exclusive marriage

Chapter 112 Please Accumulate Virtue for Me

Chapter 112 Please Accumulate Virtue for Me (3)
The burning pain in his wrist, Jiang Xiachu just frowned, stubbornly refusing to compromise.

He wanted her to accompany her in pain, but Zuo Cheng still refused to let go. For the first time, his heart ached in vain, and he refused to look at the eyes that made him sink, and treated him indifferently: "If you worry about your heart and fear all the time, I'm afraid that something will happen to you." I dare not pamper you for a day."

There is something called deep indulging in the drooping eyes, which is something called deep pain, which Jiang Xiachu taught Zuo Cheng.

Where is the culprit?Turning a blind eye from the beginning to the end, the corners of the lips were filled with resolute disdain: "When that day comes, you can lock me up again." Looking down at Zuo Cheng's hand, Qing Ling's voice could be so cold, "Now, let me go."

Jiang Xiachu struggled with his wrists, and the strangle marks in Zuo Cheng's eyes were shocking.He belatedly began to feel distressed, slowly let go, and sneered mockingly: "I still can't bear to see you like this. At the beginning of Xia, it's not that I can't help it, but I just don't know what to do with you?"

Like a bystander, she just smiled, turned around and opened the car door as if nothing had happened.

This is probably the result of pouring out one's heart and lungs to a heartless woman: there is no place to talk about it.

"Heh." He chuckled, leaving only the man in the car to laugh at himself.

Acupuncture is always easy to make people tired, Jiang Xiachu was probably tired, and slept with his head covered until the sun went down.

"Zuo Yu, turn on the light." She fell into a drowsy sleep.

After a while, when she opened her eyes, the blackness covered the sky and covered the sky. This night, she was inexplicably terrified.

left fish?Only a trembling voice echoed in the enclosed space.

No one answered.

Suddenly sneered: So this is what he meant by not being conniving.

Rubbing between the eyebrows, this migraine really takes its time.

Opening the door, a pair of black pupils were caught off guard, without warning and unexpectedly, she was so addicted that she forgot to extricate herself.

"At the beginning of Xia." He called her, his voice was very nice, but a little hurried.

The trance stopped abruptly, and she woke up like a dream, staggering those eyes in a panic.

"What's wrong?" The black pupils were full of lingering and soft light.

I never knew that this man had such a pair of beautiful eyes, which were fatally gentle, and seemed extremely bewitching.

She did not escape the temptation, this man was too terrifying.Shaking his head violently, in pain, but awake, he raised his head without looking into Zuo Cheng's eyes, always indifferent: "Why are you here?"

"I don't worry about you." The eyes are lingering, the lover's eyes are always extra soft, and Zuo Cheng is no exception.

It's right in front of your eyes, but you still miss it all the time.He became more and more worried about gains and losses.

There was a throbbing pain in her chest, which was inexplicable, and the headache seemed to be even worse. She looked away a little flustered, and her forced calm was a little awkward. She said, "I won't run away."

Could it be that you have a severe headache, why are you always in a trance?Rubbing between the eyebrows, it really hurts.

"What's wrong? Do you have a headache?"

He reached out to touch her eyebrows, the cool fingertips, the burning between the eyebrows dissipated, and she was slightly startled, and she suddenly backed away: "It's okay, I've slept for a long time."

It is true that after sleeping for a long time, people are confused, less guarded and more explanations.

Zuo Cheng's frowning eyebrows were slightly loosened, and his lips were raised slightly.

"Where's Xiaoyu?" It was the usual coldness again.

The smile on his lips dissipated, and he said, "I will arrange for someone else to come over."

Sure enough, it wasn't just his face that was fatal to this man, it was his bones that penetrated the most.

"What about her? What did you do to her?" She still looked calm and fearless.

Just looking at her, Zuo Cheng remained silent, and the light and shadow in his eyes were uncomfortable.

Zuocheng does not tolerate mistakes and prefers means.That left fish...

There are too many ways this man punishes people, those who see blood, those who don't see blood, Jiang Xiachu has no way of guessing: "What did you do to her? Punish her? Torture her? Or..."

Rumor: Zuocheng kills people like hemp.Jiang Xiachu knew that it was not just a rumor.

"At the beginning of Xia, as I said, I will only pamper you." He did not deny it.

In Zuo Cheng's eyes, Jiang Xia had seen the looming fire, which was destruction and murderous intent.

She looked at him in horror, and shouted: "Tell me, what did you do to her?" Her voice echoed in her ears, loud and dizzy, her head was crushed by the wheel.

She is rarely so sullen, there seems to be something wrong in Zuo Cheng's eyes, she was stunned for a moment before answering: "You don't need useless people around you."

"It's not me." She stared into Zuo Cheng's eyes, and corrected coldly, "It's you!"

"What's the difference?"

Jiang Xiachu was speechless, yes, what's the difference, Zuocheng doesn't even need a reason to kill someone.

She sighed softly, she was at a loss when she had no bargaining chips, her tone lost her usual strong and arrogant tone: "She didn't do anything wrong, it was all me, she didn't do anything."

"Because she didn't do anything, that's wrong." The tone was obviously soft and flat, Zuo Cheng always had a way to make people feel cold.

Zuo Cheng's voice buzzed and reverberated in her ears, pulling every pain nerve in her, her head seemed to be split open, her brows frowned, and her voice was weak: "If you really want to pursue it, be good to me, let her go." .”

He approached, touched her eyebrows with his fingertips, and rubbed them lightly, as if to smooth her frowning eyebrows. His voice was gentle and cold: "You know I'm reluctant."

So, apart from her, Zuo Cheng never softened his heart.

I don't know if it was a bad headache, but she didn't dodge it like a snake and scorpion, and rarely said softly: "If you really love me, let Xiaoyu come back, I'm used to her."

If she really wanted a bargaining chip, Jiang Xiachu was the only one left.This man seems to have no weakness other than herself.

Moved his hand from between the brows to the side of her face, Zuo Cheng gently brushed her face, her face was as pale as his fingertips, he leaned over, very close to her, the cool breath hit her lips, compared to coaxing, It's more like bewitching: "Xia Chu, I can do anything to you, as long as I don't risk you."

Therefore, he will not regress, and he will not allow a second time for such fear today.

At the beginning of Jiang Xia, everything was safe, and Zuo Cheng's connivance was established.

For the first time, Xia Chu's request was invalid for Zuo Cheng.

Stretching out his hand, Jiang Xiachu pushed Zuo Cheng's hand away, sparing no effort.

"Should I be grateful to Dade? Zuo Cheng, you wanted to commit a crime, but you made me a sinner." Without sharp reprimands, Jiang Xiachu's tone was flat, and his eyes were cold. Sometimes, calmness is more chilling than hysteria.

She finally understood Uncle Jin's words: You can still kill without an armor, and Zuocheng is the weapon.

This sentence is really terrifying, Zuo Yu is an example, she is destined to bear blood because of Zuo Cheng.Sneered: "Zuo Cheng, are you really going to make me as sinful as you?"

Numb from the headache, she could hardly hear her own voice.But he stubbornly looked into Zuo Cheng's eyes, helplessly getting colder bit by bit.It was a helpless desolation.

(End of this chapter)

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