space shrine

Chapter 80 Suspicious fate stone!

Chapter 80 Suspicious fate stone!

"Dad, what are you envious of? You have much more time than them now, can you do what you want to do? Is there any need to envy them?" Qin Lei laughed.

"That's right! People have to spend a night on the mountain to watch the sunrise, but you are different. You can watch the sunrise anytime you want. You don't need to ask for leave or absent from work, and you don't have to worry about deducting wages or losing your job! The cart before the horse They should be envious of you!" Qin Yu also said with a smile, and Qin Feng and Lu Lan were having fun together.

Qin Guoguang thought about it, isn't it? !Who else in the world is more free and happy than him now? !What is he envious of!

"Hehe, that's right! I forgot! It's alright, don't laugh, go up the mountain quickly! There will be more people later!" Qin Guoguang laughed at himself embarrassedly, and then waved to his family to signal to leave quickly .

The people who knew that Dad was looking for the stairs did not refute, turned around and followed the flow of people in twos and threes and began to walk slowly up the mountain.

The sky opened quickly, and around five o'clock, the quiet scenery of Yunwu Mountain was gradually and clearly displayed in front of everyone, and the flow of people gradually increased.

Yunwu Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, with fractures and fissures criss-crossing, and there are many varieties of wild plants on both sides of the winding mountain road.The verdant and dense coniferous pine trunks and curly branches are in various poses; the three-pointed fir is dignified and beautiful, and the breeze blows, showing a unique style.The majestic camphor trees, the beautiful ginkgo trees with luxuriant branches and leaves... sharp-eyed they also saw many fresh and delicious mushrooms growing in the jungle.

"Wow, brother, sister, look! There are so many fresh mushrooms! The fresh mushroom porridge last time was delicious, and it can be used for barbecue... It's a pity that you can't pick them here, otherwise it would be great to eat them roasted on the mountain! "Qin Yu, with sharp eyes and greedy mouth, stared at the plump mushroom and yelled.

"Slap!" Qin Feng slapped her on the back of the head, and shouted at her in a low voice, as if he didn't know her: "Shame! The whole world is watching us come! You want to cause a commotion, don't you?" Although Qin Yu Her appearance has become a lot more ordinary, but those who are interested can still recognize her from the outline of her face. She is Qin Yu, the "star of heaven" who has become popular all over the world.

Qin Yu giggled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Even if you want to eat, you have to keep a low profile. If the people who will patrol the mountain later find that there is something missing on the mountain, don't you immediately blame us?!" At the end, Qin Feng added another sentence.

Everyone is silent!I finally understood that the reason why I have a wayward younger sister is actually because there is a more willful older sister behind me, two money-losers who are cheating on each other.

Qin Guoguang pointed to the two sisters in front of him who were counting on "mountain treasures", and shook his head at Lu Lan with a headache, speechless.

Qin Lei wisely stood behind his parents, keeping an infinite distance from the pair of sisters who were full of crooked thoughts.It's embarrassing to follow them, isn't it?It's no wonder that before he graduated from junior high school, he turned a blind eye to the two of them even when they walked around in front of his eyes, and often shouted "I don't have a sister! I don't have a sister".

He was so wise back then!It's a pity that life is too helpless. Not only does he have a younger sister, but he also has two!Brother pit~!

At around seven o'clock in the morning, the family was pointing, talking and laughing on the way up the mountain, and they all walked forward with a leisurely expression.People continued to overtake them to go up the mountain. When they came down the mountain, they saw that this group of people was still pacing slowly, and they hadn't even reached the halfway up the mountain.

"Hey, let me tell you, where is the legendary karma stone? I've been walking for a long time, and it's just an artificial stone. Could it be made by humans? There's even a legend? It's so strange!" Looking around impatiently Qin Yu started yelling again.

Indeed, although this Yunwu Mountain is beautiful and quiet, it is a pity that the space world that everyone here belongs to is mostly natural mountains and forests, why are there no strange peaks and mountains?The reason why I travel to the outside world is to realize the wish of the whole family to travel together, and to find out whether the various folk legends are true or not.

After all, they themselves belong to another kind of unreal legend.

After asking passers-by, and walking for more than half an hour, I finally saw it when everyone was impatient.

But I saw a big brown stone standing on the side of the road, which is two people tall and three adults can't hold it together. The three big characters "Yinyuanshi" are engraved on the top of the stone, and the bottom is smooth and shiny, and even the edges and corners of the stone have been flattened. slipped.

No wonder, it has been touched by all living beings for hundreds of years, and it is still so round and big, which proves that it is durable to touch and wear!I don't know what material is in it.

Qin Feng circled around it a few times, squinting slightly to look up and down, his eyes full of inquiry.

"What! Just this one..." Before Qin Yu could say "broken stone", he was interrupted by Lu Lan's fly-like gesture.

"Hey, you two sisters don't talk at the moment! Just touch it obediently! Xiao Lei, you come first. Let the gods bless my Xiao Lei's marriage and come quickly~!" As a mother, Lu Lan hurriedly interrupted her little daughter's disrespectful words.

Gods cannot be profaned!Even if she is in a magical hut, or has three sons and daughters who are as powerful as the legendary omnipotent gods, the ancient legends are always tightly attached to her consciousness.No matter how powerful the children are, they cannot compete with the real gods.

"Yes, you two don't talk, let's touch it! Let the gods quickly find a good husband for you and push your marriage closer. If you find a good home as soon as possible, we will be relieved." Qin Guoguang nodded in agreement with his wife.

This topic again!Why are parents so persistent in their concept of where they belong?The three brothers and sisters of the Qin family looked disapproving, and were pushed and pulled by their parents to take their precious handprints.I didn't dare to use force, and if I snapped a corner, my devout parents would be scared out of their wits.

"Brother, sister," Qin Yu softly asked his brothers and sisters standing beside him while his parents happily touched the stone to ask for marriage for their children: "Is there something wrong with this stone? Why do you have such expressions?"

She felt very clearly just now that the palms of the brothers and sisters didn't touch the stone at all, but just passed a few centimeters away from the stone surface. Why?
"Don't say it so loudly, it will scare your parents." Qin Feng glanced at her and said to her with his mind, "The aura of this stone is a bit weird, as if it is absorbing the breath of a person with aura."

"Ah?! Does the eldest brother know too? Then why didn't you stop me and my parents?" Qin Yu was dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, it's just collecting information, and it should be sent somewhere else. It's harmless to the human body, and it's ineffective for ordinary people. Xiaofeng and I just want to see what's going on." Qin Ray replied.The three brothers and sisters purposely connected their consciousness so that their minds could talk together.Parents' practice is still shallow, knowing too much will easily cause psychological burden, so the three of them rarely mention some weird phenomena in front of them.

With their three brothers and sisters around, no one will hurt their parents.Even if there are mountains beyond the mountains, there is still a strong reliance on the hut.The three of them can't do it, they have their own hut for shelter.

(End of this chapter)

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