space shrine

Chapter 90 Qin Feng's Bad Taste

Chapter 90 Qin Feng's Bad Taste
And at the moment in the hut, while Qin Feng was peeking at the scene of the boy asking for help from the large team, Qin Guoguang, Lu Lan and Qin Yu had already prepared refreshments and put them on the table to watch the fun.

When Qin Feng quickly returned to the slope not far from the murder site and lay down on his knees, he put an injury on his feet to cover up his eyes, and then draped his hair in front of his face and crawled slowly on the ground, the relatives who had always been simple-minded began to squirm. Messy.

"Xiaoyu, what is your sister going to do?" Seeing Qin Feng's actions, a piece of green tea matcha cake failed to pinch Lu Lan out of the plate, and asked his little daughter with some difficulty.She couldn't understand more and more what was going on in her second daughter's mind.

The same goes for Qin Guoguang. The couple looked at the picture with a headache.

"Scary!" Qin Yu replied listlessly.Among this group of people, there must be someone who has aroused my sister's great interest, otherwise she would not be in such a good mood to spend time teasing people.For the person she likes, she never relents in her villainy, and secretly observes the other person's reaction, so as to judge the person's nature and whether it is worthy of her liking.

This is the worst bad taste in her life, and it is also the reason why she thinks that all men in the world are unlucky and prefers to be celibate.

The reason why Qin Yu, who has such an older sister, only dated once in college was because all the boys who pursued her from elementary school to high school, under the side-by-side guidance of her older sister, let her express her affection for them. The air is filthy if you get close.Even the love in college lasted only three months before it ended without a problem.She is still unmarried to Yunying, and her sister definitely takes most of the responsibility.

This bitch!Her best friend once thought she was a lily!
When the figure on the ground looked up, it not only frightened Xiao Bin almost crazy, but also made the female interpreter scream hysterically, and also made Director Xiao Chen Lin and others, including Han Shengyi, startled and took two steps back.

That picture is so classic!A crawling woman with jet-black hair covering her face, a dark moon and a forest high in a frightening night, no matter how you look at it, she looks like the heroine of a horror movie crawling out, no wonder everyone is terrified.

The woman finally came to her senses, she seemed to realize that she was frightening, she quickly brushed her hair aside, and a pale and ordinary face appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the other person's face clearly, Han Sheng was slightly taken aback. Isn't this the fan he met in the morning?How did she fall here alone?

"I'm sorry for scaring you! I thought no one would come, and I was going to spend the night on the mountain, and I was afraid of meeting those people with evil intentions, so I...!" The woman who found the savior was relieved. , explained with a forced smile.

The female translator who had finally calmed down performed her duties nervously by the side. Xiao Dao and Chen Lin, who did not understand Chinese, struggled to understand the meaning of the woman in her stuttering translation.

After the woman finished speaking, she sat up with her hands on the ground.Through the lightning from everyone's hands, it can be seen that she is a young and handsome woman, wearing a light green chiffon blouse, off-white loose cropped trousers, and a pair of casual cloth shoes on her feet.But it was all dirty, with a lot of mud on the body.

The woman may also know her embarrassment at the moment, her face is slightly flushed, and she combs her hair with her hands uncomfortably, not daring to look directly at the crowd.

"She, she, that's her, she's a monster! A monster that kills gods!" Compared with the relief of everyone, Xiao Bin panicked even more. Said tremblingly to his companions.

After hearing Xiao Bin's words, the woman looked puzzled, probably because she couldn't understand the language of country H.But looking at the boy's appearance, she probably guessed what it meant, and glared at him angrily.

The three big men saw it in their eyes and smiled wryly in their hearts. Why is Xiao Bin less courageous than a woman?Look at how calm the female translator is. Although she stuttered, she still stood upright. How could she look like this Xiao Bin who wanted to go to the ground to take refuge?
Chen Lin secretly pushed the somewhat hysterical Xiao Bin to pay attention to his international image.

"Don't believe her! She's really a monster!" Xiao Bin, who was pushed a bit, had another fit, and he kept pulling this and that, shouting with a crying sound.

"Okay, Xiao Bin, calm down!" Director Xiao said to Xiao Bin impatiently, and together with Chen Lin pulled him away from the woman, lest he get angry and make her hurt even more.

Everyone treated him as a child who was stimulated by something, and after seeing the injured woman full of anger, they directly regarded his words as delirious nonsense.

Regardless of Xiaobin's tugging and stopping, Han Shengyi stepped forward to the woman and said, "How is it? Where is the injury? Can you still walk?" Seeing that she was sitting all the time, he probably guessed where the injury was.

"I sprained my ankle, and I could still walk. But I didn't expect... now both feet are sprained." The woman looked at her Xiao Bin in horror with some resentment, and then bowed her head and said nothing.

It turned out that the woman was chasing a cute rabbit into the dense forest and accidentally twisted her foot.The rabbit was lost, only to find that she was also separated from her family, and the bag was not with her, so she couldn't call for help.It was dark at this time, and her ankle was sprained again. The woman who felt bad luck relied on the memory of the time when she came, and leaned on the tree to prepare to grope all the way down the mountain.Maybe she was embarrassed and tired, and her hair fell apart at some point.

I finally ran into a boy here. I thought I had found a savior, but after seeing her, he made a strange cry and ran away like flying.

She was in a hurry and wanted to catch up, but she didn't expect that one of them lost her footing and fell down the slope. Fortunately, there was only grass and no rocks on the ground, but the other foot was also twisted, and it hurt her heart when she moved it. Crawl.All the bad luck in this life has run away, and the woman wanted to cry when she said it.

After hearing this, everyone except Xiao Bin could not stop laughing.Such an oolong thing can happen, this woman is unlucky enough.It's also her luck that she didn't meet some homeless men or some unscrupulous youths who lurked here overnight, otherwise, on this dark and stormy night, and a single woman, even if she looks ordinary, she probably won't be able to escape them claws.

After some understanding, everyone decided to take the girl back to the team first, and then call her family to pick her up.At this moment, no one paid any attention to Xiao Bin's obstruction, and Han Shengyi carried the woman who couldn't walk down the mountain.

It was not the turn of the most favored handsome guy Han to do the heavy work of carrying people. It should have been done by Xiao Bin, a timid assistant, but at the moment he was full of hatred and hatred like "You are a liar, you are a monster!" Afraid of this, he had no choice but to avoid it, and the strong director Xiao escorted him away.With his current appearance, it is really worrying that he will throw the woman off the cliff halfway, so no one dares to suggest that he carry it.

When the little boy was about to bend over, the woman had already pulled Han Shengyi to ask him to carry him down the mountain.

Everyone saw that she was Han Shengyi's fan, and because she was injured and frightened, and because her other foot was sprained because of Xiao Bin, they all moved away understandingly and pursed their lips. , Han Shengyi personally carried the luckiest and unluckiest fan in the world down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Chen Lin and the female translator walked in the front, followed by Xiao Bin who was carried by Director Xiao and walked in the middle, and finally Han Shengyi and the injured woman.

Xiao Bin, who was half dragged away, looked back from time to time because he was worried about Han Shengyi.

As a result, when he turned around, he was scared out of his wits!

I saw the woman lying on Han Shengyi's back, grinning half-exposing her pale (?) teeth, smiling sinisterly at him.What made him even more crushed was that the slender five fingers that touched the crushed ice figurine kept stretching, and gesticulated on Han Shengyi's head from time to time.

Xiao Bin, who had been frightened all night, could see all her actions, and his frail heart was shocked again.In the end, when the woman stabbed Han Shengyi's head with her five claws, he went completely crazy!
"Let go brother! You want to kill me! You monster! You dead monster!" Crazy, he violently broke away from Director Xiao's hand, wanting to rush to Han Shengyi and tear off the strange woman on his back.

But before rushing up, he felt a pain in the back of his head and black eyes, and fell down. Behind him stood Director Xiao with a helpless face and half-raised hands.

(End of this chapter)

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