin Ma glared at the gloating Qin Feng, and said angrily, "Why don't you go to bed quickly? You have to get up early tomorrow to pack your things."

As a result, Qin Feng was driven back to the room by his parents, and he also entered the hut.She didn't enter the humble house, because it would be easy to fall into self-cultivation automatically, and she didn't want to miss the beautiful days of family outings, so she stayed in the room on the first floor of the small house to rest.

Qin's father and Qin's mother stayed at the outside home and began to pack their things.They are nourished by the spiritual spring water every day, and they are very energetic. It is nothing if they do not sleep at night.

Knowing that the children's enthusiasm has been discouraged, they plan to pack up their clothes tonight, and they can set off when they wake up tomorrow, without delaying time.Surprise them and see if it makes them feel better.

Because of this day, it has been chanted by the children.Now that it's done, they'll be delighted!
"Boom!" First there was the sound of the train starting, followed by a long series of whining sounds, and the four members of the Qin family set off.

The other one was in the hut. It was originally planned that she had to wait for the rendezvous at the goal of the first stop - a big hotel in L city with many scenic spots.Tired of fame, afraid of causing riots on the train.As for the four guardian dogs, they couldn't get in the car, so they had to obediently stay in the Qin Garden and chase the colorful butterflies to play.

As a matter of course, such details fell into the eyes of Leng Yun who followed them closely.Obviously took the four dogs away, and checked around and found that no relatives or friends were fostered with these four conspicuous dogs.But I didn't get in the car with them, so where did they go?
Leng Yun, who was sitting in the office of the headquarters of the Beijing Military Region, was looking at the news he had just received, with a meaningful arc on his lips.

It seems that it was really hit by a friend, one of this family must have the legendary space or other abilities!I really didn't expect that the internet legend that he had always sneered at turned out to be true!

It's a pity that they were too defensive, and he couldn't inquire deeply; nor did they approach them in order to seek a strong backer or to get a big boost in the world, as his friends said.Now I can only wait for my friend to recover, and then let him contact the family.

I really want to know what kind of abilities they have. Those who are said to have abilities are unrivaled in the world. I really want to open my eyes!The sharp and indifferent eyes were mixed with excitement and anticipation.

The Qin family bought a seat ticket, which is relatively close to the first stop, and can be reached in more than two hours.

It was the first family outing (Qin Yu followed in the hut), and the location was specially bought together. This feeling made everyone excited and fresh.It has been more than half an hour since we got in the car and drove, and the family still can't stop chatting and laughing, from ear to ear.

It caused some people around to smile knowingly, and some laughed at this family as the bumpkins who went out by car for the first time, and a little thing is worth their success.Especially the four young girls sitting next to them. From what they said, they should be college students who are going out to celebrate their graduation. The front and back seats of them are all classmates who come out to play together. There are about eleven or two people in total.

The Qin family didn't care about the reaction of these boring people.If you go out to play, if you always care about other people's opinions, it is better to stay at home and not come out.The same rice feeds all kinds of people, and the world is still so big, if you care too much, you will be pissed off.

"Ha, fortunately it's not the rush hour, otherwise not only would it be crowded, but the whole car would have an unpleasant smell everywhere, and it would be suffocating." Qin Feng said with a look of disgust.She sat there once in the past, catching up with the peak traffic when she came out to work during the Chinese New Year.She will never forget the situation at that time!I haven't taken the train since then, preferring to pay twice as much to take the car.

"You're stupid! Don't you know how to buy a sleeper berth? There are few people in the berth and you can lie down. It's because you can't turn your head that you suffer." Qin Lei sneered at her.

"Cut! How can I compare with you? You get motion sickness, so you naturally feel comfortable lying down. If you want me to lie dead in the car for seven or eight hours, it's better to take a car for four or five hours." The key is the fare ratio of the sleeper berth She couldn't bear the fact that the car was tens of dollars more expensive.

"Okay, stop arguing! How old are you! Eat something, you didn't even eat breakfast in order to buy a ticket to drive the train, aren't you hungry?" Lu Lan interrupted the quarrel between the siblings, and Qin Guoguang took out a few bottles from the backpack Water and two large lunch boxes are on the table.

This was after packing up last night, anticipating the impatient nature of the children, they prepared breakfast with their husband Qin Guoguang by the way.

Those bottles of mineral water were bought by Qin Lei on purpose. For this trip, he made preparations a few days ago.Pour out the water inside to water the flowers and plants, and then fill it with a spiritual spring, so you can drink it openly.

Ever since he had a space hut, Lu Lan, who is usually very free, often watches those gourmet TV shows, and even tries to make them for his family. He once studied the recipe of one of the strawberry cakes with Qin Feng, who is the treasure of the town house.

She was quick-witted, and this time she made a few pieces of fruit cakes ingeniously.The smooth, fresh and sweet fruit cake is loved by the whole family, two small pieces per person, including Qin Yu who had no choice but to hide in the hut, put it in the kitchen of the hut early in the morning.

However, as soon as Lu Lan put the box out, the girls sitting next to him burst out laughing.I vaguely heard two of them say eccentrically: "What a bumpkin! You don't even want to buy a box of instant noodles when you go out. It's not such an expensive thing. Is it worth cooking at home and taking it out? It's so ridiculous!" After eating the spicy beef noodles for a few minutes, I was intoxicated by the smell.

The girl next to "Puchi" also started to laugh one after another, and looked contemptuously at the family of the local family next door from time to time, with endless words of contempt and teasing in the eyebrows.

Because what Lu Lan used to pack the cake was the plastic lunch box that Qin Feng and Qin Yu used when they lived in school!The pattern on the side of the box has long been degummed, faded and incomplete.

No wonder they were laughed at!
Even Qin Lei and Qin Feng couldn't help laughing when they saw him suddenly.

"Mom, why is this lunch box still there? I've changed more than N!" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"That's a waste of you! You're ashamed to say it!" Lu Lan glared at her daughter.

Provoking my mother's frugality, Qin Feng, who deserved to be scolded, stuck out his tongue and said with a hippie smile to please his mother: "Hehe, Mom was right, I was wrong! After eating poor people who can only eat junk food in waxed paper boxes, I deeply felt how unforgivable my previous actions were, angering people and envious people! So Mom, I promise you that I will never waste it again Any lunch box! Otherwise, I will be fined to eat instant noodles when I go out in the future! Hehe!" She said these few sentences while sitting upright, but she laughed crookedly again as soon as she finished speaking.

Her family is tolerant and doesn't care about others, but it doesn't mean she is too.

You can talk about anyone, but not her family!This is her bottom line!

(End of this chapter)

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