exclusive marriage

Chapter 161 The toilet is a place with a high incidence of accidents

Chapter 161 The toilet is a place with a high incidence of accidents (2)
Beauty Rose smiled, her eyes piercing: "How can I be so honored, who doesn't know that the singers that the creator Xia took over will be very popular. It's just that you are famous, I don't think it's hard to know."

The beauty Rose spoke harshly, her big beautiful eyes were full of sharpness, and a fire was ignited.

A woman's anger is always inexplicable and menacing, making it impossible to resist.

Jiang Xia raised her eyes at the beginning, expressionless: "Please let me go."

Jiang Xiachu always stayed away from trouble, but the beauty sneered, instead of letting go, she stood in front of Jiang Xiachu, her height was not as good as Jiang Xiachu's, but her aura was a little higher: "Isn't that good? I don't have much capital except being brave. "

The sourness, the envy and jealousy of women always start out indescribably and without reason, and then extend uncontrollably.

People who have never met before, let alone grievances and entanglements, are so disgusted and make things difficult, it is not difficult to guess the reason, she asked: "Is it because of Lin Qingyan or Ye Zaixi?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, her eyes became sharper, her curved eyes were like blades, and her voice was piercing: "What nonsense are you talking about."

There is a smell that wants to be concealed!That's a better guess.Jiang Xiachu was cold and restrained, and lightly reiterated: "Is it because of Lin Qingyan, or because of Ye Zaixi's resentment?"

The beauty sneered, turned her eyes slightly, lit up a spark, and took a step closer, aggressively, with a sharp tone: "You are quite righteous, are you afraid that others will not know your ability to steal men?"

It turned out to be for men!It's no wonder that women's jealousy and hatred are mostly due to men.

It's just, how many romantic accounts did that man provoke?Hit everywhere.

Jiang Xiachu frowned, pursed her lips and remained silent.

Probably women are animals that bully the good and fear the evil. Seeing that Jiang Xiachu remained silent, the rose beauty became more aggressive, and brushed her curly long hair: "It's not that good either." Fan, "I really don't know what to use to seduce a man? Is it fox charm?"

Foxy?Well, women who have been robbed of their man can never get around this topic.

This kind of ridicule and slander, most people probably can't bear it, but Jiang Xiachu is no ordinary person, there is no expression on his face, he raised his eyes, and said in a neutral tone, "It has nothing to do with you."

"You—" The beauty was so angry that her pretty face under the nude makeup couldn't hold back anymore.

There were no interesting ripples in his eyes, Jiang Xiachu walked around the thorny beauty and left.

Guan Ai was right, even if Jiang Xiachu didn't say a word, he could piss him off. The beauty stomped her feet in anger, and walked to the sink: "Why are you running away? You don't even want your bags?"

Jiang Xiachu stopped, frowning, the woman came over, stretched out her hand, with a smile on her lips, and let go before Jiang Xiachu took it.

Boom—the small items in the bag fell all over the floor.

The woman clapped her hands and chuckled, "Sorry, my hands are slippery."

Blind people can also see that this woman is just finding fault.

Suddenly, there was a clicking sound, and following the sound, the man leaning lazily by the door, with a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes, wasn't that enchanting Ye Zaixi?
The man's handsome face was serious, and he walked over and glanced at the ground: "Sure enough, there are a lot of things." After speaking, he squatted down again, and slowly picked up the debris on the ground.

The beauty was dumbfounded: "Zai, Zaixi." The two words were not smooth.

The tone was one-third flustered, three-point doubtful, and four-point surprised whether it was surprise or joy.

Another bad relationship!

Ye Zaixi didn't seem to hear the woman calling him, after finishing packing, he took Jiang Xiachu's hand and put the bag into her hand: "You woman, you don't mind the smog in such a smoky place."

Although this remark did not have a good attitude, it probably sounded like flirting.

The rose woman held her red skirt with her hands, her face turned pale, but the man turned his eyes and looked over: "Zhang Xi, women are too arrogant to be likable."

The man smiled brightly, spoke wickedly, and was not serious, but he made a sentence that seemed to be true and false, which made the woman's pale face turn red: "Then do you like her?"

The woman stared at Jiang Xiachu fieryly. Jiang Xiachu just frowned uncomfortably. She didn't like jealousy.

It's just that the culprit still looked casual, and asked lazily, "What do you think?" Then he put his arms around Jiang Xiachu's shoulders, making a gesture of intimacy, "Aren't you curious about what she uses to seduce men? Let me tell you." The tone is seductive and ambiguous, "Her vixenity is inferior to yours, and she would not steal a man without you. It just so happens that I want to seduce her."

"What did you say?" Zhang Xi's face was pale, his pupils were frighteningly wide, and soon there was water vapor, and he was about to cry.

Jiang Xiachu frowned, and was about to break free, but the man put his arms around her waist with all his strength, his face was as charming as ever: "I don't understand? It's just—" Holding Jiang Xiachu in his arms, he moved closer, sighed, and smiled She smiled, "A woman who is too stupid is not cute."

After finishing speaking, he gave an evil laugh, turned around and left with Jiang Xiachu in his arms, and then, with a click, the door was closed.

Zhang Xi had just recovered from his stupefaction, and his handsome face was full of grief and anger at the same time, and he yelled out: "Ye Zaixi!"

After a while, there was another click, and the man outside the door said in a nice and sexy voice: "Sorry, my hands are slippery."

The door was locked, and the woman inside shouted, "Zai Xi, open the door."

"Don't you know? Slippery hands." After speaking, she left with her arms around Jiang Xiachu.

Well, this man really holds a grudge!
After walking a few steps, Jiang Xiachu broke away from Ye Zaixi's hand and looked at the locked door. The woman inside was still shouting, and many people were watching, but because of Ye Zaixi, no one dared to open the door. Accustomed to such staring salutes, he walked forward without saying anything.

The man behind him followed, angry or angry: "You woman, you are not stupid, you will not answer back when you are pointed at your nose and scolded. You have a smart head, and you don't know how to use it properly. Time, I won't push back!" The tone was annoyed and resentful, even more uncomfortable than being angry.

This guy has to use this method even if he feels wronged for her.

She didn't speak all the time, she opened her mouth abruptly, and asked very seriously: "Ye Zaixi, how many romantic accounts do you have?"

Ye Zaixi was stunned for a moment, probably did not expect that a woman who has always been good-tempered and didn't like to meddle in other people's affairs would ask such a gossip question, and after a while, she replied in a low tone: "It's not too little."

Jiang Xiachu just shook her head, said nothing, and walked quickly. According to her temperament, she was staying away from trouble.

Ye Zaixi was annoyed: "What kind of attitude is this woman, is this dissatisfaction with the Lord?"

Here we go again, it's really 'grandfather'.

(End of this chapter)

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