space shrine

Chapter 94

Chapter 94
Qin Feng gently caressed Han Shengyi's cell phone. The idol didn't protect her from the wind and rain, didn't solve her troubles, and didn't say a word or two of justice for her.The illusion she had been insisting on was shattered, and a corner of her heart seemed to have collapsed. She felt very lost and uncomfortable.

The feeling like she was about to lose something, but she couldn't get it back, bothered her seriously, so she couldn't sleep.I just want to find a place where no one is around, and quietly mourn what I'm losing, something that seems important, but doesn't know what it is.

This situation reminded her of a song, and one of the lyrics was especially suitable for her now, the older she gets, the lonelier she becomes.

The longer you stay in the world, the more you lose the beautiful memories of the past.It's better to go back to the hut as soon as possible, and come out for a stroll after decades or a hundred years. The world has changed several times, and the people or things that can make her feel ups and downs are gone!Until then, all the beautiful longings in her heart can remain unchanged, and will also become a bright color in her eternal life.

The cold moonlight shone on her face, and a touch of sadness stained her brows.The surrounding insects chirped and screamed from time to time, and the crew fell into a sweet dream.It was as if she was the only one sitting awake in the entire mountain forest. In this empty mountain forest, the feeling that everyone was intoxicated and I was awake alone suddenly made her feel a bitingly cold and lonely.

"Ah Choo" is really frozen!Qin Feng rubbed the tip of his nose, it seems that she is not suitable for the elegance of mourning the spring and autumn.

Suddenly feeling warm, a thin coat was draped over her body.Huh?Which night owl is still awake?Just as Qin Feng wanted to turn around, he had already sat on another rock next to her.

It's Han Shengyi!He still had two bottles of water in his hand, and he gave one to Qin Feng.

"Why haven't you slept yet? Aren't you going to wake up at five o'clock tomorrow?" Qin Feng asked in surprise.It is undeniable that seeing him at this moment, all the unhappiness just now was swept away, replaced by unspeakable joy.

"I'm used to it! You can't sleep anyway, are your feet hurting so much?" Han Shengyi said slowly after taking a sip of water.

"It doesn't hurt! I can go away, your medicinal wine is really effective."

"That's it! I need it often! By the way, are you on the phone?"

"I got through, but my brother got into a fight, and they are avoiding them, telling me not to run around as much as possible for the next two days, and they will come to me then." Qin Feng paused, "I can stay for another day Is it? I won't bother you."

Since the idol is no longer perfect, it is necessary to completely dispel the remaining thoughts of him in the bottom of my heart, and the more I know him, the less my thoughts about him will be.

"It's already like this, do you still dare to stay here?" Han Shengyi turned his head and looked at Qin Feng with a smile.Those slightly curved peach blossom eyes shone brightly in the night, and their deep eyes were like a pool of rippling lake water, restrained and seductive.

This is the real monster!Qin Feng, who was disturbed by his disturbing eyes, hurriedly avoided his probing eyes without making a sound.

"It's not my fault, and I just want to spend one more day with you, what's the matter with them." She smiled contemptuously.

Unexpectedly, she would be so straightforward and frank, Han Shengyi couldn't help turning his head and laughing.

"You are so interesting!"

You are interesting!Interesting for your whole family!She really couldn't think of what was so funny about this sentence, Qin Feng stared at Han Shengyi, who was smiling happily, with a sullen face.

Han Shengyi felt it immediately, laughed a few more times, and then raised his hands to apologize: "OK! OK! It's my fault, I stopped laughing."

Qin Feng snorted coldly, and continued to look at the distant mountains, his good mood was lost by his laughter, and he didn't want to talk to him.

Han Shengyi, who was being put on face for the first time, smiled secretly, and then asked her: "Ahem, by the way, so you can understand our language?"

"I don't understand!" Qin Feng answered very simply without turning his head.

"You lied to me again!"

"What do you mean again? When have I ever lied to you?" Qin Feng glared angrily, this man in front of her is really her idol?Shouldn't it be a mistake?It doesn't match up with the noble and elegant male god in her mind!
Han Shengyi smiled, took his mobile phone from her hand and flipped through it, and Qin Feng realized that he was looking through the phone records.what!By the way, she forgot to play tricks on her phone!Fail Fail!But he didn't want to make small moves in front of his idol, so he could only purse his lips and look up at the sky with a guilty conscience.

He also felt that his guilty conscience was too hypocritical and contrived, if he cheated, he cheated, what could he do?These days, either men lie to women, or women lie to men!What's all the fuss about!

After thinking about it, he straightened up confidently and allowed him to search his phone for evidence.

After flipping for a while, he smiled.

"First, if you don't understand H, how do you know where you can record? This mobile phone is a limited edition of a certain brand in my country, and it is not open to the public. The functions inside are quite different from those of the outside world. Second, there are no call records from your home here. , not even in the delete file. Huh? How do you explain it?"

Deliberately shaking the phone in front of Qin Feng, Qin Feng, who was exposed the lie, pushed his hand away: "Che, I never said before that I couldn't understand, I'm just too lazy to socialize with you. Yes, I have no contact." Shang family, but this is not going away once or twice, it doesn’t matter if you say it or not. I just lied to you once, what? You want to drive me away? Huh, I won’t go. If you want to go, you go, the worst is me People stay here."

She can even understand bird language, let alone human language?Qin Feng simply smashed the jar and started playing tricks.

"I didn't say I would drive you away, but if you can bear it, stay here. Let me explain in advance that I don't care about you so much." Maybe because Qin Feng looks about the same age as him, in his thoughts In front of his familiar peers, Han Shengyi, who felt very relaxed, half-lyed on the boulder unceremoniously, with his long legs stretched out, his hands behind his head, and he looked up at the clear starry sky with a satisfied face.

"Hmph, who wants you to care!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, and after a long silence, she asked feebly, "If I were your beloved woman, would you help me?" These days, no one really can rely on her , and idols are even more ethereal.It would be great if I didn't come with you today, at least in the future there will be a best actor in my heart to let her run wild.

But now, everything is a bubble!
"No if, I won't let the person I love get close to this circle." Han Shengyi said without thinking, looking at the bright sickle in the sky with some ecstasy, wondering what he was thinking.

Not even close!This resolute and protective answer, like a sudden nine-level typhoon, blew away the gloom in Qin Feng's heart without a trace.

"Okay! I like this sentence very much! Come on, I'll buy you some water!" Qin Feng suddenly changed his tone of joy, and startled the handsome Han Da who was in deep thought. This woman's mind is really hard to understand.

When he saw the water that Qin Feng handed over, he smiled wryly: "Are you sorry, take the water I gave you and buy me a drink. This kind of favor is unjust." This sentence is said by H Wen, anyway, Qin Feng can understand .

"No injustice, no injustice, this is spiritual encouragement from loyal fans. Congratulations on your energy at work tomorrow. It hasn't been opened yet, so stop talking and take it." Forcibly stuff the bottle into his hand, and then take away his water.

Of course, she didn't use it for drinking, kissing indirectly with idols, the idea is very romantic, and the way of doing it is very indecent.She herself really hates drinking a glass of water with others, and she compares her heart to heart, so naturally she will not do anything to make her idol hate her.

I quietly added a few drops of Lingquan into it, and shook it vigorously, as if playing with water.Adding a few drops of Lingquan is enough for him to cope with work tomorrow.For her, he was tired enough today.Although he didn't say it, it doesn't mean she couldn't see the fatigue in his eyes.

When Han Sheng saw it, he looked at her with a smile, took the water and unscrewed it, raised his head and took a sip, then handed it back to her, "Here, return it to you. Women should drink more water, at this age, If you don't pay attention to replenishing water, you will age faster!" By the way, he grabbed his own water.I thought to myself, it’s better to be a fan of my old Han, I thought she would drink it, I was scared to death.Since then, his suspicion of her has decreased a little, but he has become a little more relaxed and undefended.

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched: "You have always spoken so directly? Impossible? You haven't been seen through?" This age!What harsh words.It's a pity that the person who said this is her idol, she can only swallow her displeasure and water.

(End of this chapter)

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