space shrine

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

However, it is a waste of energy to share common knowledge with ignorant women and children.In line with the willingness to fight quickly, while Qin Feng was concentrating on fighting against himself, the man's eyes flashed coldly, and a white light rushed towards Qin Feng.

God knows how long it has been since he showed mercy to others. He wanted to thoroughly investigate the abilities of the strange treasures, but also knew that many strange treasures would recognize their owners, and the owner must be willing to hand them over, otherwise he would have turned her into ashes. The reason why he didn't rush to break the ice on his body.Only when you are bound can you make the other party feel contemptuous, just like yourself just now.

"Since you're kind enough to let me, then I won't be polite!" Qin Feng, who jumped up to avoid it, jumped to the ground on the other side and stood firm, looking at him expressionlessly.

"It's up to you?! Why are you going to be rude...huh?" The man smiled contemptuously, and was about to continue talking when he was suddenly interrupted by something strange on his body.

When he looked down, he couldn't help showing a strange expression on his face!The solid ice that imprisoned the whole body suddenly became tighter and tighter, and the ice layer wrapped around the body became thicker and thicker, and a bone-piercing cold air directly penetrated into the limbs and bones in the body.It's too passive to go on like this, why don't you simply subdue her and force her to ask about Yibao.The longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for him, so he had to get the treasure before the people from the sect found out.

"Hmph, mere ice wants to subdue me?! You are so naive!!" The man sneered, using his aura to break through the ice.However, he was horrified to find that the more he moved, the tighter the ice bite on his body.What's even more frightening is that he can no longer use all the magic skills externally!
what is this? !Could it be that she has cultivated to Mahayana? !Otherwise, why is the ice so strangely strong? !It is impossible for the foundation builders to do this at all.

"It's you who are so naive! Hehe, just scream! No one here will hear you! Oh hehe..." It's rare to be so presumptuous. She was an ordinary person back then, no matter what happened, she could only bear it. .

Very familiar lines!What a harsh laugh!It's very similar to the scene where the three brothers and sisters wore sheets when they were young, imitating the scene of the treacherous minister in the TV series laughing triumphantly.The three members of the Qin family sat in the hut and watched, feeling helpless towards Qin Feng's bad image.

The three of them no longer felt the tension just now.

After feeling proud, Qin Feng suppressed his smile, looked coldly at the man wrapped in the ice figurine and said, "Scream! If you can do your best, don't expect anyone to rescue you. My little Although the enchantment doesn’t have much effect, but at the gazebo, seeing the sample you couldn’t find after looking for us for a long time, I guess it’s okay to survive until you die!”

"You vicious woman! Don't you just rely on the treasure? If we have the ability, we will see the truth!" The man was shocked and frightened in his heart, showing his true colors and said with a grim face, after all, he underestimated the enemy!

Older gingers are more spicy!Originally, the leader didn't need him to come this time, but he heard from the side that the other party might be carrying a rare treasure, so he came out in person on a whim.

Before coming here, the master told him that these three people (only Qin's father, Qin's mother and Qin Yu Moshi) should be self-taught, otherwise the aura of two of them would not be so sluggish and messy.If there is no teacher, then it is a treasure that guides them to practice.No matter what, before finding out all the details of the three of them, let him not act rashly, and try to bring them into the sect before making plans.

But he was deeply afraid that the master who loved him could not resist the temptation of the strange treasure, and then he would only be greedy.He wanted to get the strange treasure before going up the mountain, and then coax the woman to pass the test with a few good words. At that time, he would not only have more strange treasures, but also a cauldron of ice spirit roots.
But now, he can only delay the time as much as possible, hoping that the people from the sect will find something wrong and come to save him!Once out of trouble, he wants this woman to die.The beautiful eyes that are usually full of spring are no longer passionate, but only hatred and vicious anger.

"Malicious? Heh, I should say this!" Qin Feng smiled, stepped forward to imitate him, and lifted his clean and clean chin with his fingers, "You can practice even with a dirty mind. I’ve never seen such a person! (The author squints: Cut! You’ve never seen someone with a pure heart! An AK47 and a shuttle stretched out next to her and swept her into a honeycomb! Qin Feng closed his gun and looked coldly: You know There are too many! Authors who die with regret: Nima, I am the author, who knows more than me!) Tsk tsk, vicious, despicable and shameless people dare to call themselves immortals! Is this the so-called cultivation?"

It was an eye-opener for her. She always thought that the cruel phenomenon of self-cultivation in the novel was fake, but unexpectedly, it actually happened!It's so disappointing, but luckily she has no interest in cultivation!Being in the company of such people is too cheap.

After sighing inwardly, Qin Feng, who was thinking off topic again, looked serious, and finally became serious: "Aren't you already at the Golden Core stage? I heard it's very powerful. I'll give you 2 minutes, and you won't be able to break free from the ice," she said. After a pause, a chilling smile appeared on his lips, "Then die!"

This person will never be spared, if you let the tiger go back to the mountain, the beasts it will attract will definitely be even more powerful.She wasn't afraid of them, but if all the masters of his sect came, it wouldn't be a good thing if she wiped them all out, or if she was wiped out.The person in front of him is still young, the older ones in the sect should be more powerful, leave it to the elder brothers and younger sisters to practice, she will not get involved.

Not wanting to listen to his nonsense anymore, ice covered his mouth, leaving only the part above the nostrils.The man originally wanted to seduce him gently, but after all, women tend to eat his tricks, but unfortunately his mouth was silenced, and now he can't even say threats or lures.Knowing that the woman in front of him was not talking empty words, he could only struggle with all his strength, and even wanted to use his consciousness to contact the outside world for help.

While the other party was struggling, the information given to her by the hut appeared in Qin Feng's mind. This man's life can be described as a happy and smooth sailing.Because of his talent and his rare celestial spirit root, he was selected as the head disciple of a cultivating sect called Tianyunmen.

It's a pity that although he focuses on cultivating the Tao, he only cultivates supernatural powers and has no heart of benevolence.Since he was selected as a disciple of cultivating immortals, he has elevated himself to the position of an immortal, despising all those with lower abilities than him.Not to mention the beauties around him like clouds, just talking about those furnaces, almost every one or two years he absorbs the yin energy of a young woman, which becomes a part of improving his skills.

Naturally, there is no need to consider the woman's wishes. Under his clutches, I don't know how many teenage girls' blood and resentment have been contaminated.This time, if he hadn't discovered Qin Feng's ice spirit root and the strange treasure in his body, he wouldn't have bothered to talk to her, and would have killed her just by meeting her face to face.

At the same time, Qin Feng also knew the origin of the fate stone.It is a spiritual tester placed on the mountain by Tianyunmen. All cultivators, those who possess spiritual energy, and those who have spiritual roots will pass it on to Tianyunmen.According to the spiritual power level, decide whether to take it to the mountain gate, or solve it on the spot to obtain treasures, secret cultivation techniques and skills.

And the Taoist temple on the mountain that is said to be very effective, no need to guess, is also an informant of Tianyunmen. They use the Taoism they have learned to fool the world, and they are rich and famous.And not only in Yunwu Mountain, but also in other large and small mountains.

These behaviors are very common in the cultivation world where the strong are respected.But for ordinary people like Qin Feng, it is very unbelievable, let alone unforgivable.

For the handsome man in front of him, Qin Feng once again despaired of the character and temperament of handsome men and beautiful women.Alas, back then she did not hesitate to declare to the outside world (junior high school students who love to think wildly) that she is an ugly girl, and she will marry a handsome husband in the future.

However, until she turns 33 this year, the more mature she looks, the more sad she looks!Today's beautiful men and women are disturbing!Accidentally, the other party is a crook, and accidentally the wife turns out to be a man!

In this day and age, where is life not a pit!It's too deceitful, is there any?

(End of this chapter)

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