space shrine

Chapter 88

Chapter 88
Qin Feng, who was also standing in the air, leaned slightly, caressing the man's handsome cheek with a sad face, ignoring the other's begging eyes.By the way, there is also this kind of femme fatale who doesn't treat people as human beings!

"It's time, die!" A chilling smile appeared on Qin Feng's ordinary face. The place where his slender jade fingers slid over was covered with ice. In a moment, the man's entire head was sealed in the ice figurine. inside.

Qin Feng, who has been in a very depressed mood recently, faced a living life, she straightened up with a hard-hearted and soft heart, coldly met the pair of despairing eyes, put her fingers close to the ice figurine, flicked it lightly, and only heard the crisp "porphyrin" With a sound, the two-meter-high humanoid ice figurine instantly shattered into tiny flakes.

The fragments of ice flakes scattered everywhere, under the moonlight, countless flakes shone with crystal clear and cold brilliance, filling the forest like smoke in a dreamy fairyland.No one would have guessed that every tiny piece of ice here has a small piece of perfect human texture outline printed on it. It can be vaguely seen that when they were still in a complete human shape, they were once so elegant and unattainable.

These icy edge debris will disappear in the night forest in a short while, leaving no trace, so Qin Feng chooses this method to destroy the corpse with confidence.

"Crack!" From 30 meters away, there was a sound of stepping on a dry branch.

"Huh?" Qin Feng's eyebrows turned cold, and he quickly turned his face to look at the place where the voice came from.

A pale and extremely flustered child's face appeared before her eyes.

"No, no, I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything, kill me! Kill me! You monster...!" The boy who showed his trace turned around and ran away in horror, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him .

Qin Feng's face sank, she was too careless!While sealing the man completely, knowing that the other party couldn't make any more moves, he relaxed his mind and inadvertently removed the barrier, so that it was seen by outsiders.

Alas, it really is a novice, and the business is not yet proficient!While thinking, he drifted in the direction of the boy's escape.

"Xiaofeng, don't hurt that child, he is quite innocent!" Qin Guoguang saw him in the hut, and could not help admonishing the second daughter.When she killed that cultivator just now, she didn't stop it because she felt that the other party's death deserved more than justice.But this little boy was very innocent. It was Qin Feng's own carelessness that caused him to be seen.

"I know, just erase his memory." Qin Feng replied.The previous depression has long since disappeared with the ice chips of the cultivator.Even if someone finds out now, she still feels relaxed and comfortable.For a mortal, just move his fingers, not much energy is wasted.

However, the terrified face just now felt very familiar.Qin Feng thought about it, where did he see it recently?

And the unlucky kid who appeared at the scene of the murder is now walking towards the big team in a panic!
too terrifying!too terrifying!Didn't it mean that there are gods on this mountain?Why does no one say that the monsters here are more powerful than the gods?The terrified boy thought scatteredly.

He only saw the second half. In the first half, he was still picking up dry firewood and preparing to barbecue in the wild.In fact, he shouldn't have done these things, so he just wanted to take the opportunity to be lazy and play tricks. He didn't expect to be the only witness at the scene of the murder, and unfortunately, he was discovered by the murderer. What a disaster!
"Brother, help! There are monsters! There are monsters!" The big team was not far away, not far from the dense forest.It's just that Qin Feng put all his energy on the cultivator and put down the enchantment again, so he didn't sense it.

Maybe his life was threatened. The boy's footsteps were faster than a rabbit's, almost to the effect of flying on the grass.

Not far away, the lights are bright, the voices of people are noisy, and the sound of boiler shoveling occasionally sounds, it seems that it is preparing for supper.

However, the boy's shrill screams stopped the noise of the crowd. Those who took meat and vegetables, bowls and chopsticks, and those who packed up the shooting equipment all stopped and looked at the panicked boy. Jumped out of the woods and approached quickly.

"Brother, Brother Xiao, Brother Chen, there are monsters! There are monsters killing the gods! Run, run!" The boy who was still a few steps away shouted loyally while running.Fortunately, there were not many tourists on the mountain at night, otherwise it would be lively.

Monsters kill gods?WTF?Is this kid tired?No wonder, at night, in this huge mountain forest, hallucinations are inevitable.Everyone thought, no, he is the assistant of Handsome Han, the two of them slipped out in the morning and came back in the afternoon.To say that he is tired is because Handsome Han is tired, right?There were his shows all afternoon, and his manager just stood there delivering water to wipe his sweat. He proposed to pick up firewood tonight.

"Run! There are really monsters! Run~~you~~!" The last two words were whispered, because he was already out of breath and came in front of everyone.

"Xiao Bin, what's the matter? Has a fever?" This person is the handsome guy Qin Feng saw during the day——Han Shengyi.He raised his eyebrows slightly, and walked over with long legs to help the boy who was bending over and panting to ask.For this slightly immature assistant and trainee agent, who has been running around with him for more than a year, he still cares a lot.

"No, I'm not talking nonsense! There are monsters! I just saw it! Killing the gods! Brother, go away! Believe me, what I said is true! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" The boy was so anxious that he couldn't catch his breath , He stood up and grabbed Han Shengyi's arms.Brother is the trump card of the company, the bread and butter of him and many others, no one can kill him.

Seeing his disbelieving expression, the boy hurriedly ran to the bearded director and the little boy screenwriter to ask for understanding: "Really! What I said is true! Brother Xiao and Brother Chen, there are really monsters here! You believe me! Seeing that the other party still didn't believe it, he became anxious and emphasized to everyone one by one that there were monsters in this forest, but seeing the pitiful eyes of everyone, he was desperate!
"There really are monsters! How do you guys believe me? It's too late if you don't leave! She just found me, and she's chasing me!" Xiao Bin said with a teary face, seeing that she still couldn't convince everyone. After that, he fell silent, walked up to Han Shengyi and dragged him to the nanny car without any reason, "I don't care if you believe it or not, brother, let's go! You must be fine!" He has done his best, believe it or not , as long as he can take his parents away from the dangerous place.

Han Sheng, who was being dragged away, stood still, with a dumbfounding expression on Jun's face: "Xiao Bin, don't panic, speak clearly! What happened in the forest? Did you read something wrong?"

"Brother, don't talk so much, it's too late if you don't leave! That monster is so powerful that it even killed the gods! Let's get out of here and I'll talk to you in detail." Xiao Bin said without turning his head, pulling Han Shengyi wanted to continue walking with his hand.

However, Han Shengyi was more than 1.8 meters tall, with long hands and feet and great strength. He didn't want to go. With Xiaobin, who was less than 1.7 meters five, he might not be able to pull him.Xiao Bin flirted in disbelief and didn't move.Looking at Han Shengyi's expression of "tell me clearly", he was in tears!

At this time, the famous director Xiao Jiancheng came over, patted Xiao Bin's thin shoulder proudly and laughed and said: "Okay, Xiao Bin, are you dazzled? There are no monsters in this world, aren't they all like Chen Lin?" Did someone make it up? Ah? It’s alright, alright! You’ve been tired for a long time, go rest first! You don’t need to do other work!” Seeing Xiao Bin’s pale expression full of sweat and anxious face, it shouldn’t be for An excuse for being lazy.Poor thing, I'm so tired I'm hallucinating from this little work.

"Hey, I said you stubborn donkey, why did you pick me up! What nonsense? Hey, this world is so big, there are so many wonders! Maybe there are monsters in our woods!" The little boy was dissatisfied, and he said Sitting down on a big rock, he took out a cigarette and was about to smoke it.

That's it!really have!When Xiao Bin heard this, his eyes lit up and he looked gratefully at the little boy who was usually not pleasing to the eye. It turned out that the organization was here!
(End of this chapter)

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