exclusive marriage

Chapter 127: The Man Who Attacks the Mind

Chapter 127: The Man Who Attacks the Mind (1)
Zuo Yu was astonished and couldn't find the words to answer for a while.

Who said that Jiang Xiachu was just an unarmed, harmless and innocent woman?This woman's mind is worth a thousand troops.

Jiang Xiachu still looked tepid, and seemed to be talking to himself: "The thorn sunflower should be very different tonight, I want to see it."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed Zuo Yu, hesitated, and followed immediately: "Young Madam—"

Before Zuo Yu could finish his words, Jiang Xia Chu's words, as light as green smoke, slowly floated in the air: "Don't follow."

Obviously there was no order or deterrence, but Zuo Yu couldn't take a step anymore, and watched Jiang Xiachu approaching the moonlight outside the house worriedly.

As expected, it was another tragedy, Zuo Yu sighed.

Zuo's flower shed planted a room of thorn sunflowers, which was Zuocheng's territory and his Shura field.

A wicker chair, the man leaned back, his fingertips clasped the armrests one after another, as lazy as a pampered aristocratic cat, only those eyes, even if they were closed, could not hide the coldness , raised his eyes slightly, the man kneeling on the ground bowed his head, trembling.

This is Zuocheng, the king of violent aesthetics.

He turned slightly sideways, looked down lazily with his half-closed eyes, and could not hear any emotion in his voice: "Did the Zuo family treat you badly, or did they give you a more satisfactory price?"

Zuo Cheng has never lost his temper, and his usual technique is to be calm and unexpected.So when this man is gentle and calm to you, he is often the most dangerous.

The man on the ground was named Zuo Lin, and for the man sitting on the rattan chair, there was nothing but fear, and his voice trembled: "Neither, they arrested my sister and said that if they don't do what they say, they will let my sister die." Picking up guests in Jiuyetian, that kind of place, if a girl enters, her life will be over. My sister is only 16 years old. I can't just watch her being ruined like this. She is not yet an adult. I really have no choice but this time. I can't force it. Sir, please forgive me this time." Drops of cold sweat rolled down Zuo Lin's forehead and dripped on his face, and he didn't even dare to reach out to wipe it off.

Zuo Cheng said nothing, the light illuminated his face cold and gloomy, with a dazzling beauty.

The man on the ground was like kneeling on pins and needles. After a long silence, Zuo Cheng's voice was cold and charming: "Do you know what's wrong?" The hand clasping the wicker chair stopped, and his eyes glanced at the man on the ground.

Zuo Lin seemed to have been pricked by a needle in his back, except for trembling, he didn't dare to do anything, and replied tremblingly: "Back, betrayed sir."

"Think about it again." Zuo Cheng's eyes were filled with dusty coldness.

Zuo Lin pondered, shrunk his neck and raised his head slightly, just met Zuo Cheng's eyes, as if looking into the ice and snow, replied suspiciously and tentatively: "Husband, young lady."

There are rumors in the Zuo family that Zuo Cheng is addicted to his wife...

The corner of Zuo Cheng's lips curled into a hint of ruthlessness: "If she hadn't moved her mind, maybe I could have kept you."

It turned out that the rumors were true, the mysterious young lady of the Zuo family was Ni Lin from Zuo Cheng.

Zuo Lin's face was ashen, and his terrified eyes were ashen.

Suddenly, Zuo Cheng said again: "I'll give you another chance." After a pause, "Not a single word was missed."

The men standing on the side all looked at each other in blank dismay, today's master is a bit weird, wouldn't it be enough to just cut it off?You look at me, I look at you, everyone has an epiphany: when it comes to that young lady, the master will never have principles.

The eyes of the limp man on the ground suddenly lit up, and he immediately knelt up straight: "Zhang Aotian said that he wants to know everything about the Zuo family and the Zuo family, the bidding price of the project, and the transfer of Zuo's shares in Taiwan. I revealed that Zhang Aotian seems to want to buy Zuo's shares, planning to start after the rain."

"What else?" The man sitting just opened his lips lightly, his words were enough to freeze thousands of miles.

Zuo Lin's knees trembled while he was kneeling, and he did not dare to hesitate in his voice: "About the young lady, I really just mentioned one thing. Zhang Aotian wanted information, but, but no, no."

Zuo Cheng suddenly fell silent, as if he was thinking about something.With the light behind him, the profile of his face seemed to be surrounded by large swaths of dark clouds.

Zuo Lin wiped off his sweat, moved a few steps on his knees, and knocked his head on the ground: "Please forgive me this time, sir, just this time, I won't dare again."

The man kneeling on the ground has no dignity at all, in front of Zuo Cheng, at the moment of his life, that's nothing but fart!
After being silent for a while, Zuo Cheng suddenly raised his eyebrows, frowned slightly, and asked in a serious manner, "Only once?"

It was clearly a rhetorical question, but Zuo Cheng's tone of voice caused the man kneeling on the ground to hang in his heart, hesitating: "One, one time, only one time." He didn't dare to look up, the man kept begging for mercy, "Sir, I don't dare anymore. I still have a younger sister to take care of. Please give me one more chance. I will definitely be able to make amends. I know there are people lurking over there. I can speak out. I just ask A way out."

Zuo Lin buried his head in begging for mercy, but he didn't dare to look at Zuo Cheng in his eyes.Little did he know that he made a fatal mistake: underestimating Zuo Cheng.

"How long have you been at Zuo's house?" The eyes of the man on the rattan chair were slightly cold, and his tone was still cold for thousands of years.

Zuo Lin broke into a cold sweat: "Three years."

Either give it a good time or give it a forgiveness, this is the usual rule of the Zuo family, but today, the master of the Zuo family doesn't seem to like to play cards according to common sense.

Zuo Cheng stared at his hands that seduced people's eyes, and murmured seemingly unintentionally: "Three years, it's not short." His eyes were like moonlight, suddenly cold, "Do you know what I can't tolerate the most? ?”

Zuo Cheng has such an aura, he is happy, he is angry, he is neither happy nor angry, he can easily strangle people by the throat.

Zuo Lin, who was not injured or died, but with sound limbs, tremblingly said, "I know, I know."

"Talk about it." A face that turned all sentient beings upside down, but people took a first look and dared not take a second look.

"Infidelity, and lying."

In front of Zuocheng, avoid these two points, that is definitely a dead end, but sometimes, people who have stepped into the palace of Hades with one foot always like to put them to death and have a second life, but they forget that the two "children" Zuocheng didn't give me a word, so don't try to fight for it.

Zuo Lin is the one who stepped into the palace of Hades with one foot, struggling like this.

"Recall carefully now, what mistakes did you make when you turned around just now?"

Zuo Cheng seems to have always been tepid and emotionless. This man thinks, does, will do, and may do, not on the surface, but in his heart, so don't speculate on what he will do next.

Because it is impossible to guess, every word and every look of Zuo Lin's every word, every step of the way is difficult: "No, loyal." Guilty hesitating, the man in front of him has too strong aura, even if the clothes are perfect, he looks lame.

"What else?" The side of his face seemed to be covered with hoarfrost, his thin lips were only slightly parted, and even his eyes were carelessly narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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