exclusive marriage

Chapter 162 The showbiz is a certain guy's world

Chapter 162 The showbiz is a certain guy's world (1)
dissatisfied?Jiang Xiachu didn't have such a rich expression, he still had a face that hadn't changed for a thousand years, and continued to stay away.

Being neglected, Ye Zaixi, who had an unmatched thick skin, couldn't hold back any more, and became even more angry: "Jiang Xiachu!"

The woman in front stopped suddenly.

The corners of Ye Zaixi's lips curled up, and when she looked up, she pursed her lips tightly again.

Is this a close encounter?

Two men and one woman, that is gunpowder.

No one spoke again, Ye Zaixi curled his lips, walked over, and stood on Jiang Xiachu's left: "It's late."

An irrelevant sentence meant something, and the man on Jiang Xiachu's right had a frown on his brow, just looked at her with complicated eyes, and finally didn't speak.

If you meet like this, among the crowd, you don't need to look back, she can see Zuo Cheng's face when she looks sideways, but she doesn't, and her voice is a little cold: "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, he started to walk past Zuo Cheng, but he didn't hold her with his raised hand.

"Cut—" Ye Zaixi snorted coldly and followed.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Zuo Cheng turned around, clenched his fists, his eyes were filled with coldness, that was his woman from Zuo Cheng, and the one who protected her was indeed someone else, he hated it!
"Left City."

On the opposite side, Guan Yu walked over with a long skirt, and followed Zuo Cheng's line of sight: "What are you looking at?"

He didn't say anything, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were deep and dark, he turned and left.

Guan Yu's frightened face lost some color, shook her head, gave a wry smile and followed, unhurriedly, always separated by a short distance, she asked: "Why did you attend? I remember You don't like parties like this."

With him, she was always the one who started the conversation, she thought, she met a taciturn and silent man, so it would always be harder.

Unsurprisingly, he was reticent, only two words: "Investment." No emotion could be heard.

invest?Although the benefits of this kind of music festival are considerable, if it is the Zuo family, it will be insignificant.

She is not stupid, and she is smart. She is also good at business, so it is an excuse.She smiled, took the conversation, and jokingly asked, "Really?" After a pause, the man didn't answer, and it was still her who said, "I thought it was at most a high-level person, but they invited you, they thought It's my host's face, how can I have such a big ability."

They all said that Zuo Cheng doted on his woman and spared no expense to make her a beauty.But that's just 'they say'.

She was the host of this grand ceremony, but she was almost the last to know that he was the sponsor.If Zuo Cheng is really a confidante, that concubine must not be her, so when others mentioned it, she just smiled and became that superficial 'concubine'.

She looked at Zuo Cheng's side face, but this man, his emotions were never on the surface, and that beauty was like a looming mystery, she saw the details, but never knew the whole picture.

Suddenly, the man turned his eyes and met her eyes. His eyes were captivating, and his voice was cold: "Did you figure out anything?"

This man's eyes can really read minds.For a while, Guan Yu had nowhere to look, and when he met the man's bewitching eyes, he lost his mind and confessed without any resistance: "Your thoughts are too deep, and I can't figure it out."

When it comes to scheming cities, especially Zuocheng.She loves it terribly, but she is also terrified of it.

Her gaze was gentle, falling into Zuo Cheng's eyes, it was indeed cold, just like his words, also tinged with coldness: "Even when you see that you are deliberately concealing it, you still speculate." After a pause, the light in her eyes lifted slightly, Surprisingly sharp, "It's a very unwise approach."

The Zuo Cheng that Guan Yu saw was neither happy nor angry, he was too sensible and shrewd. Apart from heart palpitations, this kind of man also had——

"Curiosity." She reiterated, "I'm just curious. Is there something worth concealing deliberately." His eyes were deeply fixed on Zuo Cheng's eyes, but he couldn't see anything clearly through the thick cold air.

He had a half-smile, but it was also beautiful: "Curious?" His thin lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes were so indifferent that it was hard to look directly at her. It was the first time that he looked directly at her so intently, and he opened his lips lightly, "It's best not to."

It has been said that a woman's love begins with curiosity.

Men like Zuo Cheng never allow women to be curious.She wasn't surprised by this, but she couldn't help but wonder what kind of model his love was for such an indifferent and heartless man.

Immediately stop this kind of thinking, because her heart is sore and her throat is tight, she can only pull the corners of her lips, pretending to be calm: "Zuocheng, one day, you will tell me yourself."

"Then wait until that day."

This topic should be stopped, she talked and laughed freely: "Let's go, we are waiting for you to start."

She smiled, the subtle desolation in her eyes seemed to be absent, she lifted the corners of her eyes, her phoenix eyes were beautiful, she raised her steps, and walked in front of Zuo Cheng, her long lavender skirt trailing the floor.

In this way, you can not look into his cold eyes.

After a while, Guan Yu was still Guan Yu, Zuo Cheng was still Zuo Cheng, she was elegant and dignified, and he was indifferent, deep and taciturn.

She said: "You, the big president, came here suddenly. The organizers panicked, and the procedures were messed up. I still have the previous list of awards in my hand." Turning around, she glanced at him, "If you have no objection—— "

Before he finished speaking, he coldly read a name: "Zhang Xi."

"Huh?" She was puzzled, and looked at Zuo Cheng carefully, his brows seemed to be a lot colder and darker.

She thought, as a media person, she is no stranger, and all the information about those two words was in her mind in a second.

Zhang Xi, a rising star in the entertainment circle, a popular singer who debuted less than two years ago.This time the winner of the Temple's Best Newcomer Award.

It's just that this woman can't get along with Zuo Cheng?Guan Yu's brows were tightly frowned, and he didn't let go for a long time. There were still three words: I can't figure it out.

"What happened to her?" she asked the silent man.

"Get rid of her, and the rest will remain the same." With these eight concise words, there was a touch of ruthlessness in the middle of his brows.

This man is usually neither happy nor angry, so she was so ruthless without warning, she just felt startled and sighed: "How can I not be curious about you like this."

There was no answer, the man's eyes narrowed, and he walked away, the coldness all over his body hadn't faded away.

Looking at his back, my heart was sore and soft, I opened my mouth, my throat was choked, but I still didn't say anything, I followed his steps all the time, still not in a hurry, and kept a distance.

The aisle is quiet, beautiful skirts, beautiful women, and indifferent men are a bit out of place.

The awards ceremony was delayed for half an hour. Jiang Xiachu entered the venue very late. When she entered, it was already full of people. Her seat was in a corner, a very inconspicuous place. She was satisfied, but it was quiet. After a while, Ye Zaixi sat in, leaving the golden seat in the first row, next to Jiang Xiachu, which aroused a lot of suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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