space shrine

Chapter 81 First Encounter!

Chapter 81 First Encounter!

"But..." Qin Yu felt a little uneasy. Although there is a hut, what if...

"Xiao Yu, we (you) need practice!" Qin Lei and Qin Feng said at the same time, and rolled their eyes at each other after speaking.

"We" was what Qin Lei said.

"You" was what Qin Feng said.She didn't count herself in at all, and she wasn't the one who wanted to stay in the world.

She had made up her mind to go back to the cottage as soon as the tour was over.You need to open your eyes, the hut is all-encompassing, and there are all kinds of worlds in all directions. As long as you pay attention, the knowledge interface inside is enough to see.Of course, you can take a walk in the world when you feel the whim, but there is no need to stay longer.So she said this, but it just happened to go against Qin Lei's wishes.

Qin Lei believes that their family is all human beings, but they just have one more chance than other human beings.Moreover, Qin Feng has a great prejudice against human nature in his heart, even to the point of twisting and contempt and becoming a demon.

They are not cultivators, but the path of cultivation is definitely more thrilling than cultivators.Because there are still traces to follow in the way of cultivation, but they can only explore on their own. If they are a little careless, they will fall into the situation where Qin Feng fell asleep for 30 years at any time.Although there is no danger of life, there is nothing to be lucky about becoming an unconscious vegetative person.

Therefore, it is best to completely eliminate the demons.

The two brothers and sisters here have different opinions. When the younger sister is in a dilemma, the parents and adults——

"Pray to the gods to bless the three children of our family to find marriage as soon as possible! They are all very old. If there is something wrong, the gods will definitely blame it. The people must sincerely correct their mistakes..." Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan seemed to have caught the life buoy, and stood devoutly in front of the boulder to pray, as if she was afraid that the gods would abandon them if they took a step away.

Although the parents are just standing, there are still a few aunts kneeling around.However, several groups of worshipers have left, and the standing couple is still the same couple.Needless to say, there was a burst of good-natured low laughter from those who wanted to touch the stone.

This is actually nothing, superstition is the characteristic of most people.However, Qin's father and Qin's mother specially prayed in half-baked Mandarin because they were worried that the gods in foreign lands would not understand their native dialect.In this way, the people who came forward to touch the stone heard that this couple came to seek marriage for their children, and their children were not only unmarried, but also!even more!Definitely old!Leftover men, and leftover women!
And those "golden leftover fighters" who cheated their fathers and mothers were the three tall men and women standing not far away who seemed to be arguing!

...A row of crows flew over the heads of the three brothers and sisters.

"Dad, Mom, you have been standing here for a long time. Even if the gods don't bother you, it's not good for you to block others!" Facing the strange gazes of everyone, Qin Feng rushed over and pulled them away with sweat on his brow.

Qin Lei folded his arms and turned around, looking at the distant mountains calmly, with a blank expression on his face, his face was filled with contentment: Brother's image~~!

Qin Yu looked up at the sky, looked left and right, pretended to be ignorant, and comforted himself in his heart: "It's not me! It's not me~!" The expression was exactly the same as that of Qin Lei who said "I don't have a sister".

"Dad, Mom, although it's our fault that we can't get married, we don't need to let the whole world know, right? Think we have intractable diseases! At that time, no one will pay attention to us!" Qin Feng said to his parents in a low voice, and his out-of-tune voice could hear how anxious she was at the moment.What is talented is that he does not forget to praise himself when he is in a hurry.

It wasn't that she wanted to scare her parents and let them go on like this. In one day, everyone on Yunwu Mountain knew that her three siblings were not wanted.It doesn't matter to her three brothers and sisters, it's not a day or two for others to make irresponsible remarks.She was only worried that her parents would be even more anxious after hearing this, and it would be bad if even the magic weapon like the hut could not suppress their obsession!
ah? !How could it be that serious!The Qin couple gave the exaggerated second daughter a dissatisfied look.However, when they saw the snickering crowd around them, the two old people suddenly felt a sudden, what a pity!It's really embarrassing to throw it to Yunwu Mountain now!

In fact, the matter was not as serious as what Qin Feng said, she just wanted to scare her parents from saying things that would make the siblings laugh, and she didn't want to be laughed at by outsiders.

"Ah! Dad, Mom, it's almost noon, let's find a place to have lunch!" Seeing that his parents believed it, Qin Feng quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah, I'm hungry! Find a place to eat!" As soon as the meal was mentioned, Qin Yu's spirit came, and he ran over to hold his parents' hands and walked on the mountain road.She spent some time thinking about the lunch for the mountain climbing last night. She has been craving it for a long time.

Seeing that his parents were finally willing to leave Dashi, Qin Lei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, gave Qin Feng a thumbs up to show his approval, and strode up to follow.If he had stepped forward to stop it just now, he would definitely have been reprimanded by his parents on the spot.In the eyes of the parents, the son's inability to find a wife is entirely due to his own incompetence, and the inability of the daughters to marry is due to outsiders' lack of vision!This eccentric and differential treatment really made him helpless.

And Qin Feng, who was still standing there, looked at his parents who were distracted by Qin Yu's smile, and took a deep breath with his hands on his hips.

Since she had a hut, she thought that her parents had let go of their desire for their children to start a family.But now it seems that parents are just keeping their minds inward, and once they find an opportunity, they will pour out like a volcanic eruption. Today is an example.

It can't go on like this!Or end your travel itinerary early!The longer the time in the world, influenced by customs and habits, the deeper the parents' thoughts will be.It will not only affect the cultivation of parents, but it will also lead to no peace in the family over time.Back then, every time the three of them went home to celebrate the New Year, the atmosphere at home would always be dull, and everyone on New Year's Eve would be unhappy.

She didn't want that to happen again.However, what should she do to completely clear the knot of her parents.The depression will only greatly reduce the cultivation of the parents, and the whole family will not live in peace.

What should I do?Just find someone to marry, and then find a reason to divorce and make your parents give up?This mentally handicapped thing might have been done by her before.But now she is busy, busy shopping in the space, busy reading books, busy studying life skills such as spells from all walks of life... How can the United States have the time to take care of these trivial things?

Qin Feng was so annoyed that her head was getting dizzy, her parents, brother and sister had already gone a little far, and she was still holding her head on the spot and looking for a solution with a bitter look on her face.Those troublesome conductors, I really want to abandon them and go back to the hut, why don't we find a quiet place to squat and think about countermeasures?Now she doesn't want to face relatives who like to cause trouble in the dunya.

Qin Feng looked around anxiously, but there were already more people around, and the rest benches by the roadside were also full of people.Farther away, the only pavilion protruding from the edge of the cliff has a good view, and there is no one there for the time being, but her family is walking there.

Qin Feng was discouraged and looked at them blankly.Suddenly, with sharp ears, she heard two chuckles from the rest bench next to her.

how?Laughed for a long time and still haven't laughed enough?Qin Feng, who was sulking, looked in the direction of the laughter.Well?Is it two men in tracksuits?

One is tall and strong. Although he is sitting, his long legs are at least 1.8 meters tall.Wearing a peaked cap, the eyes that symbolize the window of the soul are blocked by sunglasses, but Qin Feng still clearly feels the teasing gaze under his lenses.There are two beards on the mouth, and the two beautiful thin lips are slightly raised, and they are looking at the distressed Qin Feng with a smile.He is a mature and emotional man, if he hadn't laughed at her, she would have sincerely praised him for being quite handsome, judging by his perfect figure and extraordinary temperament.

The other was short, probably a boy.He looks handsome, without glasses to pretend to be aggressive, and his pure eyes are smiling and bending into a lovely crescent shape.A well-behaved short natural curly hair is directly exposed to the sun, showing his youthful vitality.But maybe the lanugo has not been removed completely, and I have no self-control at all, so I just cover my mouth and smile hard, and I still look at her from time to time, is this obviously making fun of her?
Qin Feng glared at the two of them angrily, turned around and left.But after taking two steps, he stopped again, and turned his head to look at the man carefully.

The boy can be ignored, she definitely doesn't know it!
(End of this chapter)

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