space shrine

Chapter 89 The Cry for Help in the Night Forest

Chapter 89 The Cry for Help in the Night Forest

"However, Xiao Bin, even if there are monsters, they probably aren't that powerful!" Seeing everyone staring at him in amazement, Chen Lin tilted his head and said, "Xiao Bin has been running out for a long time, and there is no sign of the monster yet." See, where can it be so powerful? According to the development requirements of the plot, Xiao Bin was discovered, so he should not know where he is lying." How can he let him be so lively and yelling everywhere, which proves that this monster is not good, or else Newborn monsters, inexperienced, are nothing to be afraid of.

"Cut!" Everyone despised him, thinking that he could say something constructive to comfort the children, forgetting that he was a screenwriter, an even more whimsical old work (a liar who specializes in deceiving).

Xiao Bin became angry. He walked to the crowd who were about to disperse, and said loudly with his thin chest: "I'm telling the truth! I just saw it in the dense forest. A monster and a fairy were fighting. The fairy was killed by the monster. It was shattered, and it was all over the ground (he was scared away when the ice shards disappeared by itself). If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you to see it!” The last sentence is the key!This baby doesn't know, he escaped just now, and now he delivered the goods to his door, which made him unable to escape the demon's clutches in the future, so it deserves to shed two tears of sympathy.

"Okay! It's in the middle of the night, and it's not bad to explore and explore. Hey, how many people will cook supper here!" Director Xiao instructed everyone what to do, he and Chen Chen, a female translator, handsome Han and Xiao Bin went to the scene of the murder together.

Although there are many men at the shooting site, there are also several women, so some people must be kept here to protect them.And they don't believe in demons, they just think of Yeyou as a peace of mind for the boy.

As for the hostess and assistants, of course they didn't dare to follow. It's the middle of the night, and it's the mountains and forests. Don't miss the monsters. They'll infiltrate people when they come back with snakes, insects and ants all over them.They all smiled coquettishly, reminding the heroes to remember to pick some wild fruits and bring them back.

God knows what season it is now, there are no wild fruits, but there are a lot of peels and stones, which are left by tourists.

Xiao Bin curled his lips secretly, in fact, he already regretted what he said just now.It was not easy for him to run out, and when he turned around, he sent himself into the tiger's mouth again.The reason why the banshee didn't chase them out was probably because they were so crowded.But now, there are only a few big bastards rushing to die, is it enough for her to get stuck between her teeth?
"Brother, Brother Xiao and Brother Chen, why don't we go? Just treat me as nonsense! Anyway, let's go down the mountain overnight, this mountain is full of people!" Xiao Bin compromised, he couldn't let everyone take this risk.And after leaving the big team, he always felt that the forest was extremely gloomy, especially those branches and leaves rustling by the night wind, which made him feel anxious and his scalp numb.

"Xiao Bin, there are no monsters in this world. Your imagination is too rich! If you don't solve this mystery today, will you still be able to talk to celebrities in the future?" Han Shengyi has always been gentle with others.He knew that Xiao Bin was usually timid, but he didn't expect to be so timid.Today, no matter what, he has to dispel this illusion. He Han Shengyi is an actor, and the scenes of going up and down the mountain will be indispensable in the future.As his assistant and manager, if Xiao Bin had a heart-wrenching relationship with Shanlin, he would definitely not be able to follow him in the future. Wouldn't that have failed his former manager's expectations?

So even though he was very tired tonight, Han Shengyi had to go up the mountain with them, and he had to dispel Xiao Bin's fear on the spot.Of course, men are naturally adventurous, and he is also looking forward to and faintly excited at this moment.If it was true, he would really like to see what a real monster looks like.

He is also afraid of death, but if there is a monster, if she wants to kill you, even if you run to the ends of the earth, you won't be able to escape!

Seeing that dissuasion was ineffective, Xiao Bin could only pouted and led the crowd towards the accident site.After everyone chattered just now, Xiao Bin actually had some doubts about whether he was really hallucinating.Otherwise, with the monster's ability to defeat the gods, he would have no reason to run away, Xiao Bin's face was blank.

However, the banshee's face seemed a little familiar, so frightened by her, he forgot where he saw it before, he scratched his head and thought hard.

When they were about to reach the scene of the crime, beside a slightly sloping dark grass, an intermittent female voice suddenly came: "Help! Help!..."

The few people who were walking quietly stopped and looked at each other when they heard it. Such a familiar scene made everyone feel their scalps go numb. Could it be that there is really a demon? !

Xiao Bin was so frightened that his teeth chattered: "Giggle...Brother, let's go for a walk!" He tugged on Han Shengyi's sleeve and wanted to go back.

Han Shengyi frowned slightly. He patted Xiao Bin on the shoulder reassuringly, then turned his face to the big man Xiao Dao and the others and said, "Stay here and don't move. I'll go and have a look." Or the will is several times stronger than ordinary people.

Moreover, he has developed the habit of training for two years. When he is in danger and there are ordinary people around him, he must stand up. It is the bounden duty of a soldier to protect the country and the people.Even though he has retired for a year, even if he is still the national darling loved by everyone, he is naturally at the forefront at critical moments.

Director Xiao and Chen Lin looked at each other, then pushed the female interpreter to the middle, and they followed Han Shengyi closely.Not to mention Xiao Bin, he is not only Han Shengyi's manager, but also his best friend (in his own opinion), so even if he is very scared, he can't do anything to leave his friend behind.

Therefore, his teeth were clenched and his whole body trembling, followed.

"Help! Is there anyone? Help...!" In the dead of night, the trembling voice seemed to be exhausted, and it sounded so lonely and pitiful at this moment, pitiful, but also... scary!
The erratic female vibrato came from the dead of night, and normal people would turn around and run back when they heard it.Naturally, those who dared to run up and save people became brave heroes and were praised by all directions.But if the other party is not human, then the consequences will not be discussed. It is said that many missing persons come from this way.

"Brother, brother, be careful." Xiao Bin reminded Han Shengyi as he walked inch by inch with trembling legs.

Han Sheng nodded, and continued to cautiously move towards the place where the voice came from.

Already very close to the sound, with the moonlight leaking from the gaps in the forest, a figure who was lying on his stomach and slowly moving slowly appeared in front of everyone on the grass.

Everyone was beating in their hearts, walking behind Han Shengyi with their hearts in their hands, their eyes fixed on the unknown human body on the ground.Although there are figures of unknown origin in front, it is even more terrifying to be behind. Xiao Bin, who was about to be frightened, squeezed away Xiao Dao and Chen Lin, and flew behind Han Shengyi, tightly pulling the shirt behind him. Clothes.

"Help!" A faint voice came from the figure on the ground, and it really came from her.A slight human voice may be heard, and the moving figure stops, as if confirming whether someone is approaching.

"Hey, who are you? What's the matter? Are you injured?" Han Shengyi stopped a few steps away from the other party, and squatted down to the figure lying on the ground, calling softly in Chinese.

This is the country of China, and he guessed that most of the women are from China.

Hearing the sound, the figure who had been lying motionless on the ground suddenly raised a black head, with long shiny black hair hanging in front, and no facial features could be seen.

"Ghost! Zhenzi!" Xiao Bin was the first to jump up, screaming and trying to run back, not forgetting to hold Han Shengyi's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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