space shrine

Chapter 93 The Once Perfect Idol

Chapter 93 The Once Perfect Idol

"Ouch! My feet! It hurts so much!" Qin Feng, who fell to the ground, cried out in surprise, his eyes filled with pain, and he covered his feet with his hands, as if he was wounded on top of each other.

The crowd who had been watching the excitement in the dark, finally walked over with a few people.Han Shengyi, who was intentionally surrounded by all the beauties, also heard the movement here, and hurriedly pulled away from the crowd and walked over in strides.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng would have such a strong girl, so he was a little stunned as he sat aside.

Seeing the figure of Han Shengyi approaching in the distance, he changed his mind, and quickly put on a panicked look and climbed up to Qin Feng's side, frantically looking at Qin Feng's injured feet and crying: "I'm sorry, sister I'm sorry! But didn't you want to go to Brother Shengyi? Why did you go back on your word and drag me down? Woohoo!" He said that Qin Feng fell on purpose, and dragged her into the water, and he was implicated.

It happened that Han Shengyi arrived at this time, and after hearing what the girl said, he looked at Qin Feng who was sitting on the ground crying for pain, and a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't make a sound, and came to Qin Feng who had already been lifted up and sat back on the soft chair. The doctor with the team was checking whether the injury was serious.Knowing that Qin Feng's foot was fine, but that he felt severe pain because he fell and touched the wound, everyone was relieved, and then stood aside to watch the show.

Han Shengyi, who was sitting on the side, stared at Qin Feng's face, and asked softly: "What's going on? Did you call your family?"

Qin Feng, who had been frowning all the time, raised his head, with faint tears in his eyes and said: "Not yet! Just about to play, this little girl came to chat with me. She said she would borrow your mobile phone to play, and I let her go first I asked you. Then she suddenly pulled me up and said to go to you together, my foot hurts, so I fell down." What a real person, he didn't add embellishments like someone did, tampering with the plot without authorization.

As soon as everyone heard it, their eyes focused on the other heroine standing on the side.

"Sister, how can you say that? Aren't you hurting me? Everyone, this is really not the case." She looked at everyone with aggrieved face, and then looked at Qin Feng sadly and helplessly, with a face of being forced to tell the truth As if telling the truth, "You just said clearly: 'What the hell are those women doing? Surrounding Shengyi to prevent him from seeing me, don't you know that I am the injured? It hurt me to death, hey, you Come with me to find him! Those women are too shameless!', you also said that if I don't accompany you, you will crawl away by yourself, and then tell Brother Shengyi that I bullied you, that's why I..."

"...Hey?! Isn't this my brother's phone?"

"...Give me some fun..."

"Let's go ask him together!"

Before the girl finished speaking, a voice exactly like hers came out from nowhere.

Everyone was wondering, but they saw Qin Feng who was sitting shaking his mobile phone, and said calmly: "Sorry! Due to professional habits, I often record my conversations with others. If it causes trouble to you, I am sorry Sorry!" He looked at the pale girl without sincerity.With a hut as a plug-in, she can record whenever she wants.

The surroundings are silent, and the conversations are often recorded?What is your occupation?detective?spy?Or paparazzi (Yuji)? !
There is no excuse, the truth of the facts is in front of us.The girl, whose face turned green and pale for a while, looked in horror at the sarcasm and contemptuous attitudes of the onlookers, then grunted in grievance, turned around and ran into the actor's exclusive rest car, and slammed the door.

The matter ended peacefully like this, but everyone has topics to pass the time these two days, for example:
Unmarried Boy Thriller: Women Are Scary Now!Are all the fights between women so fierce?
Onlookers: Just say that no woman is a fuel-efficient lamp!This is still a junior war, boys, there are too many things you don't understand.

Since this kind of jealousy is very common, and the girl's father is one of the small sponsors of the show, no matter how young she is, she has a backstage background.And the woman who came back from Han Sheng's belt didn't look like a powerful and rich person, so it was superfluous to seek justice for her.

Even if justice is sought, the most qualified person present is everyone's darling Han Shengyi.

However, seeing him sitting next to the injured woman, talking and laughing, as if nothing happened just now.Everyone realized that this woman was indeed a worthless fan, as long as her idol smiled with her, that was enough.

The only pity is Han Daxingxing, who not only has a naive and unreliable manager and assistant, but also got into trouble because of him.Now he has to sell his looks to make fans happy, it's really hard to be a human being, and it's even harder to be a celebrity!
Late at night, the ladies slept in the car, while the gentlemen gathered in a big bus.There are a lot of shooting equipment in the bus, and it is midsummer again, so the car is even more stuffy.Some men couldn't bear it, so they set up three or two tents outside, just to be with Xiao Bin.

After a tiring day, and having to go early tomorrow, the big guys didn't have the energy to chat, and soon fell asleep.

At this time, a slender figure quietly stepped down from the car where the lady was resting.After closing the car door, a shambling figure slowly walked to a big rock on the edge of the cliff and sat down.

The mountain style at night is cool and cool, and the crescent moon hanging in the sky is shining lightly, as if covering the dense mountain forest with a layer of mysterious and transparent tulle.

Qin Feng was still wearing her soiled clothes, sitting quietly on the boulder, flashing all the things that happened today in his mind from time to time.

Thinking about it later, my father was right. She is not an ordinary person, so she shouldn't care too much about ordinary people.But every time I meet those sluts, and the slutty behavior they make, I really can't help but want to teach them a lesson.

When it comes to supernatural powers, she, Qin Feng, definitely ranks first in the family; but when it comes to the cultivation of xinxing, she is also number one, but it has to be counted backwards.Just like how to deal with that girl, she can delete all those photos and content, or use some other supernatural tricks to scare her.There is no need to directly crush her mind, causing her to almost commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.

Qin Feng believed that if the female student committed suicide or lost her mind because of this, then Qin Feng would be finished too.When she calms down, she will definitely be entangled to death by this demon, after all, she is not born ruthless and cruel.

However, if things were to start over again, she would still do the same thing.Freezing three feet is not a day's cold!The grievances she has accumulated for many years need to be vented. It can only be said that those people who bumped into her are unlucky, unless she never enters the world again.

Let's take what happened tonight as an example. She originally just wanted to sit quietly and savor the sweet taste of being in close contact with her idol. All of them?

If she is profound enough, she should be like those experts, let others make irresponsible remarks, and just smile indifferently.But she can't, it's like a reflex spring is installed, if someone slaps her, she immediately punches back, this is instinct and cannot be controlled.

However, even though she successfully deterred those women tonight, and believed that they would not dare to approach her any more, she was uncomfortable and felt very uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter that she is obviously excluded, she is not an insider, so she doesn't care about these old-fashioned tricks at all.What she cares about is the attitude of the idol.

Han Shengyi and Qin Feng are two years apart, they are of the same generation.And he was her obsessed object in her youth, like her first love, always unforgettable.

At that time, I always fantasized that he was as powerful as a god, that all kinds of difficulties and troubles were under his control, that he would share the troubles for himself, and would stand resolutely in front of her to shield himself from the wind and rain. He is an absolutely good man. The perfect representation of a lover.

Although this kind of hazy emotion has long passed, although the mature she now feels that he is no longer blindly worshiping him as before, although she is used to solving troubles by herself, although many of his beautiful images are imagined by her.However, he has always been her perfect idol, the best actor she has ever dreamed of!

However, he is by her side today.

(End of this chapter)

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