exclusive marriage

Chapter 126 Bloodthirsty Moon No. 7

Chapter 126 Bloodthirsty October 2th ([-])
At the beginning of Jiang Xia's lowered eyes, suddenly condensed, she landed on Zuo Cheng's hand: "Your hands are more beautiful than before." Looking up at Zuo Cheng, she asked in an understatement tone, "Have you been stained with blood recently?" Zuo Cheng's face darkened, and before he could speak, Jiang Xiachu took over and continued to speak calmly, "Zuo Yu said, the thorn sunflower over the flower shed is growing well, is it because of the blood? Just go and have a look."

"Chu Xia, you are very smart." After a slight pause, he sighed, "Sometimes, I am afraid of your smartness."

Jiang Xiachu's eyes are always faint, like the clear water of the West Lake, unable to see a trace of joy or anger, but they can always pierce through all defenses quietly and see clearly.

He was always afraid that she would know about the unknown darkness, but he still couldn't hide it from her eyes.

Then, she said: "I'm not smart, I just know that in your world, there are some essential things, such as non-stop killing and being killed."

Those most beautiful hands slowly lowered... There seemed to be large swathes of dark clouds reflected in his eyes, and even his voice seemed to be a bit bleak: "Xia Chu, there is nothing you can do if you don't like it."

I don't like you, murderous you... I don't know why Jiang Xia Chu couldn't say this sentence, she turned her body slightly, and stopped looking at that person's deceptive eyes.

Those eyes, my sister said, the first one is thrilling, but the second one is dazzled.

On the left side, on the side, the man's voice was so faint that it was almost inaudible. He said: "This is the law of my survival. If I am soft-hearted, the grass on my grave will be taller than people today."

In this case, Zuo Cheng spoke lightly, with a habitual gesture, neither tepid nor frightened.

I still remember that year, she was the one who held his hand in the snow and said: such beautiful hands should not only be used to.

After going around for so many years, his hands are still stained with blood as a habit.

The grass on the graves of many people is higher than that of people, so he is alive.

That is a law that Jiang Xiachu can't touch, or even dare not imagine, even subverting her moral values, she is beyond hope, with a cold smile on her lips, she sneers and sarcastically: "If there is hell, you will definitely go to it when you die. of."

"Let's go together." He suddenly took her hand, exerting force, in a monopolistic gesture.

He replied without any hesitation.He is not afraid of hell, but he is afraid that hell will not have her.

Jiang Xia smiled at the beginning, that smile seemed neither happy nor angry, there was no warmth in her eyes, and she replied lightly: "I know." Turning around, the man was still holding her hand, his eyes were as still as stagnant water without source, half Noisy, she said, "Zuocheng, sometimes, leave a way for people to escape. When you lead me like this, I will be afraid."

I will be afraid...

With just three words, she destroyed all the walls of the left city, and all the sorrow and desolation came to attack people with an ulterior motive.

The hands that had been tightly clasped all the time were slowly released, Zuo Cheng just pursed his lips with a cold arc.

Afterwards, without saying a word, Jiang Xiachu turned around and left, the October sun dimmed behind her, and the man behind him murmured desolately: "But you never gave me a way out."

Back road, those two words are too unfamiliar, Zuo Cheng has never got it, so he won't.

However, Zuo Cheng said that in this life, there is no way to say no to Jiang Xiachu.

The day is still going on, the sun sets and the moon rises on October [-]th.

Today's Zuo Zhai seems to be particularly quiet, so quiet that it makes one feel cold.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Xiachu tossed and turned.This is a sleepless night.

"Young madam, why aren't you asleep yet?" Zuo Yu waited respectfully at the door.

The word "Young Madam" became more and more fluent to the people who called it, and the people who heard it couldn't remember to correct it.Nothing is imperceptible.

Seems to be thinking, paused for a while: "Thirsty." Poured a glass of water, brought it to his lips, and asked calmly, "He hasn't come back yet?"

There is not even a drop of water on her lips, this woman is clearly not thirsty.

Women seem to have a lot of duplicity.

Without waiting for Zuo Yu's answer, he said in a tepid way: "I haven't come back so late."

He seemed to want to say something, but there was no text.Zuo Yu was a little confused, more confused: "How does Young Madam know?"

Jiang Xiachu never asked questions like this, and Jiang Xiachu never had the awareness that a hostess should have, but Jiang Xiachu's tone and words just now made Zuo Yu realize...she is the husband's wife.An inexplicable sudden feeling.

It's just that the eyes on Jiang Xiachu's face are always clear and indifferent, without a trace of truth or falsehood.

How did she know?Jiang Xiachu thought for a while: "Zuocheng seems to have developed a habit, every night at this time."

The tone was light and the answer was ambiguous.It's just that Zuo Yu understands that many, many nights, also at this time, when Zuo's house is completely silent, there is a man who will stay by a woman's side, just watching, silent in the silence.

It turned out that Jiang Xiachu also knew, and pretended not to know.

Inexplicably, Zuo Yu, who was a bystander, felt melancholy: "So the young lady knows." It's just that so many nights, how did she pretend not to know?Zuo Yu thought it was incredible.

When it comes to pretending, Jiang Xiachu is already very familiar with it, such a woman always hides her sincerity deeper than others.

She knew it, she couldn't deny it, and the words she replied were a bit inexplicable, she said: "Habit is really a terrible thing." The softness in her eyes didn't know where it came from, and for some reason, it shattered the coldness in her eyes.

Since when did Zuo Cheng come, she couldn't sleep, if Zuo Cheng didn't come, she couldn't sleep even more, in the form of a habit, she couldn't even take precautions.

That kind of thing will quietly invade the bone marrow and blood, and when you find it, you can't extricate yourself. It will always happen after you wake up. This is a habit.

What a bad habit... Jiang Xiachu's lips showed a coolness, she turned around and went back to her room.

Zuo Yu was stunned, raised his head, and the man stopped again. Tonight, Zuo Yu always seemed to be unsure of what the man was thinking: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiachu was just silent, as if he was concentrating on something, Zuo Yu was also so quiet, listening carefully, the voice... After a while, suddenly cramped, but pretending to be calm: "Young Madam, it's already late, go to sleep."

At the beginning of Jiang Xia's eyes, he glanced at Zuo Yu, and with just one glance, Zuo Yu had the illusion that he had nowhere to escape.

This woman has bipolar eyes like Zuo Cheng's, she can see too much.

Zuo Yu was flustered, staring at the ground helplessly, and hurriedly explained: "Young Madam, it's nothing, I'll just go and have a look."

"Zuo Yu, your eyes always like to look at the ground when you cover up." Jiang Xiachu's tone was only light, but no matter how you heard it, it sent chills down your spine.

(End of this chapter)

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