space shrine

Chapter 73: I Can't Kill You!

Chapter 73: I Can't Kill You!
The faces of the female college students sitting next to each other changed, and one of them tried to stand up and retort with a cold face, but was held down by the one sitting outside. She gave the Qin family a sideways look, and whispered to her companion, "It's too cheap to argue with these aunts. , ignore her!"

When the girl heard this, the anger on her face disappeared, and she said in a tone that others could hear: "Yes, we are also high-level intellectuals, but we can't learn how to swear by shrews. Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to those dirtbags." Care about." After speaking, after giving Qin Feng a blank look, he laughed and ate noodles with a few companions.

Qin Feng didn't even sweep his eyelids here, just smiled and opened the two lunch boxes, and a fresh fruit and milk fragrance came out.

"Wow, mom, you made cake again? Huh? Wow, and my favorite mixed fruit banana split! Mom, you are too wasteful! Eat breakfast and serve it with fruit salad?! What a waste! Yes?!" Qin Feng was happy, picked up a plastic fork, picked up a piece of banana and threw it into his mouth, joking with his mother while eating.

"It's a waste of you, don't eat it! Dad, Mom, here, see her again and eat it up!" Qin Lei is a mature and stable boss. Hearing this, he gave her a white look, and then picked up the fork and gave it to his parents. After picking out a piece of cake, I started to eat it myself.

It's not at the same level as a foodie with a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth who only cares about himself.

In this carriage, there are not many people.But when everyone is eating, instant noodles, food sold on the car, and various smells of the human body are mixed together, which still makes the air turbid and makes people feel chest tight.

At this time, a burst of clear fruit fragrance rose from nowhere, slowly dissolving and dissipating the stale air in the carriage.Soon, only the pure and fresh fruity fragrance remained in the compartment.

It attracted everyone to look around, wanting to see who is eating such a delicious meal.And when people salivate, they look at the simple meals in front of them, or the instant noodles full of flavors, and their appetite disappears immediately.

Especially those female college students closest to the fragrance source, they were the first to smell the fresh smell, and they swallowed their saliva from time to time to peek at Qin Feng and others having a happy meal.Looking at my own instant noodles, it was really hard to swallow.

I really don't know, in comparison, they really are poor people who don't love their parents or their mothers!

Everyone looked at each other silently with resentful eyes, and couldn't restrain the corner of their eyes. After catching a glimpse of the woman who had just whispered and taunted, after finishing her meal, she took out two ripe and attractive golden mangoes from the bag and put them in the clean room. When the lid of the lunch box was closed, the greedy worms in the stomach finally couldn't help but started screaming desperately.


Qin Feng, who wanted to show off, pretended not to know what was going on around him, as if thinking of something, he reached out and dug out a few bananas.As soon as the banana peel was peeled off, a seductive aroma immediately filled the entire carriage, and the stomachs of the people around were growling even more joyfully.But if they want to make them come forward to beg for food, they really can't get rid of this face, so they can only watch each other eat with relish.

Everyone complained in their hearts, why doesn't this woman understand the world at all?Normal people know that when they are away from home, it is best to form good relationships. Isn't the saying that many friends lead to many paths?

It's not like this short-sighted, so thick and so fragrant thing, not to mention full points, even if you take out a little bit for everyone to try!A whole car of people watched her eat, how could she have the nerve to eat so freely and happily?
Qin Lei, who was sitting by the window, endured so much pain!The smile on his face distorted the expression on his face, and he quickly threw the last piece of fruit into his mouth, trying to maintain a straight appearance to show others.Brother and sister, he knew why Qin Feng did this, and he didn't intend to stop it.His position is the same as Qin Feng's. People who make fun of their parents deserve to be punished.

Seeing this, Qin Yu in the hut was not in the mood to laugh, and kept rolling on the sofa: "Ah!! I don't have a share in every excitement! It's so unfair! It's so unfair! I want to go out! Ahhh !Mom! I want to go out! Ah~~!" The high and low voices are repeated, which can be called the tragic magic sound piercing the ears, which is the characteristic of the future singer Sapo.

Qin Yu swears to Denghuo that she will never stay in the hut by herself in the future, and she hasn't been punished with her sister for more than ten years!How boring life is!

But at this time, Qin Feng didn't give up. She ate a banana with one hand, her eyes glanced at the roof of the car unconsciously, and she was digging into the bag with the other hand.In fact, there are only a few mangoes in the bag to cover people's eyes and ears. She is borrowing the bag to get the fruits from Wanluo Valley.

When everyone saw her taking out the bag again, their mouths drool even more, and they swallowed hard, staring at her with wide-eyed eyes as she took out another handful of golden mature yellow skins and wanted to put them on the table.

How many varieties of fruit are in this person's bag?Look, there are mangoes on the table, and I haven't finished eating the bananas in my hand, so I took out another handful of yellow peels.Moreover, every fruit looks like the best of the best, making the eyes of the bystanders watching from the dark turn green.

"Ahem, Xiaofeng, you haven't finished eating on the table yet, what are you doing with so much? There's no room for it on the table!" Qin Guoguang stopped Qin Feng's childish behavior angrily and amusedly.

The appearance of these two women is quite gentle and demure, but their personalities are not good enough, they are both hot and stingy.After so many years, apart from the slight restraint of his fiery temper, his stingy personality has grown!Once someone makes her angry, seize the opportunity and punish him to death!However, she still looks serious, which makes people dumbfounded.

It's just a few sarcastic remarks. As for the little girls in this family?What an idiot child who even hurt the people in the entire carriage!

"That's right, take away the mangoes too. I'm going to wash the lunch box and put it away." Lu Lan also hilariously stopped the second daughter's prank. My head got a few laps bigger.In order to prevent Qin Yu from running away completely, she picked up the mango and held it out to Qin Feng, asking her to put it away quickly.

"Oh, OK!Parents, please forgive me first, otherwise you will be choked to death by saliva!Qin Feng did not refute. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, he obediently put the fruits on the table back into his bag one by one, extinguishing the last glimmer of hope for people.

This kid is so ignorant!Others cursed inwardly.

what!The dead boy still has half a banana in his hand!So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the defiant Qin Feng moved even more slowly, chewing bite after bite!I can't get enough of you guys!I can't kill you!Can aunt bark indiscriminately? !snort!
In order to keep a low profile, all of their family present themselves at the age of normal people.Calling her eldest sister is still unacceptable, but they still dare to call her aunt, how long will you wait if you don't kill me? !
However, the current temptation, heartbeat is inevitable!

Since the heart is moving, there must be action.This shame, sometimes you can fight it out.

(End of this chapter)

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