exclusive marriage

Chapter 113 The young wife of the Zuo family has the final say

Chapter 113 The young wife of the Zuo family has the final say (1)
Zuo Cheng's splashed black eyes reflected her pale face, and the heartache brought out by a single look could be wanton. He supported her shoulders, softened the side of his face, and his voice softened unknowingly: "Xia Chu, this Don't argue with me about things, okay?"

Jiang Xiachu, who is a gentle man in every way, can't imagine how he would turn around and take someone's life.It is impossible to guess what kind of ruthlessness is wrapped in such a handsome face.

Zuocheng is the most beautiful poison in the world.

There are countless people who are willing to be happy, not including her. Pushing away his palm, she was as cold as frost: "Zuo Cheng, I can't do what you do. I can be indifferent to other people's life and death, and be cruel. Do you really want me?" Be like you? I don't want to hate myself?"

There was deep disgust in her eyes, it was towards Zuo Cheng and even herself.Even though she hates white, she is still incompatible with Zuocheng's black world.

The boundary between black and white, Jiang Xia Chu always remembers, she hates it!
Zuo Cheng smiled, so beautiful and desolate, he raised Jiang Xiachu's chin with his slender fingers, his eyes met: "Do I feel unbearable like this? Do you hate it?"

She didn't struggle, the corners of her stiff lips twitched: "You know the answer, don't you?"

She is not angry, frightened, or afraid, just a rhetorical question, better than any weapon.

The fingertips trembled slightly, draining all the strength, slowly hanging down, laughing lightly, utterly absurd: "It doesn't matter if you hate me, I'm always like this, you can only be like this, since I can't change you, I can only follow you The people around me will attack, so don’t talk about it, let’s stop here.”

He turned around without stopping.

Behind her, her voice was hoarse, and she panted weakly: "Zuocheng, once you show kindness, you should do a good deed for me. I heard that retribution always falls on the person you care about the most. If you think I will be so One day, just keep going."

She still bet on herself.

Good deeds?retribution?Zuo Cheng has never been a good man and a believer, but he still hesitated and stopped in his tracks.

"I never believed in retribution."

"What if I believe it?"

After a moment of silence, he said: "I will let her come back, and I will not let that unwarranted retribution happen." After leaving a word, he walked away without looking back.

A man who has never been superstitious actually believed this set of unfounded rhetoric.It's not that Zuo Cheng is too dull, it's that Jiang Xiachu is too smart, she understands Zuo Cheng's weakness too well.

Jiang Xiachu looked at Zuo Cheng with a chuckle, turned around and closed the door, and sat down on the corner of the bed with a splitting headache. She knocked over the drawer tremblingly, and spilled all kinds of medicine on the floor. She randomly grabbed a few Kind of swallowed, and then shrank on the edge of the bed, unable to open his eyes in a daze.

Hate him, seems more and more tired.

She might not be able to get rid of the poison called Zuo Cheng alone.

The moon is not yet full, and it is getting darker. This summer night is dead silent in the darkness, and there is only one place that is noisy, and that is the territory of Zuocheng.

A dim lamp was hung, illuminating the blue rocks on the four walls with a gloomy light, with a kind of splendor made of blood and white bones.

The man came from the long dark stairs, under the dim light, a breath-takingly beautiful face became clearer and clearer.The person on the far wall slowly raised his head, and the iron chains wrapped around him made a sharp sound.

"Sir." The voice was weak and hoarse, trembling badly.

Perhaps the most frightening thing is not death, but half-stepping out of the way of life, waiting for the sentence without expectation.

Zuo Cheng leaned against the wall, fiddled with the torture tools on the iron frame with his fingers, never raised his head, and asked in a cold voice, "Do you have any complaints?"

Raising his head, the iron chain on his neck pulled the scabbed wound, there was dazzling red oozing, and his chapped lips pulled slightly: "Yes."

She replied that she would never think of lying in front of Zuo Cheng.

The cold profile looks like a portrait in a medieval sketch, without any vivid beauty.His fingertips fell on the dark red iron chain on Zuo Yu's wrist: "If you have any complaints, treat me, not her."

This man must be in love, because this man has murderous intentions.

Up to now, she is still alive, and there are only two kinds of results left, either she is safe or she cannot die, the possibility of the former is very small.

Zuo Yu dilated his pupils in horror, his wrists bound by iron chains trembled, as if he was strangled by the throat, and his voice trembled: "If I say I have no complaints, will the master let me live?"

"No, I will get rid of you sooner. I can't tolerate people who hide from me." This bloody basement was dead silent, Zuo Cheng's voice was stained by the coldness in the air, and his smile was still there.

Zuo Yu smiled wryly, with the determination to kill him: "Zuo Yu, I have no way out."

Zuo Cheng looked into her eyes, not knowing whether to laugh at himself or not: "I thought so too, but..."

only?Zuo Cheng's voice froze.

just what?Zuo Yu didn't dare to speculate about the helplessness hidden behind those two words, and didn't dare to ask.

After a moment of silence, he asked her, "Why don't you beg for mercy and explain?"

"Because knowing it's useless, none of the people who entered the basement of Zuo's house can get out alive so far."

Begging for mercy and explaining that this kind of thing is in the Zuo family, it's just that woman's patent.The hell under the Zuo family's castle, there is no gold medal for avoiding death, she resigned to her fate.

But a cold voice sounded, without warmth: "You are the first." This is the coldest forgiveness, "You are the first exception to get out alive."

Zuo Yu's pupils dilated, unbelievable.

Stretching out his hand, Zuo Cheng slowly untied the iron chain, the apricot light hit his pale fingertips, making it more translucent, stained with red blood stains.He just sneered, moody: "You can ask a question."

The iron chain was untied, and Zuo Yu fell to the ground with limp feet. After walking through the gate of hell, she was terrified and afraid, she didn't dare to look into Zuo Cheng's eyes, and asked tremblingly, "What's the price?" Looking at Zuo Cheng's heavy eyes, "From the first day I entered Zuo's house, you told me that these two words are the rules of Zuo's house."

The Zuo family pursues an exchange of equal value, and he is making a deal.

Zuo Yu had a hunch that the price Zuo Cheng wanted her to pay was related to that person.

Sure enough, with the light behind him, his side face darkened, he said: "Your life will be hers from now on, you can only die for her."

After the words fell, he turned around, and the lights behind him became the background.

Zuo Yu raised his eyes, watched the man walk away, breathing heavily, and slowly opened his eyebrows.

she?She was missed by Zuo Cheng, and there was only one person in Zuo's house.

Jiang Xiachu...

The sky of the Zuo family... has changed.

When he woke up, the night was thick, Jiang Xiachu didn't know how long he had slept, his body was tightly wrapped in horns, he was sweating all over, his head was no longer hurting, and he laughed at himself: more and more slack, what is he doing? I don't even know when the time has come.

She covered her head and snuggled up under the quilt, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, the tip of her nose was full of the breath of Zuocheng, she was really dazed.Standing up, she habitually shouted: "Xiaoyu." Then she smiled wryly, "Why did I forget, she's not here anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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