exclusive marriage

Chapter 125 Bloodthirsty Moon No. 7

Chapter 125 Bloodthirsty October 1th ([-])
"Have you softened your heart?" She leaned against Zuo Cheng and asked softly.

"Yeah." The quilt was covered, under the quilt, the light couldn't shine in, they couldn't see each other's eyes clearly, only Zuo Cheng's voice echoed, "I know very well—" He paused awkwardly, and he hugged his arms tightly "Your bargaining chip is not yourself, but my reluctance. I'm still soft on you."

"You can see it." She lowered her eyes, leaned her head against Zuo Cheng's heart, and raised the corners of her lips.

This woman is a fox with its claws hidden. She is so shrewd that she plotted against Zuocheng.

He clearly knew that, from her premeditated plan, from the very beginning, he still suffered a crushing defeat.

From the beginning, she knew that he couldn't bear to wrong her, so he made a deal.

From the very beginning, he knew that she was betting on his reluctance.

Is it smarter?I don't know, it's just that Jiang Xiachu won, not because of planning, but because that man loves her too much.

"You actually know, and you still lost." She laughed.

Zuo Cheng seemed helpless, but he was full of pampering: "Well, Xia Chu, your methods are very clumsy."

"Sure enough, they are right. In terms of scheming, no one can play Zuocheng." Jiang Xiachu said in a playful tone.

This woman is so unconscious!
Obviously, Zuo Cheng lost to her clumsy means.

In the scheming between men and women, the side that loves more always loses, so Zuo Cheng has no chance of winning at all.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he searched for her lips and kissed her. After tossing and turning for a while, he finally opened his mouth. His voice was muffled and a little unnaturally awkward: "Except for you. I can't see your scheming. There is no difference. It's a loss."

Regarding the man's more and more addictive intimacy, Jiang Xiachu just pursed his lips and didn't struggle anymore.

Habit is really a terrible subtlety.

"You are so pitiful, Zuocheng, you met me."

She said so, laughing, feeling absurd, but not ridiculed.

After finishing speaking, he leaned in, farther away from Zuocheng, but the man stretched out his hand and pulled her back into his arms, his movements were gentle but domineering, and his voice was normal: "Don't pity me, because I have no intention of letting you go. "

It's not sympathy, she doesn't know what it is, anyway, she feels sour in her heart.She didn't speak any more, closed her eyes, and raised the corners of her lips.

He hugged her, and the moonlight outside the window fell to the ground, softening their shadows.

A night without dreams, all in peace.

Ai Weiguo stopped filming, no matter how windy or rainy it is outside, the Zuo family is calm.

To use Guan Ai's words: Zuocheng hid Jiang Xiachu too tightly.

The peaceful days seem to pass quickly, and in a blink of an eye, midsummer will pass, and the breath of early autumn is approaching.

In just two months, the Zuo family seemed to be turned upside down. The Zuo family, which had never had a woman, had one more headed housewife. It was leveled within three days, and a huge flower shed was built within three days.

Everyone in the Zuo family knew that the female mistress didn't like thorn sunflowers, and the male master loved his wife like his life, but a strange thing happened. The male master planted a room of thorn sunflowers in the innermost side of the flower shed.

When Zuo Yu smiled and told Jiang Xiachu about this, Jiang Xiachu just gave a cold snort, and replied lightly: "I have no objection to where he wants to kill and set fire."

Zuo Yu just smiled, and replied in his heart: It's better not to have your opinion, otherwise the master will definitely feel bad.

However, what about the day when the murder and arson came?
Women are always duplicity.

On that day, October [-]th, Jiang Xiachu will always remember, the blood all over the place...

The morning of October [-]th was a bright day.

Probably because he has been isolated from the world for a long time, Jiang Xiachu has recently become obsessed with potted plants.

The wild roses that hadn't bloomed last night have already budded, and the pale crimson flowers are very beautiful.

After cultivating the soil, Jiang Xiachu didn't look back: "Little fish, give me the scissors."

After receiving the scissors handed over, she focused on the pot of wild roses, frowned, and stretched out her hand for a while.

The hand was caught suddenly, and the voice was slightly hurried: "Don't touch it."

Jiang Xiachu's eyes turned suddenly, and his eyes fell on his hands.

Zuo Cheng was the only one who had such beautiful hands with a piercing coldness.

Jiang Xiachu slowly raised her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Zuo Cheng's face, and suddenly remembered Guan Ai's words: the word "beauty" is just right.

He was stunned for a moment.

She was a little absent-minded, Zuo Cheng's hand in the palm was cold, he took the scissors in her hand, and his voice was as soft as a cloud: "There are thorns."

Jiang Xiachu's eyes were suddenly startled, she withdrew her hand, her movements were a little cramped and flustered, she didn't look into Zuo Cheng's eyes, her eyes fell on Qiangwei next to her, and said lightly: "What are you doing here?"

"Look at you." Zuo Cheng answered two words concisely, without any reservations.

This frosty man sometimes makes people so uncomfortable.There was no expression on Jiang Xiachu's face, and there was no joke: "That's right, viewing flowers is not suitable for you." Kneeling down, she looked at the wild rose that was about to bloom, her black and white eyes were clear, like the calm West Lake The water was so clean that no impurities could be seen, and a crimson rose that was about to open was reflected in the reflection. She asked lightly, "Is it beautiful? It will open in a few days."

Zuo Cheng was beside her, leaning over, not looking at the flower in the potted plant, his sight was like a dense net, locked onto Jiang Xiachu's side face all the time, nodding in response: "Yes."

Flower beauty?Still beautiful?
If people are more beautiful, Zuo Cheng is the most, so he has always been immune to beautiful things, Jiang Xiachu is the only exception.

Therefore, it is human beauty!
Jiang Xiachu didn't turn her eyes, so she didn't know that in Zuocheng's eyes, she was more beautiful than Qiangwei. She admired the flowers as if no one was there, raised her fingers, brushed the stems, and frowned slightly: "But it seems that beautiful things always have thorns. .”

Her fingertips felt like pinpricks, and she just looked at the little red spots on the green stems and leaves.

Zuo Cheng snatched her hand: "Show me." He put a light kiss on his lips, and whispered softly, "Does it hurt?"

His lips were cool, and the kissed fingertips seemed to be stained with a thin layer of frost, a little itchy.Jiang Xiachu didn't take back his hand, and calmly suppressed the trance in his eyes, nodded, his voice was as faint as blue smoke: "Well, I seem to always provoke things with thorns, it really hurts."

For example, Zuocheng is a poppy with thorns.

While saying this, Jiang Xiachu didn't know that she was the sharpest thorn.

Zuo Cheng's hand was tightly wrapped around her hand, her little palm was soft, unlike her cold and hard temper, Zuo Cheng's heart was inexplicably soft, calling her name, Lingering: "At the beginning of summer."

Zuo Cheng's eyes cleared a kind of coolness and sadness, and the unspoken words stuck in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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