space shrine

Chapter 92 Trouble

Chapter 92 Trouble
"Is your foot sprained? Is it better? If you need it, I still have medicine!" The beauty said with a smile, looking at Qin Feng sincerely.

The well-spoken Mandarin made Qin Feng know that the other party was from the same country as himself.

However, Qin Feng looked at his tightly bandaged ankle, and raised a bright smiling face: "Thank you! But Shengyi said that he has a lot of medicine, I can just find him! I don't bother you." Need it?And medicine?These words sound a bit weird, as if she wished for more injuries for her.

holy one! !Are they that close?

The smile on the beauty's face froze, and her forehead twitched slightly. Does this woman know what it means to be thick-skinned?Han Shengyi is just caring for fans who do good deeds every day, she really thinks she is an onion!When I saw them coming down the mountain just now, the group of women had already dragged the translator to ask what was going on.

"Hehe, yes! Brother Shengyi is very good to his fans, and he often worries about fans because of small things. Alas, fortunately, Brother Shengyi's fans are very self-aware and won't stick to him just because of his kindness. Just like us, we just smiled at our fans, thinking we were interested in them, and shouting everywhere! Really, we don’t know whether to smile or not when we see them in the future. Sister, do you think this makes people laugh? Do you have a headache?" The pink face, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, looked directly at Qin Feng with meaning.

Qin Feng nodded deeply sympathetically: "Yes! It's quite a headache! Smile, say that you look coquettish and want to hook up with rich businessmen; don't laugh, and say that you look like no one is pretending to be cool, and your nose and eyes are as stiff as if you have had plastic surgery Ignoring the forced smile on the other party's face, he continued, "Take our Shengyi as an example. Many starlets only played against him for one or two scenes, and then they thought that they were his best partner, and spread the word everywhere. The story she had to tell between him and her was actually the one who made soy sauce all the way! Sigh, our Shengyi must have worked harder!" A look of heartache.

After sighing, she said to the beautiful woman who wanted to answer the conversation with a happy expression: "Fortunately, with you beautiful heroines by his side, those soy sauce gangs have no chance to take advantage of it. Thank you for your hard work." Suddenly When I remembered something, I asked again, "By the way, may I ask your surname? Why don't I seem to have seen you?"

The beauties who were all said to be defeated and defeated, fled under the pretext of repairing her makeup.

Big sister is big sister, she is ten thousand times better than you, a woman whose body and mind are fakes!Let's see if you dare to mess around in front of me.

Qin Feng smiled at the back of the beautiful woman with a silly face, and in the eyes of others, it was obviously a woman who was close to a star for the first time. He looked at the novice actor who played the female supporting role with various surprises and envy.

Oh, what a woman who has never seen the world.In the entertainment industry, the more harmless a person is on the surface, the more terrifying their scheming is!However, she is an outsider, so there is no need to see too clearly.After all, spreading truth, goodness and beauty is the main purpose of these people. There is no need to deliberately break the goodness in the hearts of ordinary citizens.

Qin Feng is the woman that Han Shengyi personally memorized, so naturally she has attracted much attention.

When they saw Jiao Didi's heroine keep Han Shengyi on the grounds of the dialogue, and another actress who played tricks came to the injured woman, everyone knew what was going on.Since this kind of infighting is commonplace, they all stood by and watched.

But when they saw the actress return to Han Shengyi's beauties with a disheveled face, and then saw the injured woman looking left and right calmly, everyone's thoughts changed a little.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate any type of woman. Even if she looks ordinary and inconspicuous, even if she only holds a broken sunflower fan in her hand, she may blow you away at any time.

Qin Feng can naturally feel the delicate atmosphere of the people in the venue.However, it doesn't matter what these people think, the main purpose of her staying here is to spend more time with her idol.As for another purpose, Qin Feng, who was sitting quietly on the side, glanced at the busy people present with a smile, and settled in a lonely tent next to him.

That little Bin is lying in it.

"Oh, sister, why are you in a daze by yourself? I heard that you will sleep in the same car as us tonight." Suddenly, a bright and lively girl with a brown ponytail popped out from nowhere. , wearing a pink vest with a small jacket, and a pair of sexy white hot pants, flaunting her passionate youthful vigor.

"Ah! Really? I'm sorry to bother you." Qin Feng said to the girl with a face of shame when he heard about it.

"Hey, what's the matter? Isn't it just a few people? It's not a big shot, and everyone is female, it's okay, it's okay!" The girl waved her hand heartily.

Qin Feng just smiled and said nothing, a frank girl is easy to like.

"Hey? By the way, what is the relationship between sister and brother Shengyi? Can you tell me?" The girl exaggeratedly pouted her moist pink lips, wrinkled her two perfectly curved eyebrows and said to Qin Feng, "I've never seen Brother Shengyi so nervous about a woman." A look of jealousy quickly appeared on his cute face, and he squinted at her.

If a different man sees this delicate and cute posture, it will be all kinds of ecstasy and distraction!

"Hehe, no more! I'm just a fan of Shengyi, and he has always been very kind to fans." Qin Feng replied with a smile.

The girl looked dreamy and admired: "That's right, I've always been very kind to my fans! I'm also a big fan of my brother!" Gu Lu's eyeballs seemed to suddenly see the thin mobile phone in Qin Feng's hand, and his eyes lit up. Surprised and delighted, he asked, "Hey!? Isn't this my brother's cell phone? Why is it here?"

"It's his! In order to make it easier to call my family to pick me up, so stay with me for the time being."

"Oh~! But sister, you are lucky!" Then, with a mysterious face, he quietly approached Qin Feng, "Sister, play for me, waiting for supper is so boring! I remember that there are many interesting things on my phone Game!" Her delicate voice and ambiguous sentences all revealed how good her relationship with Han Shengyi was, but she didn't say it directly.

"I'm sorry, this is not my mobile phone, and I have no right to lend it to you to play with. How about you ask him?" Qin Feng smiled faintly.

How ignorant!A trace of displeasure flashed in the girl's eyes, but then she smiled again: "That's right! Ah, how long are those women going to pester Brother Shengyi? Forget it, don't care, let's go find him now, Shengyi Brother is not exclusive to them. Let's go, let's ask him together!"

As soon as she finished speaking, as if she didn't know that Qin Feng had an injury on her foot, she stretched out her hand to tightly grab one of her arms and walked away.

Qin Feng's face darkened, and he was pulled up by her. Before he could stand still, he pulled her back forcefully. There were two "slaps", and the two women fell to the ground together.

(End of this chapter)

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