space shrine

Chapter 82 Seeing an acquaintance again

Chapter 82 Seeing an acquaintance again
Qin Feng told himself with certainty that she must have seen this man before!But who is he?I kept reorganizing previous memories in my mind, where did I see him?

Confused, she stood on the spot and looked at the other party up and down, not caring that her weird behavior made the other party's smile deeper.

The man saw Qin Feng standing two meters away from him, neither leaving nor approaching him, and he couldn't help feeling a little better in his heart.Judging from her expression, she should have recognized herself, but she was not sure and refused to leave.But if she stood there and stared at her like this, it would draw others' attention to her, which is not acceptable!He managed to sneak out for a while to get some air.

After thinking about it, he half took off his glasses facing the stubborn woman who refused to leave without finding the answer.A pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes were exposed, and the brilliance of the smiling eyes flowed, adding a bit of seductive charm to the elegant and handsome him.

what!It really was him!Qin Feng's pupils dilated suddenly, his image was lost due to excitement, and he pointed at the man with his mouth slightly open.Just about to yell, but when he saw the posture of the other party with a finger on his lips, he swallowed the words abruptly.

She quickly withdrew her fingers, half-covered her mouth and glanced around guiltily. Fortunately, no one paid attention to their movement, and she breathed a sigh of relief.After thinking about it, I immediately realized that the other party might have stayed in that popular and beautiful circle for a long time, and wanted to come out to breathe.Isn't it the same for my sister, these poor canaries!
After thinking about it, some pity appeared in his eyes.Although she really wanted to come forward to ask for an autograph or something, it would be best to take a photo with her, the wish of thousands of women!But with her heart in mind, she didn't want her sister to be disturbed when she was on vacation.So he smiled at him, waved his palm lightly to say goodbye, turned around and walked in the direction of his family without hesitation.

Tu met the idol she had been obsessed with since she was in her twenties. This kind of good thing, which is rare in a thousand years, made her feel very happy.Those negative emotions such as unhappiness and depression have long since disappeared, and she even feels like she is floating when she walks.

In fact, she did float, but she floated an inch, and immediately felt that something was wrong and stepped back to the ground.Alas, if only she were in the cottage!

On the contrary, the man was taken aback by her actions, what's going on?He was pitied by the other party?Once again, he moved his glasses away a little, and looked at the ordinary woman in ordinary clothes with puzzled eyes.Her leisurely expression, her back swaying unhurriedly while stroking the straps of her backpack, was not at all like those people who were in a hurry to climb the mountain and then rush down the mountain, which made him a little envious of her.

Once upon a time, he could be so relaxed!But now, the path he chose is destined to miss these things!

The kid beside him didn't think so much, he was already deeply shocked by the other party's free and easy figure!

The snickering on his face had long since faded away, and he spoke a foreign language to the man solemnly: "Brother, I found that your fans are becoming more and more individualistic!" No one came forward to ask for an autograph if he recognized him The quality of self-cultivation can keep calm and self-sufficient?You know, idols are not something you can meet casually.In the words of the top manager of their brokerage company who is also a gold broker, this is only a blessing due to the merits they have accumulated in their previous lives!

"And you know that she is my fan?" The man chuckled.Those who met him and didn’t come up to ask for autographs and group photos were either his followers or passing fans, that is, the kind that were occasionally confused.

"Tsk, you can tell just by looking at her eyes! That kind of surprise, that kind of excitement, when did your fans see you without this expression?" The boy said affirmatively, and then became puzzled, "It looks like she looks ordinary It’s a little bit worse, but it’s not too horrible to look at. Why can’t you get married when you’re in your 30s? There’s someone in our crew who is even more miserable than her and has two daughters!” Seeing the prayers of Qin’s father and Qin’s mother A lot of inside information was revealed, and the volume was not well controlled.

Although they are not from China, the man understands a lot of languages ​​in various countries for the sake of his fans.Especially for China, a huge country, he has worked hard to learn it.As for the boy who will be his future ace manager, the first requirement is to know more than three languages, Chinese language is the prerequisite.

"Why don't we go up and ask?" The man's eyes under the lens squinted at the boy.

"Okay!" The boy looked enthusiastic, and realized how boring he was doing it when he saw the man's playful eyes, and suddenly scratched his head and looked at the sky with some embarrassment, "Here, brother, let's stop playing. It's getting late Now, let's go back, the crew is probably looking for us." He is really not a gossip, really!purely professional needs.

So, the two went to another mountain road.

Besides Qin Feng's side, when she came to the gazebo, she found that after a short delay, there were many more people in the pavilion, and they were all acquaintances, more than a dozen college students she met on the train.

"Haha, hello! Sister Qin, we meet again!" This is the boy who exchanged ham sausage for fruit. He was having a good chat with Qin Lei at the moment. When he saw Qin Feng stepping into the gazebo, he immediately raised his voice to say hello.

Except for the four girls who had grudges against her, they forced a smile, the other boys and girls who had struck up a conversation with Qin's father and Qin's mother also greeted her one after another, and there were a few who were talking to Qin Yu, with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

Qin Feng nodded indifferently, and walked directly to Qin Yu's side, and the two boys next to him immediately gave up their positions.

"Sister, why are you so slow! We are almost starving to death." Qin Yu grumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Hee hee, today I was lucky and met an unexpected person." In front of his family, Qin Feng always showed his true colors.

"Oh? Who is it?" Qin Yu became curious. The one who could win the favor of her sister must be an extraordinary person.

Qin Feng smiled but did not answer.Seeing this, Qin Yu became even more curious. She leaned in front of her sister and insisted that Qin Feng tell her.

Qin Feng approached her ear helplessly, and said softly, "I won't tell you!" After speaking, he began to chuckle maliciously.

"Cut! It's rare!" Qin Yu, who realized that he had been tricked, sneered at his sister with a look of no surprise.But she knew that something good happened to her sister, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a good mood, especially when she was surrounded by many strangers.

"Mom, where's our lunch?" After Qin Feng teased his sister, she was in a good mood and was hungry, so she went directly to her parents for food.Finish eating quickly, and then go up the mountain!Even those who went up the mountain later than them have all gone down, and they are still halfway up the mountain. How long will it take to climb?Now there is a large group of people around her, and your words make her head jump. She even wants to finish climbing the mountain and go back to the hut to rest.It was a good trip, but it turned into a difficult task, which is really disappointing.

As soon as Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan heard their daughter's cry of hunger, they hurriedly brought their backpacks over, completely ignoring the noise of the people around when they heard that they were going to have lunch, and immediately quieted down.

(End of this chapter)

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